![]() Tempted episode 114A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter![]() Episode info: Eduardo returns. Claire finds out That her brother Eduardo is alive. James and Claire have a romantic swim. James is tragically shot![]()
Prevously on Tempted
Claire: Hi Alison. Alison: Claire I have something that I have to tell you. Claire: What is it Alison what's wrong? Alison: your son Tyler is dead. Claire: Oh No. Alison: Serena tried to shoot me and Tyler threw himself infront of me and he took 3 bullets to the chest. He died in my arms his blood kept gushing out. Claire begins to cry she keeps crying. Claire: No my son He's gone. Alison: Im sorry mrs. Gregory. He wanted to come here to save you and his father James and his uncles Derek and Ford and Josh. He wanted to get you all away from Serena. Claire: That B***h killed my son. I've had enough I'm not going to let her kill another person that I care about. Alison: I know. Claire: Are you ok Alison? Alison: I think I'm pregnant. Can I take a pregnancy test? Claire: Yes go into that room over there and take the test. Alison: Thank you Claire. Claire: Your welcome Alison. ------------------------------------------------------------ Cameron: Dad I need your help. Kevin: what's Wrong Cameron? Cameron: I did something really bad. Kevin: what did you do? Cameron: I stole money from your brother Eli because he was trying to hurt Claire and James. Kevin: Im going to help you Cameron because your my son and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Cameron: What are you going to do? Kevin: I'm going to give my brother money so he won't know what you did. Cameron: thank you dad. Kevin: your welcome son I love you. Cameron: I love you too Dad. Where's my stepmother Blair? Kevin: Cameron I have bad news your stepmother Blair is dead. She was killed in a hospital shooting. Serena Gregory killed her. Cameron: Nooo. Cameron begins to cry. ------------------------------------------------------------ Alexa: Adam what are you doing here? Adam: I wanted to see you. Alexa I want to say sorry to you for all the times I hurt you and James and Ford and Derek. I shouldn't have done that to you. Alexa: Why are you apologizing to me? Adam: Because I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you and our 3 sons. Alexa: do you love me? Is that why your doing this. Adam: Yes I am. I'm still in love with you. Alexa: I've never forgot about you. I love you Adam. Adam: You Do? Alexa: Yes I do. Adam pulls Alexa into a kiss they keep kissing. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tea: Hi sweetie. Brandon: Hey Mom. Are you ok? Tea: No i'm not honey. I've been up all night thinking about my best friend Blair's death She's gone Brandon. Brandon: I know. Tea: Claire is taking this really hard She loved her mom. Brandon: I was the doctor that operated on her mother I tried everything I could to save Blair. Tea: Brandon honey Blair's death isn't your fault. I know you tried to Save her. Brandon: i know it's not my fault mom but I feel like I failed Claire. Blair was her mother. ------------------------------------------------------------ Derek: Claire what's wrong why are you crying? Claire: My mother she's dead. Derek: Oh No. Claire: She was shot in the shooting remember. Derek: I remember. She saved your life by getting shot. Claire: Yes she did. I didn't want my mother to die Derek. Derek: what was your mom like? Claire: my mother Blair was a great person she protected the people that she loved. She was protective of me and my brother Josh. Derek: I thought his name was Riley. Didn't you have a brother named Riley? Claire: Riley was killed by Eli Thompson. Eli shot Riley to death with bullets because Eli wanted to hurt me by killing somebody that I cared about. It turns out that Riley wasn't even my brother it turns out that Josh is really my brother. Derek: Wow that is very shocking. Josh is a really good brother. Claire: I have two stepbrothers. Derek: what are their names? Claire: Cutter wentworth Gregory and Cristian Gregory. Derek: what happend to Cristian? Claire: He was shot and killed a year ago. Derek: no he's Alive Claire he's not dead. Claire: Oh my god he's alive? Derek: Yes I saw him. ------------------------------------------------------------ Claire: Hello? Todd: Claire I need you right now. Claire: Dad what happend is everything ok? Todd: Your brother Josh was shot in the head. Claire: Oh my god. No not my brother noooo. Claire runs out of the hospital room and into the hallway she sees Josh laying on the floor. Todd: Get him into surgey I know you can save him. Claire: dad he's bleeding out of his head he's dying dad it's too late. Josh: c l a i r e Claire: Brother I'm here your going to be ok. Josh: I'm dying uh uh uh uh uh uh. Claire: Noooo. Josh: Goodbye sis I'll always love you. Don't ever forget me. Your my best friend take care of our son Xavier. Claire: I will. I promise you that i will. Claire starts crying she keeps crying Josh pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Josh slowly pulls away and then he closes his eyes and he dies in Claire's arms. