Tempted episode 115

Tempted episode 115

A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter

Episode info: Claire comes to Eduardo for help with setting up her own website called chatbook James and Damon have an arguement. James is found murdered Claire finds a shocking discovery.

Tempted episode 115
At Claire and James's house
Claire and James are laying in their bed together James pulls Claire into a Kiss they keep kissing.
James: Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep last night?
Claire: I didn't sleep good at all.
James: why not honey Why couldn't you sleep?
Claire: I couldn't sleep because I had a dream that you got shot and you died and you were really dead you never came back.
James: aw I'm sorry honey.
Claire: I never want to lose you James. Honey I haven't been feeling well.
James: what's wrong?
Claire: I'm pregnant again James were going to have twins. I found out that they are going to be two boys.
James: Aww I'm going to be a father again.
Claire: Yes you are sweetheart.
James pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing.
At Damon's office
Eli walks into Damon's office
Damon is sitting at his desk reading over a contract to have his uncle Eduardo Gregory to sign for the business.
Damon looks up at Eli.
Eli: Hello Damon I have a Job for you.
Damon: what is it?
Eli: I want you to kill your own stepfather James Ford. I want him dead.
Damon: Eli I can't do that. He raised me when I was a little boy and I always loved him I can't kill him.
Eli: He doesn't care about you Damon. He doesn't love you. Kill him damn it.
Damon: no Eli I won't do it.
Eli: You a*****e.
Damon: don't call me that.
Eli: If you don't kill James I'll kill him myself.
Damon gets up from the chair and he walks over to the window and he opens it for some air. Eli comes up behind him and he drugs him.
Damon falls to the floor.
Eli stands over him.
Eli: You will kill your stepfather. You will shoot him 10 times with bullets and you will not call an ambulance and you will not stay around to help him you will leave him to die.
Damon: I will kill my stepfather and I will leave him to die I will not help him.
Eli: Good.
Damon: Goodbye Eli.
Eli: Bye Damon.
Eli leaves Damon's office.
At Brandon's apartment
Starr knocks on Brandon's door.
Brandon is sitting on the couch on his laptop computer looking at his facebook pictures. Brandon sets down his laptop and he gets up from his couch and he opens the door.
Starr: Hi Brandon.
Brandon: Hey sweetheart.
Starr: What are you doing right now?
Brandon: I was just reading something.
Starr: do you want to go out to dinner?
Brandon: sure honey let's go.
Starr kisses Brandon on the lips they keep kissing.
Brandon: I love you.
Starr: I love you too.
Brandon and Starr leave the apartment.
at Eduardo's apartment
Claire knocks on the door
Eduardo is sitting on the couch watching Tv.
Eduardo gets off of the couch and he opens the door.
Claire: Hi brother.
Eduardo: Hi Claire what are you doing here?
Claire: I was wondering if you would help me set up my own website and you and me and cutter and Josh and Cristian and Rex can help me run the site what do you think?
Eduardo: I think it's a wonderful idea. I'll help you did you bring your laptop?
Claire: Yes I did.
Eduardo: what do you want to name your site?
Claire: ChatBook.
Eduardo: I like the name let's do that.
Claire: Im leaving the hospital I'm not a doctor anymore I can't handle being there anymore because I can't stop thinking about what happend in that hospital shooting with my sister Serena.
Eduardo: What happend?
Claire: Serena was the shooter and she killed and injured alot of my friends and family and innocent people. My son Tyler Gregory was a victim in the shooting my mom Blair Gregory williamson was gunned down by her too.
Eduardo: Oh my god mom is dead? I didn't know that.
Claire: I miss mom so much. I wish she didn't die that night in the shooting.
Eduardo: Where is that b***h of a sister Serena now?
Claire: She's in jail.
Eduardo: Good.
Claire: I'm glad that your alive.
Eduardo: Me too.
Claire and Eduardo hug.
Eduardo logs onto a site called wall.fm. he types in Chatbook for the new site name.
Claire is watching as Eduardo is typing.
Claire: this is going to be great.
