![]() Tempted episode 112A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter![]() Episode info: Derek is fighting for his life after he gets shot Johnny tells Damon that he is his father. Tyler is shot while protecting Alison. Serena shoots James. James falls into a coma![]()
Prevously on Tempted
Josh: Claire what's wrong? Claire: Damon has amenisa he can't remember who he is. Josh: Oh No Sis I'm sorry. Claire: I can't believe that my son can't remember who he is. Josh: what happend to him to make him lose his memory? Claire: He was shot in the head and he fell into a coma. Josh: oh my god that's aweful I can't believe that my nephew got shot. Claire: I was so scared that I was going to lose my son. Josh: I would be afraid too sis. Claire: Josh I have to go take care of something I'll see you later. Josh: I love you Sis. Claire: I love you too brother. Claire leaves the cafe. ---------------------------------------- Johnny: C l a i r e ..... Claire: shh Johnny it's ok your at the hospital now your going to be fine. Brandon: I'm going to take him into surgry If you want to help me you can. Claire: I'm going to help you Brandon. Claire and Brandon rush Johnny into the operating room Claire puts an IV in johnny's arm. Claire takes the blanket off of Johnny's chest. She gets her scapel out of her medical bag and she removes the bullet from Johnny's chest she cleans his wound with antispectic and she stitches his wound up and she bandages his chest up. Johnny opens his eyes and he looks at Claire. Johnny: Claire what happend? Claire: you got shot your at the hospital me and Brandon did surgry on you. Johnny: Thank you for saving my life. Claire: Your welcome. Brandon: I'm taking you to recovery. Claire: Get some rest Johnny you need it. Your a hero. Johnny: I love you Claire. Claire: I love you too. Johnny pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Claire: I'm going to go. Johnny: Bye Claire. Claire: Bye Johnny. Claire leaves the operating room. ---------------------------------------- Ford: Hi Tea what are you doing here? Tea: I know what you did to James. Ford: what are you talking about? Tea: you killed your own brother. Me and Blair found him dead at his house with Claire. Ford: I'm sorry Tea I didn't mean to kill my brother. Tea: How could you do that to your own brother? How could you hurt him like that. Ford: Listen to me Tea I was drugged by Serena Gregory. Tea: oh my god she drugged you? Ford: Yes she did. ---------------------------------------- Claire: Natalie are you ok? Natalie: No Claire I'm not ok. Claire: What happend? Natalie: your son Damon woke up from his coma last night but he doesn't know who he is. Claire: oh my god my son has amenisa. Natalie: im sorry Claire. Claire: why is this happening to my son? Natalie: I don't know I just want him to be ok I want him to remember who he is. Claire: this isn't your fault Natalie. Natalie: The only person's fault is Johnny's. Claire: don't blame Johnny he didn't mean for this to happen. Natalie: I hate Johnny for letting Damon into the Mafia. Claire: Natalie listen to me Johnny can't help how his life is. Natalie: I will never forgive Johnny. Claire: Natalie I have forgiven him. Johnny got shot he saved my life. Natalie: Oh my god Claire I'm sorry. Where's my uncle James? Claire: your uncle James is dead. He was killed by his brother Robert Ford. Natalie: no he can't be dead. Claire: He's Gone. Claire starts crying. ---------------------------------------- Serena: hello Claire Claire: Leave me alone b***h Serena: no I won't leave you alone. Claire: Why are you here? Serena: I have a surprize for you all. Claire: what is it? Serena pulls out a Gun and she points it at Claire. Claire is backing away from the Gun. Serena: We are going to play a game. I'm the judge and I'm going to sentence you all. Claire: Serena don't do this. Serena: I will start with you Claire. Claire: Please don't. Serena: Claire Gregory your labeled as a s**t you sleep with tons of guys. Your a horrible mother your children don't love you and your happy that James is dead. Claire starts crying. Claire: Im not a w***e I only love one guy and that is James Ford my husband. I'm not happy that he's dead he was everything to me. He was my life he was my safe place. My children love me you are wrong b***h. Serena: What did you just call me? Claire: I called you a B***h. Serena points the gun at Claire's stomach. Claire: Im pregnant you don't want to shoot me. You will kill my unborn child with James my child is all that I have left of him. Please don't