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ford: Hey James. James: Brother what are you doing here? Ford: I wanted to see you. I was worried about you brother. James: I got shot I don't know If you knew that. Serena is crazy brother I think you should break up with her. Ford: I will trust me. Josh is dead she killed him. James: Oh my god Claire's brother Serena killed him? Ford: Yes. James: Does Claire know? Ford: Yes she was out in the hallway when I came in. James: Damn it Josh didn't deserve to die. Claire loved her brother I can't believe that Josh is gone. Ford: Kevin and Todd are here. Todd called the police The shooting will end. James: Good I don't want Claire to watch another person she cares about die. Ford: me either. James: I love you brother. Ford: I love you too I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry about everything. James: I accept your apology. ------------------------------------------------------------ Derek: Claire are you ok? Claire: No my brother Josh is dead. Serena killed him. Derek: Oh No I'm so sorry I liked your brother he was nice. Claire: Josh was the best brother to me He always protected me. Josh: Sis I'm not dead. After you ran to the hallway Derek found me and he saved my life. Claire: You did that for me Derek? Derek: Yes I did. I had to I care about you. You just lost your mother I didn't want you to lose your brother too. Josh: Where is Serena? Derek: she's been shot and arrested. The worst is over. Claire: Good I'm glad that she's been arrested. She killed my mother. Josh: sis I'm going to go see James. Claire: Ok brother. Josh: I will. Claire hugs Josh. Josh: I love you sis. Claire: I love you too brother. Josh goes to find James's hospital room. Claire turns around and she sees Derek standing there. Claire: Derek thank you for saving him. Derek: of course. Claire I want to talk to you about something. Claire: What is it Derek? Derek: are you in love with me? Claire: I think I am. Why do you ask? Derek: I'm asking you because of the way when i was shot and laying in your arms you were crying and you wouldn't let me die. Claire: i couldn't let you die Derek I'm falling for you. Derek: what about James? He's my brother he's your husband. Claire: I love him too. I love both of you. Derek: I love you too Claire. Claire pulls Derek into a kiss they keep kissing. Derek: Your beautiful Claire my brother is lucky to have you. Claire: he means alot to me and so do you. Derek: I wish you weren't married. Claire: I know. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tempted episode 114 At Claire and James's house Claire is laying in the bed with James. James wakes up Claire opens her eyes and she looks at him. Claire: Good morning sweetheart. James: morning honey how did you sleep last night? Claire: I had a bad dream. James: what happend in it honey? Claire: I saw somebody get killed His name was Eduardo. He was a friend of me and my brother Josh. James: So this Eduardo guy was killed? Why were you dreaming about him? Claire: I don't know the dream just came to me when I was sleeping. James: Do you think Eduardo is alive? Claire: No. He died right infront of me and my brother. I saw Eduardo get shot to death he fell to the ground and he was bleeding and he was struggling to breathe. James: You witnessed his death? Claire: Yes I watched him die. It was horrible James. Eduardo was like a brother to me. James: Aw honey I'm sorry. Claire: Eduardo died in my arms. James: No. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Natalie and Damon's house Natalie is sitting on the couch watching the Social Network. Alison knocks on the door Natalie pauses the movie and she gets up off of the couch and she goes over to the door and She opens it. Natalie: Alison are you ok? Alison: I have something that I have to tell you. Natalie: What is it? Alison: Yesterday while that shooting at the hospital was going on I took a pregnancy test. Natalie: What did the test say? Alison: It says that I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. Natalie: Aw I'm so happy for you. Alison: I'm happy too. Natalie: who's the father of your unborn baby? Alison: Tyler Gregory. Natalie: Aw. Where is Tyler? Alison: He's dead he was shot to death right infront of me. Natalie: I wish Tyler wasn't dead. It's not fair that he got shot. Alison: I loved him so much. ------------------------------------------------------------ At a hotel in New York A guy with short black hair and brown eyes is laying on the bed asleep. He wakes up and he pulls out a picture of Claire He looks at it. Eduardo: I have to find you this time. I'm not going to let anybody kill me this time. A sniper is outside the door Eduardo hears footsteps outside. Sniper: I know your in there Eduardo Gregory and I'm going to kill you. Open this door now so i can shoot you. Eduardo runs out of the back of his hotel room he gets into his car and he drives away. Eduardo is driving to Josh's apartment. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Josh's apartment. Josh is sitting on the couch drinking a beer. Eduardo pulls into the driveway and he gets out of the car and he knocks on Josh's door. Josh gets up off of the couch and he opens the door. Josh: Oh My God. Eduardo: Brother I'm alive. Josh: I can't believe this. Eduardo: I came back for you and our family. Josh: I thought you were dead We lost you forever. Eduardo: I know. Josh: does Claire know that your alive? Eduardo: No she doesn't know that I'm not dead. She also doesn't know that I'm her brother just like you and cutter and Cristian are. Josh: You should go see her. Eduardo: I can't Josh, a sniper is after me he almost killed me back at the hotel I was staying at here in New York. Josh: Are you serious? Somebody's trying to kill you? Eduardo: Yes Josh: I'll come with you then so your safe. Your my brother and I don't want you dead again. Eduardo: Thank you brother. Josh: your welcome. Eduardo and Josh leave the apartment. ------------------------------------------------------------ At Danielle and Cutter's house Cutter is laying on the couch watching the Social Network on TV. Danielle walks into the house and she is mad. Cutter: hi honey What was Elizabeth doing last night at the pool with Trevor? Danielle: I found Elizabeth and Trevor having sex in a cabana. Cutter: Oh my god they had it in a cabana? Danielle: Yes they did. Cutter: I can't believe it. Danielle: Elizabeth ran away last night honey She got really mad at me because I wouldn't let her stay with him. Cutter: Oh No our daughter ran away? Danielle: Yes she did. Cutter: I'm going to find her and I'm going to bring her back and when I do I'm grounding her. Danielle: I'll come with you sweetheart. Cutter: Let's Go. Danielle: what are you watching? Cutter: The Social Network. It's about facebook and how it was started. Danielle: Sounds like a great movie honey. How about you dvr it and you and me can watch it together. Cutter: Sounds great honey. Cutter gets the Tv box and he pushes Rec on the tv box. Danielle and Cutter leave the house to go look for Danielle and Trevor. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at Claire and James's house Claire is sitting on the couch looking through a baby name book. James walks into the living room and he sits down next to her. Claire: Hey honey. James: Claire honey I have something that I want to ask you. Claire: What is it sweetheart? James: would you like to go for a romantic swim with me? Claire: Sure I would sweetheart. James: Do you know what today is? Claire: Yes it's our annverisey. James: Im glad that we met I'm glad that we fell in love. Claire: Me too your my life James. James: I love you Claire. Claire: I love you too. James: I have surprizes for you. Claire: I can't wait to see them. James pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Claire: I'm going upstairs to get my bathing suit on. James: ok honey. Claire goes upstairs to put her bathing suit on. James changes into his swim trunks into the bathroom. Claire comes back downstairs and she waits for James. James: I'm ready honey. Claire: me too. Claire and James leave the house and they go to the Country Club. ------------------------------------------------------------ At the country club pool Claire and James go to the country club pool Claire looks around the pool and she sees a black necklace box laying on a chair at the table she walks over to the chair and she picks up the necklace box and she opens it. James: happy annverisey Twinkle. Claire: it's beautiful James I love it. James: I'm glad you like the necklace. Claire: I like anything you get me Your special to me James. James: I love you so much Claire. Claire: I love you too James. James pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Claire jumps into the pool James jumps into the pool too. Claire: The water feels great. James: Yes it does honey. Claire swims over to James. James wraps his arms around Claire. Claire and James kiss again they keep kissing. A sniper is standing behind the trees and he aims his gun he targets James's chest where his heart is. The sniper pulls the trigger a Bullet hits