Eduardo: im glad that you want to make a website.
Claire: Me Too.
Eduardo: James is a really cool guy i'm happy that you found someone that you love.
Claire: Thank you brother.
Eduardo kisses Claire's cheek.
Eduardo: I love you sis.
Claire: I love you too Eduardo. I have to get going. James is taking me out to dinner.
Eduardo: I'll finish setting up the site you should get going.
Claire: Thank you brother.
Eduardo: Your welcome Claire see you later.
Claire: Bye brother.
Eduardo: bye Claire.
Claire leaves Eduardo's apartment.
Back at James and Claire's house
James is sitting on the couch reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee Damon walks into the house and he walks into the living room.
James: Hi son.
Damon: Hey dad what are you doing? You wanted to talk to me.
James: About what son?
Damon: Me being in my father Johnny's mafia. Are you still mad that I'm in it?
James gets off of the couch.
James: Yes Damon I am still mad that your in the mafia. You could get shot and you could end up dead I want you out of it.
Damon: No I'm not going to leave the mafia. This is my life  I am not going to listen to you I'm going to kill you.
James: No please don't kill me.
Damon: Shut up Dad say goodbye.
James: why are you doing this?
Damon pulls out his gun and he aims it  at James's stomach.
James: please don't do this put down the gun son. Please don't shoot me I love you.
Damon: I don't love you anymore dad.
Your going to be shot.
James: son come here please hug me. We can talk about this please just put your gun away.
Damon pulls the trigger a Bullet hits James in the stomach. Damon fires the gun again a second bullet hits James in the stomach. Damon fires the gun a third time another bullet hits James in the stomach. James touches his stomach he starts bleeding. Damon fires bullets at James's stomach the bullets go through his stomach.
James collapses to the floor in slow motion. Damon runs out of the house leaving his stepfather James to die.
At a italian resturant
Starr and Brandon sit at the table.
Brandon: Starr I have something to ask you.
Starr: what is it honey?
Brandon takes out a black ring box and he gets down on one knee.
Brandon: Starr Gregory Ford will you marry me?
Starr: Yes I will marry you.
Brandon slips the ring onto Starr's finger.
Starr and Brandon kiss they keep kissing.
Damon comes into the resturant and he pulls out his gun and he aims it at Brandon.
Starr looks at Damon.
Brandon pulls away from Starr.
Brandon: Damon why are you pointing that gun at me?
Damon: Shut up or you will die.
Starr: No brother please don't hurt my fiancé. I love him please don't shoot him.
Damon fires the Gun at Brandon's stomach. Brandon touches his stomach he gets blood on his hand. Damon fires another bullet at Brandon's stomach. Brandon is still bleeding from his stomach.
Starr: Noooooo.
Damon keeps shooting at Brandon.
Brandon falls to the floor.
Starr: No you shot him. Brandon stay with me somebody help me.
Damon: I already killed somebody else.
Starr: No. Who did you kill brother?
Damon: I killed Dad He's dead.
Starr: How could you. You murdered our father.
Damon: He deserved to die.
Starr begins to cry she keeps crying.
Brandon: Uh uh uh I'm in pain.
Damon stands over Brandon. He aims his gun down at Brandon's stomach.
Starr: No please don't. Don't kill him I'm begging you I love him I'm marrying him.
Damon pulls the trigger the bullet goes through Brandon's heart.
Starr: Noooo.
Brandon keeps bleeding.
Starr: Brandon stay with me please don't die.
Brandon: I   L o v e    Y o u
Starr: I love you too.
Brandon: y o u   C o m p l e t e  m e
Starr: Im not letting you die.
Brandon: U h    U H   U H .
Starr calls an ambulance.
Starr: Hello I need an ambulance right now. My fiancé Brandon porcaro was shot he needs help right now. Please get here fast before it's too late he's losing alot of blood. Please come quick.
Brandon slowly closes his eyes He passes out.
Damon leaves the resturant.
Randy comes into the resturant and he sees his brother Brandon laying on the floor shot and bleeding.
Randy: No brother.
Starr: Randy call the police now. My father James Ford was murdered. Damon killed him and he shot your brother.
Randy: I'll call them.
Starr: Brandon can you hear me honey Say something sweetheart.
