![]() Chapter 2: HappeningsA Chapter by Tenjho666![]() Yeah, I made them explain their plan. So what?![]() Normal. That was the perfect word to describe Kojima's school day. Everything happened as it would normally happen, and Kojima came out of it with more than his fair share of cuts and bruises, as was normal for him. He groaned as the last bell of the day rang, and decided that it was now time for him to head back to his homeroom. As he walked through the door, he found that he was the last one to arrive from his sixth period maths class, and with a small sigh, took his seat.
The chatter was loud, and Kojima could hear snippets of coversation between the students, the primary topic being the situation that they were in. People were wondering where their teacher was, and why they were being made to stay behind. Yeah, actually...
Now that Kojima thought it over, where was their teacher? He blinked, until a heavily-built and intimidating man in military garb forced his way through the room's main door with a look of disdain on his face. He turned to the class, and spoke a short and sudden sentence.
“Good afternoon, students. Welcome to the last day of your lives.” The chatter that filled the room suddenly stopped, and Kojima turned his head to the man, a strangely defiant look in his eyes. What was he talking about? What did he mean, 'last day of our lives'? The man looked over the students, before speaking again.
“You have been told that you will all be remaining here for a while, due to a decision by our Government. That was a lie. Your class has been selected as a test sample for a new, developmental-stage super-soldier serum. This is known as VAMPS, and is, in short a disease.”
“VAMPS stands for Vampiric-Autonomous-Motor-and-Personality-Syndrome, and is a disease that we have developed for field use. As none of you will live to understand any more after this evening, I will tell you all what to expect. I'm nice like that.” His humour was lost on the students, who were all pretty shaken by this news. Even the loudmouth of the class, Sasuke, was quiet.
“VAMPS causes a single human to take on qualities much like that of an actual vampire, including enhanced strength and speed, night vision, and nigh-invulnerablility. Unfortunately, there is an incurable bloodluse that comes with this, and that is what makes the VAMPS powerful. Once you have been bitten by a VAMPS sufferer, or 'VAMP', you become the 'VAMP', and the 'VAMP' that bit you dies.” It sounded like this man was... explaining rules of some kind. He was making this out to be a simple game! He was playing a game with their lives! That just pissed Kojima off, and his eyes narrowed, staring holes into the man's head. Not that he noticed.
“If a VAMP is exposed to full sunlight, starved for 2 hours, or bitten by another VAMP, it dies. Simple. We've left a cache of various weaponry within this room to allow you to... attepmt... to defend yourselves. Once the bell rings, you may take the weapons to be prepared to defend.” He nodded, and left the room with a small grin.
“Oh.” He turned back to the students. “We begin in ten minutes. Say your goodbyes now.” As the man left the room, the chatter began again, student after student growing angrier by the second. But one voice drowned the rest out, the angriest of them all.
“Well I for one think they should have consulted the rest of our families! In fact, my brother's going to hear about this!” A girl whipped her cellphone out of her skirt pocket, and put it up to her ear, eyes and nostrils flaring in rage. Ana Stetson " a loud and brash exchange student from the US, everybody had decided that she was one thing, and one thing only. Total. B***h. Didn't speak a lick of Japanese, even her grasp on English was worse than some of our better students. Nobody liked her, plain and simple.
It took a matter of seconds for the girl to shout out in rage and throw the phone onto the ground.
“Damn it all! I can't get through! It's almost like they're blocking cellphones or something!”
Five Minutes Remaining. A metallic voice rang out from the PA system, and suddenly caches of weapons raise up everywhere in the room, revealing, among other things, rifles, pistols, even a katana or two. Sasuke was automatically onto the katana. He wanted it, and nobody else was gonna get his one. Pity they were covered with a plexiglass shield at the moment.
“Um... Kojima?” Kojima turned to the source of the voice and blushed slightly. A scared-looking Sayako stood there, hands fidgeting, and an all-round aura of worry on her body. “Can I... stay with you?” She suddenly leaped forwards and grabbed his arm, holding onto it as tightly as she could. The boy could only nod, anything else would've caused him to stutter uncontrollably. That was not something he wanted to be remembered for.
“Thank... you.” The boy blinked, before the metallic voice spoke again.
Ten Seconds.
Eight. Kojima felt Sayako's grip tighten.
Five. Sasuke grinned and tapped his bare fists together, while Temujin finally replaced his novel.
One. A strange hissing noise erupted, and the covers of the weapon's caches finally raised, allowing full access to the arsenal.
Thank you for your patience. The VAMP will now be released.
“WHAT?! I don't want to die! I'll call my brother, my uncle, anyone! They'll su-” A red line appeared on Ana's face, and the top half of her head slowly slid off, blood pouring down the bottom half of her angry-looking mouth. As the girl's body slumped on the ground, one or two of the girls screamed, and the boys simply turned away, now glaring at Sasuke, who was cleaning off and sheathing the bloody katana. He looked at them and blinked.
“What? Someone was gonna do it eventually, I just took the first oppurtunity!” © 2011 Tenjho666 |
Added on January 9, 2011 Last Updated on January 9, 2011 Author![]() Tenjho666Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty, New ZealandAboutI can't really say too much about myself - because I don't know what to say. I'm an avid roleplayer... But that's about it. Or that's about all I'm going to reveal... If you wanna know more, try makin.. more..Writing