George Elmore
opened up
his tired eyes
he had dreamed
of the Front
barbed wire
loud gunfire
human cries
mud and blood
quiet now
his old room
his own bed
curtains drawn
sunlight bright
and she there
gazing out
at the view
the house maid
what's her name?
Is it you?
He uttered
Polly turned
quite startled
you're awake
Master George
how are you?
She walked next
to the bed
and stood still
I don't know
how I am
am I home?
She nodded
yes you are
in your room
in London
and you are?
I'm Polly
a house maid
she told him
what to do
this is home?
He uttered
yes it is
it's your home
where's Gwyer?
He asked her
who's Gwyer?
My batman
he was here
not seen him
Polly said
are you sure?
Yes I'm sure
she sat down
on the bed
took his hand
is lost now
George informed
he was there
beside me
in the trench
then was dead
I'm sorry
Polly said
and Gwyer
where is he?
George asked her
I don't know
she replied
who are you?
I'm Polly
the house maid
who am I?
You are George
George Elmore
Polly said
he lay down
closed his eyes
leave me here
he uttered
and beware
of the shells
Polly sat
and watched him
still holding
his cold hand
and he thought
he was in
the war land.