James in the heart Claire hears the gunshot. James falls under the water. Claire: Noooo oh my god James. James's body hits the bottom of the pool. Claire: No somebody help. My husband was just shot and he's drowning help. Derek: Claire what's going on? Claire: Derek thank god your here James was shot and he's drowning you have to save him. Derek: Oh No my brother. Derek jumps into the pool and he swims to where James is. Derek goes under the water and he carefully grabs a hold of James's hand Derek carefully pulls him up. Claire: Im scared Derek I don't want to lose my husband Please help him. Derek gets out of the pool and he carefully lays James down on a Lounge chair. Claire is crying she keeps crying she starts shaking. ------------------------------------------------------------ At a hotel Trevor and Elizabeth arrive at the hotel in Manhattan New York. Trevor: Your mom and dad won't find us here honey. Elizabeth: I thought I was going to lose you last night. My mother doesn't want me with you anymore because she caught us having sex. Trevor: I know. I don't care what she wants. I want to be with you I love you elizabeth you mean so much to me. Elizabeth: You mean alot to me too I love you too Trevor. Trevor: Have sex with me. Elizabeth: Let's do this. Trevor takes off his shirt. Elizabeth takes her dress off. Trevor pulls Elizabeth into a passionate kiss they keep kissing They have sex on the bed. Elizabeth: Keep going Trevor. Trevor: I will. Trevor and Elizabeth keep having sex. Elizabeth: I want to marry you. I want a family with you Trevor. Trevor: I want the same thing. Elizabeth: make a baby with me. Trevor and Elizabeth keep having sex they repeat everything they are doing. Danielle and Cutter knock on the door. Cutter: Elizabeth and Trevor open the door right now. I know that your in there. Danielle: Open it Now. Don't make your father stressed he's still recovering from being shot. Elizabeth opens the door. Elizabeth: Hi Mom. Hi Dad. ------------------------------------------------------------ Back at the country club pool Claire rushes over to James. James's eyes are closed. Claire: No James. You can't die you can't leave me. James doesn't open his eyes. Claire: Derek he's not opening his eyes. Derek: give him CPR Claire Try that. Claire pushes on James's chest she is doing CPR on him He doesn't respond to her. Claire keeps doing CPR on James it still isn't working. Claire is sobbing she puts her head to his heart. He has no heartbeat. Claire: No James you can't be dead. Josh comes to the country club pool Josh walks up to Claire, he sees her crying. Josh: Claire what happend? Claire: James is dead. A sniper shot him while we were swimming together in the country club pool just now. When the bullet hit James's heart he fell under the water and he was drowning. Derek jumped into the water to save him. I rushed over to James and I started doing CPR on him but it didn't work. I checked to see if he had a heartbeat still, it turns out that he didn't he was dead. Josh: Oh my god sis I'm so sorry. Claire: I know who did this to him. Josh: Who? Claire: Yesterday after Serena was arrested I went to see her in the jail and she threatened me. She said that she had a sniper on speed dial and that he would kill James and then you and dad and Derek and Ford and Cutter and Tea. Josh: How dare she have your husband killed. I don't care what she does to me but I care what she did to James. He's dead because of her. Claire: I care about you brother I don't want you dead. I don't want our stepmother Tea dead either she's all We have left Our mother is gone and we can't bring her back. Josh: I miss mom so much. Claire: Me too. Josh: I'm sorry about James. He didn't deserve to be shot. Claire: I know he didn't deserve that. Our annverisey was today. Now he's not here to celebrate the rest of it with me because he's dead. Josh: I have something to tell you sis. Claire: What is it brother? Josh: Eduardo isn't dead he's alive. Claire: Oh My God. Josh: That's not all that I have to tell you. Claire: what else is there? Josh: Eduardo's our brother. Claire: Oh my god we have another Brother. Josh: Yes we do. Claire: Where is Eduardo? Josh: he's back at your house waiting for you. Claire: I can't believe that he's alive. Josh: Me Either. James slowly opens his eyes and he looks at Claire. Claire: James your Alive. James: Yes I am. Claire pulls James into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. ------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Tuned for the next scenes on tempted. © 2011 Tempted headwriter |
Added on September 18, 2011 Last Updated on September 18, 2011 Author![]() Tempted headwriterNJAboutHello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..Writing