Chapter 11: Ten Becomes Nine

Chapter 11: Ten Becomes Nine

A Chapter by Tenjho666

The boy woke up, still groggy after being hit by the car. He groaned, and looked over to his left, noting the machinery that stood there, small lights flashing on the myriad of consoles. A strange humming noise also came from the objects, but he wasn't sure if it was important for him to know about that, or whatever. He craned his neck to the right, peering at the scientists. Yeah, they were definitely scientists, and judging from the state of their coats, hands-on too. One of the men turned to him, and grinned.


“He's awake!” The boy's eyes widened, and he put his head back against the plate he'd only just realised he was attached to. The scientist who had spoke, and a few more from around the place, started slowly moving over towards where they boy was lying/attached. He clapped his hands together, said something in a language that the boy didn't understand, and then spoke in English to the boy, heavily accented.


“So, what's your name?” The boy blinked " he wanted a name? He thought for a couple of seconds, and lowered his head.


“Samson.” The scientist nodded a few times, and spoke again. Samson had to strain to hear completely.


“My name is Daryl. Do you know why you're here, Samson?” Samson shook his head hurriedly, trying to hide the fact that he did happen to know why he was here " he even had a pretty good idea where here was, too. The scientist sighed.


“You have a special power, Samson. And TSC wants to test out this power of yours. Now for the first test... Shock Therapy...” Daryl's simple, inquisitive smile turned into a grin that only psychotic men wore. “It won't hurt. Well, I won't feel anything.” He laughed wildly, and pushed a button on a remote that he was carrying. It was gradual at first, but Samson suddenly felt this impulse gliding through his body, like he'd felt when he'd attunated. They weren't using electricity, they were using a shockwave!


He felt his body moving and reappearing, his organs moving at different speeds and distances, and everything was on fire. But he couldn't scream, otherwise he'd have lost everything... Daryl smirked, and pressed another button, switching off the frequency. Samson looked up at him, eyes narrowed, but Daryl simply smiled, and pointed at his gut. Samson struggle to look down at his naked body, but his eyes quickly widened at what he'd seen. The skin was there, but it had healed around a hole, and poking out of this hole was a small, red-brown piece of meat. Samson struggled to not throw up " his liver was actually sticking out of his body. He looked up at Daryl, fervent anger in his eyes.


“You're a... monster.” The man shook his head, and laughed.


“I prefer to think of myself as... a God. I can change things at my whim, and I like that...” His laughter turned crazy again, and he pressed a third button on his remote control. “Maybe I was wrong " that one wasn't shocking enough to be called Shock Therapy. But this? Oh, this...” He almost moaned in pleasure, and Samson had to turn away from this guy. So... horrible. He took pleasure from this... And suddenly Samson lost all train of thought. He screamed, there was nothing he could do to stop it. Shockwaves were one thing, thousands of volts of electricity coursing through your body was another. He couldn't resist, he couldn't move, he could only scream in pain. Trying to attunate was impossible, it seemed, and the elecriticty was throwing his concentration further. Daryl grinned, and suddenly dropped the remonte, before smashing it on the ground with his foot.


“Oops, looks like I'll have to do the rest of this while listening to your screams of pain... They're my esctacy, boy, so keep the fuckers coming...” He laughed, and reached into a box that stood, looming something forboding. He pulled out something long and steel, and Samson managed to gasp while he screamed in pain. A cattle brander...


Samson looked back down at his now-revealed liver, and back up at the mad scientist, who had just finished heating up the end of the brand. His grin was really something, as he brought it over towards Samson.


“So, where on your pretty little body should I push it nice, hot, pleasuring brand?” He moved it up to Samson's cheek. “Here?” Down to Samson's left n****e. “Here...?” Down to the boy's testicles. “Oh, they'd be nice and painful here... No, no.” He raised it up a bit, to the revealed piece of Samson's internal organs. “Perfect.” He pulled back a centimetre or two, and pushed the brand against Samson's revealed liver, causing the tissue to start steaming up, and Samson couldn'ttake it anymore. So... much... pain!


As the scream of pain escaped his lips, something cracked in the back of his head, and he thought back to this book he'd read, a book that described a man's experiences in torture.


It may seem painful at first, but if it goes on for too long, you find yourself craving more, you find yourself wanting to be injured, wanting to be tortured. It may sound horrible, sick and perverted, but if pain is all you've known for a good long time, it becomes the only thing you crave. Do not let yourself crave that, as it will destroy your mind.


Samson shouted out even louder, and crazed giggles came from Daryl, increasing in volume in unison with the screams that came from Samson. When suddenly the elecrticity stopped, and Daryl looked around for the source of the interference. A man in a black suit with trimmed black hair and violet eyes walked calmly into the lab, Guardians behind him. He motioned over to Daryl, and approached him, studying the boy carefully with a grin.


“So, you managed to get some of his internal organs to leave his body, huh? That's something we can use against these b******s. Anything else?” Daryl quickly shook his head.


“You stopped me before I could get any more ple " er " data out of this boy. If you'll just give me a week...” Endavi shook his head, and walked over to Samson.


“Hello, my boy. My name's Endavi Diederich, president of TSC, and I'm surprised to see you still conscious.” Samson groaned, and tilted his head to the left slightly, long, dirty-blonde hair moving with him. “That said, only barely conscious. Ah well, that's all I need from the boy.” He turned back to Daryl.


“Are you sure, sir?”

“I'm sure. Call Doctor Trevois. He's still the best heart surgeon in Capital, right?” Endavi was saying this while he loaded and cocked a 9mm handgun. He took the grip in his right hand, and looked back up at Daryl, who nodded and replied.


“Of course, sir. I believe I can pull in a few favours.” Endavi smirked, and pulled the gun up to Samson's forehead, pulling the trigger three times, killing the boy where he 'stood'.


“That's good. I need a heart transplant.”

© 2010 Tenjho666

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Added on November 2, 2010
Last Updated on November 2, 2010



Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand

I can't really say too much about myself - because I don't know what to say. I'm an avid roleplayer... But that's about it. Or that's about all I'm going to reveal... If you wanna know more, try makin.. more..

Prelude: IX Prelude: IX

A Chapter by Tenjho666


A Book by Tenjho666