We came out
of the small door
at the back
of the church
after the Sunday service
in which we sang
in choir
and stood looking
at the gravestones
spread around us
going back
to the river
I guess
we'll end up here
one day
Yehudit said
here amongst the dead
mournful aren't we?
I said
we're only young
not fifteen yet
and here you are
talking about
being here
we walked on
along the path
beside the church
but it's true though
we will one day
she said
one day maybe
I said
but why worry
about it now?
I'm not worried about it
just saying
she said
anyway the news
of Mr M's wife
drowning herself
in the park pond
brings it home
just how fragile
we are
we walked on
past more gravestones
some names
wearing away
with time and age
yes that was
a bit of a shock
sad when people
get to that stage
and feel the need
to end it all
I said
Yehudit's sister
passed us by
with a friend
walking faster
Yehudit held my hand
I sensed the hand there
feeling the warmth
her finger wrapping
themselves about mine
but we must focus
on living
she said
us here now
holding hands
being here
on a bright morning
not about death
or dying
we walked along
the lane away
from the church
between hedgerows
at the side
to avoid
passing cars and bikes
I'll see you
this afternoon
if I can get away
Yehudit said
if Mum doesn't want
this or that done
we walked on
she thinking about
Mr M's wife's death
and I thinking
of the afternoon
by the pond
and a kiss or two
and whatever else
young people may do.