Brandon slowly opens his eyes.
Starr: there you are sweetheart your going to be ok. Your going to live I promise you honey.
Brandon: I'm not going to make it.
Back at Claire and James's house
James is still laying on the floor of the living room. Claire opens the front door of the house It's raining out and she's all wet.
Claire: James, James are you here?
James doesn't answer Claire.
Claire opens the door of the living room and she sees James laying on the floor bleeding. Claire screams
Claire rushes over to James.
Claire: James Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Talk to me. Talk to me. Oh. Oh, thank God. Ok. Ok. Ok. All right. It's gonna be ok. It's gonna be ok. Yes. Hello? I need help. My husband--there's a lot of blood. I think he's been shot.
James: c l a i r e .......
Claire: James who did this to you? Who shot you.
James: D a m o n ......
Claire: Damon did this to you?
James: Y e s    U h    U h   U h
Claire: Im calling the police.
James shuts his eyes he keeps bleeding His body is getting weaker.
Claire: James open your eyes
James doesn't respond to Claire.
Claire: No James You can't die.
James slowly opens his eyes again.
Claire: Stay with me honey please don't leave me. I love you so much your my life James I need you. Jenna loves you so much, Danielle loves you too and Xavier loves you and Nate loves you too. They need you. I need you
James doesn't respond again.
Claire: It's ok. Hey. Come on. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. You can't leave me. Do you hear me? Look at me! There you are. It's ok. It's ok. It's gonna be ok, all right? No, no, I have to apply pressure on the wound. Ok. That's what they told me to do. You just-- you just keep breathing. Just keep thinking about all the things you and me have to do. No, no, no, no. Stay with me. Stay with me! I can't do this by myself. Please. There you are. There you are. Remember when we met and we kissed and we did that infront of a guy that my brother knows. And we ignored him and then we took the guy's keys. See, I made you smile. I made you smile. That's what I love about you, Do you hear me? You never lose your sense of humor, no matter what.
James smiles.
James chokes on his own blood as he tries to talk.
Claire: I don't know why Damon would do this to you. Do you know why? Why did he do this, tell me.  Oh! God. Oh, God. No. No, no, no. Just don't talk. Don't talk, ok? Ok, you're gonna be fine, all right? I called the ambulance. They're gonna be here any minute. You just--you just relax, ok? Ok, this is nothing, ok? Considering everything you have been through, this is nothing. A bullet is not gonna take you down. Look at me. You've got 9 lives. Ok? And I want all of them. You're the love of my life, Do you know that? Ok? Ok? We belong together. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I am not letting you go. Ok?
Claire: There's the ambulance. We're gonna be fine. You just keep breathing. No, James. James don't close your eyes, James No, no, no. You can't leave me. Don't leave me, James No. No, no. No. No, no,  Please, please, don't do this to me. Please. Open your eyes. Open--oh! Oh, there you are. All you gotta do is stay with me, ok? That's all you gotta do. Please stay with me.
James: Uhh...
Claire: Love you. I love you, too. Oh, James, James,  James open your eyes. James, James, No, no, don't leave me. In here. In here 
EMT: Call medical control. A lot of blood Second EMT: I got nothing. No pulse, no resp EMT: We even tried high dose epi and 4 liters of saline. We got nothing Claire: Can we get him to the hospital EMT: His entire blood volume is on the floor
Claire: Does he need blood? I'll donate. My whole family will donate. Why is he stopping? We need-- you need to compress. Why are you stopping
EMT: He was gone before we got here. There's nothing we could do. I'm sorry
Claire: I don't understand.
EMT: Your husband's gone, Claire He's dead.
Claire: No. He can't be dead he just can't be.
Claire begins to cry she keeps crying.
At a resturant
Jenna is sitting at a table a guy with short brown hair walks up to her. He sits down at her table.
Jenna: Hello who are you?
Tommy: My name is Tommy Garfield.
Jenna: Nice to meet you I'm Jenna Gregory 
