You used to ride that bike
through these woods
Yehudit said
no tyres
no brakes
a crappy saddle
that almost
castrated you
Baruch laughed
yeah and I could get up
quite a speed
on that thing
and almost break
your neck
she said
they had just
made love
in the old shed
where he used
to store the old bike
he lay on his back
gazing at cobwebs
and leaves caught
in old spider webs
she lay on her side
staring at his profile
I loved that old bike
it was a death trap
she said
he smiled
yeah guess it was
she kissed
his naked thigh
what would your mother say
if she saw you
here now?
he asked
don't ask
she said
before kissing his hip
you know there's
probably mice in here
he said
she sat up
and looked around
how the heck
do I know
he said
he turned and gazed
at her figure
in the half light
the semi light
caught one tit
caressed it
as if
an art piece
spiders too
he added
just to see
her reaction
she looked
on the floor
covered in dead leaves
and twigs
and his old coat
laid out there
I miss that old bike
he said
studying the touch
of light
on her head
slicing her face
into two
one in shadow
one in light
what happened to it?
she asked
moving leaves
to satisfy herself
no mice or spiders
were there
Breathwaite kid took it
and it got broke up
Baruch said
she lay on her back
her head
on her folded coat
do people
still come here?
she asked
don’t know
he said
not seen anyone here
in a while
he kissed her cheek
in shadow
she moved towards him
moving her hand
along his thigh
she moved
into shadow
out of light of his eye.