Watching trains?
old man says
where abouts?
I tell him
I smell beer
on his breath
as he sways
on the step
stands behind
her old man
gazing through
the narrow gap
between his
arm and chest
why watch trains?
he asks me
we like trains
I tell him
the steam trains
he stares hard
hands on hips
this right Kid?
he asks her
looking down
with glazed eyes
yes Daddy
she replies
ok Kid
you can go
but you boy
keep her close
keep her safe
he tells me
sure I will
I tell him
you'd better
course I will
he goes in
walking slow
down the hall
looks at me
her small frame
seeming so
under fed
let's go then
I tell her
she lets loose
a small smile
and we go
through the Square
down the slope
enough coins
for the fare
on the bus
and maybe
2 doughnuts
1 coffee
and 1 tea.