You watched Benny
twirl his 6 shooter
around his 8 year old
finger, then cleverly
put it back in the holster
on the right hand side
of his jeans;his cowboy
hat was on string about
his neck, the hat at
the back. He saw you
going towards him.
Hi Janice, did you
see that? See me
twirl the gun? You
nodded: Yes that was
good; where did
you learn to do that?
Saw it at the flicks,
he said, this cowboy
did it and I copied him,
and practised. You
walked up to him
and saw his hazel eyes
and brown hair with
the curl at the front.
Want to have ago?
He said. Ok, you said.
He gave you the gun
out of the holster, and
you put it onto your 6
year old finger awkwardly,
and tried to twirl it,
but it fell from your
finger and flew off,
but Benny caught it
and handed it back
to you. Try again, he
said. So you did, but
slower and after a
number of tries, you
finally got it to twirl
a couple of times.
See you did it, he said
smiling. Not so good
as you though, you said,
handing him the gun.
Practise is how, he said,
you got a gun at home
you can practise with?
No, you said, I'm a girl;
anyway Gran wouldn't
like me to have a gun at
home. It's only a toy gun,
it's not real, he said, but
he never told you that the
night before he shot Billy
the Kid and Wyatt Earp dead.