Tommy: It's nice to meet you Jenna. Can I buy you a drink?
Jenna: Sure you can. 
Tommy: Your really pretty.
Jenna: Thank you Tommy. 
Tommy: your welcome. I really like you.
Jenna: Where are you from?
Tommy: I'm from hailsham England. I'm british. 
Jenna: You have a beautiful accent. 
Tommy smiles at Jenna. 
Jenna smiles back at Tommy.
Tommy and Jenna get up from the table Jenna looks into Tommy's brown eyes. Tommy pulls Jenna into a passionate kiss they keep kissing.
Jenna: I'm falling in love with you.
Tommy: I'm falling for you too.
Jenna: I have to go home. Text me I'll give you my number. 375-4789
Tommy: My number is 243-57890.
Jenna: Thank you.
Tommy: of course beautiful. 
Jenna pulls Tommy into another kiss they keep kissing.
Jenna: Bye Tommy.
Tommy: Bye Jenna.
Jenna leaves the bar and she goes home.
At Damon's apartment
Damon walks into his apartment.
Natalie is sitting on the couch watching Tv.
Damon: Hi sweetheart.
Natalie: Hi honey where were you?
Damon: I went to see my stepfather James Ford. 
Natalie: How is your stepfather doing honey?
Damon: He's dead I killed him,
Natalie: What the hell is wrong with you? Why did you kill your own stepfather. He loved you. He cared about you. Does your mother know what you have done? Does she know that you f*****g killed the man she loves. Does she know tell me right now.
Damon: she doesn't know that I killed him. She wasn't even home she was out. So I went there to talk to him and we had an arguement and I pulled out my gun and I shot him to death. I didn't stop shooting him until I saw enough of his blood gush from his worthless body.
Natalie begins to cry she keeps crying.
Natalie: How could you do this. How could you kill your own stepfather.
I'm breaking up with you I'm not marrying you it's over your a murderer you've changed.
Damon slaps Natalie across the face.
Natalie: You b*****d.
Natalie packs her suitcase and she leaves Damon's apartment.
At the hospital
The ambulance arrives at the hospital. The two EMT's open the back doors of the ambulance and they rush Brandon into the emergancy side of the hospital.
Starr: Please help him don't let him die. I love him. 
Brandon: s t a r r    I   L o v e   Y o u    
Starr: Your going to be ok Brandon.
Brandon: You mean so much to me.
Doctor: What happend here?
Starr: my fiancé Brandon Porcaro was shot. He's lost alot of blood please save him don't let him die I need him I love him so much.
Doctor: I'll take good care of him. 
The doctor rushes Brandon into surgey.
Back at Claire and James's house
Claire craddles James's lifeless body in her arms she keeps crying.
The Emt's take James's body from Claire's arms. Claire keeps crying
Two cops come into the house and they help the Two emt's lift James and lays him on the strecher, Claire is sobbing and shaking.
Jenna walks into the house and she sees her mom shaking and crying.
Jenna: Mom what is going on? What's wrong? Why is there an ambulance here why is there two police officers here?
Claire: Sweetie you don't want to see this. 
Jenna sees the strecher and somebody lying in a body bag on the strecher.
Jenna: Who's dead mom. Who's in that body bag. Mom please tell me.
Claire: You don't want to see this. 
Jenna runs into the living room.
Jenna sees the blood on the floor and a towel full of blood.
Claire: JENNA.
Claire runs into the living room after Jenna.
Jenna: Who is that mom? 
Claire: It's your father. He's dead somebody shot him. 
Jenna: No, no, No dad can't be dead. He can't be.
Claire: it's true honey he's dead. He was murdered. I found him I came home and I found him bleeding to death on the floor.
Jenna begins to cry she keeps crying.
Jenna runs over to the strecher and she cries on her father's body She screams and she keeps crying. 
Claire runs upstairs and she lays on the bed and she cries too.
The two cops take James's body away.
Jenna keeps crying and Claire is screaming and crying upstairs in the bed. 
Stay Tuned For the Next scenes on Tempted 

© 2011 Tempted headwriter

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Added on September 18, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011


Tempted headwriter
Tempted headwriter


Hello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..
