Chapter 7: Reila Tsukino

Chapter 7: Reila Tsukino

A Chapter by Tenjho666

Adam hated it when he was right. The very moment they reached the base of the Free Hawks, they were thrown in a 15x15 metre square cell with few facilities except for a bunk bed and a toilet. Adam looked around the dingy, mouldy, dripping room, thinking to himself. How could they get themselves out of this predicament? Was that girl going to call the Guardians on them? No... She just shot and killed the guy that they thought was TSC's president. They were in the hands of an anti-TSC group, but was it to their benefit?


Adam knew only one thing. That Reila girl was one of the Ten, whether she liked it or not. Which meant that they needed to recruit her somehow. But would she leave her resistance group? He sighed, and walked over to the bed, laying down and thinking some more. This was all bullshit, in his opinion. Hell, he wasn't even elected as leader " he just sort of... took command. Maybe this girl could... Yeah, maybe he could give her the position of leader of the Ten. That'd help them, right?


He laughed to himself " he was probably wrong again, and they'd probably be refused by this Reila girl in seconds. She'd listen to them, laugh and send them on their way, giving them directions to get past any nearby Guardian outposts... Yeah, that seemed more likely than his first idea.



Meanwhile, at the other end of the cell, 'Tasha sat on the toilet, watching Adam intently. She studied the boy, thinking about things carefully. She too was considering their predicament, but she wasn't as worried, nor so troubled... As she seemed to see. It was the thing that had plagued her ever since they left Central Sect Mu. Even when Adam refused to talk about his feelings, she could somehow tell. And that was all that she needed to go on... She thought for a couple of seconds, and shouted over to her cellmate.


“Hey, how're you feeling right now?”


“Pretty pissed, thank you very much!” 'Tasha blinked at the sharp reply, but thought nothing of it. However, when she focussed on the Resonance that came from his heart, she suddenly became very confused. Adam wasn't angry... he was simply troubled. What was it? Why could she feel this? Hm... Maybe it was her power?


“Adam? You said that you could feel Dai's Resonance without meeting him, right?” The boy simply grunted in reply. 'Tasha sighed, before continuing. “And Dai, he can speak to us in our minds?” A slow nod came from the bed, with a sharp reply, just like earlier.


“Yeah, and? Your problem is...?” 'Tasha sighed. No. She didn't want to say anything. His Resonance was changing somewhat. And now he seemed to be pretty pissed. She smiled softly, and turned towards the door, hearing the footsteps of a couple of Free Hawks soldiers.


The two men stood before the door, and put a large hand on the bars, sliding the door across without even trying. 'Tasha blinked, and the two of them were grabbed, and moved down the hall.


They suddenly found themselves in a small banquet hall, looking at the girl with strawberry blonde hair and golden eyes. She smiled softly, and stood up, walking towards Adam and 'Tasha with a slightly wild grin.


“You two passed your first test. That cell was unlocked for the entire time. You could've tried to escape, but you didn't.” That explained why the men simply had to move the cell door to open it " it hadn't been locked. 'Tasha sniggered softly.


“What if we had escaped " or tried to?” The girl asked.


“You'd be dead right about now " and I'd be collecting my bounty from the Guardians.” 'Tasha's eyes narrowed, and Reila simply looked smug, watching over them carefully. “I've been made aware that there's a boy outside the town, who's been sneaking around all night. You wouldn't happen to know anything about him?” Adam spat.


“Leave him alone. He's done nothing.” Reila smiled softly, and clicked her fingers.


“Too late~” She sung slightly, as two of the guards brought in a boy with long red hair, who looked at Adam and 'Tasha, smiling sheepishly.


“Dai!” Adam was quick to speak, hoping that his newfound friend and ally was alright " he didn't want anyone's blood on his hands, just yet. Dai smiled softly and nodded.


I'm alright. Adam breathed a sigh of relief, and turned back to Reila.


“It's your turn to explain. How does a 16-year old end up running a resistance faction?” Reila smirked " theyalways asked that question. It ruined her fun.


“Oh, it's simple. My father ran it before me, and when he died, I took up the reins. Not that I wanted to, but I have to... Because the only person who was willing to do it can't be contacted. It's been months since we last heard from him.” Adam's eyes narrowed, and the boy smiled softly at Reila.


“How about a showing of trust? I'll take 'Tasha here, and we'll go and find your man.” Adam proffered. Reila smirked, it was a tempting deal.


“And... if you find this man? Do you have an ulterior motive?” Adam nodded.


“You join us.” Reila blinked " usually they wanted money or something like that. But a change of loyalties? Her eyes narrowed in suspicion.


“What do I get out of that? I mean, you could've been put up to this by TSC.” Adam smirked and shook his head.


“There's nothing I'd like more than to destroy TSC. Trust me, and trust your heart. If 'Tasha and I come back with your comrade, I'll tell you everything.” Reila's eyes widened, and Adam's smile simply grew.


He decided to try and contact Dai. He put a simple message out onto the Resonance that came from his heart. Keep us informed.


Got it. The redhead smiled confidently, and Reila Tsukino traipsed down to the two with a grin covering her face.


“The man you're looking for is named Bara. Kenton Bara. He lives in Capital, in Sect Zeta. You should know it " it's joined to Sigma.” Adam sighed. Back to Central already? It couldn't be helped " they needed to add Reila to the Ten.


“Alright, you have a deal.” Reila smirked, and reached into her bag, pulling out a pair of pistols, 9mm and silenced. Adam's eyes widened when he saw the firearms.


“You shouldn't have any problems using these, right? I mean, you're both cold-hearted killers, aren't you?” Adam shook his head, pushing the guns away from the pair.


“I don't use guns, and I don't think 'Tasha does either.” 'Tasha nodded in agreement, and Reila simply sighed, putting the two weapons back into her bag.


“Your choice, your funeral. I'll either see you two in a while, or in the morgue.” Adam smiled again, nodded and walked out of the room. “Oh!” Reila came running out behind them, a couple of men with her. “You won't be able to get to Zeta without going through the gates to Capital, right? Wrong! These two will take you to a tunnel " it'll lead ya to Sigma. You'll have to improvise the rest of the way, I'm afraid.” Adam blinked, how many f*****g tunnels were there in and out of Capital? And were the Free Hawks really just a splinter? Because they seemed pretty well-armed... Adam shook those thoughts out of his head, and followed the men that Reila had brought with her, until they found a door.


The men opened the door, and motioned 'Tasha and Adam in. Adam looked at the men, slightly confused.


“You're not coming?” They shook their heads in unison.

“Our orders were to escort you here. We can't show our faces in Capital " so you'll be on your own from here. Bet you're wishing you had those 9 mils now, huh?” The pair laughed, and Adam shook his head. He wasn't a f*****g murderer. Thats why he had to destroy TSC.

© 2010 Tenjho666

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Added on November 2, 2010
Last Updated on November 2, 2010



Rotorua, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand

I can't really say too much about myself - because I don't know what to say. I'm an avid roleplayer... But that's about it. Or that's about all I'm going to reveal... If you wanna know more, try makin.. more..

Prelude: IX Prelude: IX

A Chapter by Tenjho666


A Book by Tenjho666