hurt me and my baby. James walks into the hospital and he hears Claire crying he rushes down the hall to where she is. James: Dont you dare hurt my wife. ---------------------------------------- Derek: Brother I know what you did to James. You shot him to death because he stole your girlfriend Claire Gregory from you when he came to town. James is dead because of your jealously and your rage. He should be here with his wife and his children but he's not he's in the ground because of you and your Gun. Ford: listen to me Derek I didn't mean to kill James. I was drugged by serena Gregory. Derek: who is she? Ford: she's Claire's long lost sister. Serena is crazy stay away from her. Derek: I will. I'm afraid of her already. -------------------------------------------------- Claire: James sweetheart your alive? James: Yes I am sweetheart. Claire runs to James and she hugs him. James: Claire you have to run I want you and our unborn baby to be safe. Claire: come with me James. Serena is dangerous she will shoot you. James: I will be there with you honey. Hide somewhere she can't find you. ---------------------------------------- Tempted episode 112 In the boardroom Derek is laying in Claire's arms. The camera pans onto his bullet wounds in his chest. Blood is pouring out of them. Claire: Somebody help. Derek can you hear me? James hears Claire yelling for help. James rushes into the room. James: Claire what's wrong? Claire: Derek Got shot. James: No my brother. Claire: He needs surgry or he'll die. James: Derek brother can you hear me? Derek slowly wakes up and he looks at his brother. Derek: James your alive. James: Yes I am. Derek: Im in so much pain uh uh uh I'm dying. Claire: No Derek you can't die. Stay with me. James get me my medical bag. It's not with me I left it out at the hospital waiting room. James: I'll go get it sweetheart don't worry Derek will be ok. James leaves the room. ---------------------------------------- At Kevin and Blair's house Kevin is sitting on the couch reading the paper. He turns the tv on and he sees the news headline hospital shooting in new York city He sees a picture of Blair. He puts the paper down and he begins to cry. Kevin: No she's dead my wife is dead. Jessica knocks on the door Kevin gets up off of the couch and he opens the door. Jessica: Im so sorry dad I just heard. Kevin: come in honey. Jessica comes into the house Ryan comes into the house too. Ryan: Dad I'm sorry that Blair's gone. Kevin: Son I'm sorry for what I did to you. I didn't mean to shoot you. Ryan: I forgive you dad. Kevin: i'm not the way I was before. Ryan: I'm glad that your not bad anymore dad. Kevin: I can't believe that my beautiful wife Blair is dead. It should have been me. Jessica: Dad don't say that. Kevin: Its true after all the bad things I did I deserve to Die. Jessica: No dad you deserve to live. You've changed because you fell in love with Blair. Kevin: Blair meant so much to me. Jessica: I know she did dad. ---------------------------------------- At Tyler's apartment Tyler is sitting on the couch watching Teen Wolf. Alison walks into the room Alison: Tyler I'm going to the hospital to see your mom. Tyler: why sweetheart? Alison: I have to get a test done. Tyler: what Kind of test? Alison: Pregnancy test. Tyler: Oh my god are you pregnant? Alison: I could be. Tyler: Oh my god. Alison: I love you so much. Tyler: I love you too. Alison's phone rings. Alison answers her cellphone. Alison: Hello? Claire: hi Alison it's Claire you shouldn't come to the hospital. Alison: Why not? Is something bad going on? Claire: Yes. There is a hospital shooting Serena Gregory my long lost sister is holding all of us hostage. Alison: oh my god. Has anybody been shot? Claire: Yes Tyler's uncle Derek Ford. Alison: Oh no not Derek. Is he going to be ok? Claire: Derek is dying from his wounds. Alison: Oh No. Claire: Tell Tyler what is going on. Alison: I will. Claire: I have to go Derek needs my help. Alison: Bye Claire. Claire: Bye Alison. Alison hangs up the phone. Tyler walks into the room and he looks at Alison. Tyler: is everything alright? You look worried. Alison: Tyler I got a call from your mother Claire. Tyler: what is it Is everything ok? Alison: Your uncle Derek Ford was shot. Tyler: oh my god not my uncle derek. Who shot him? Alison: Serena Gregory. Tyler: oh No. Alison: she's holding your family hostage. Your mother and your father and your uncle Ford and your brother Damon And your mom and Dad's friends and your uncle Josh are all Serena's hostages. Tyler: I'm going to save my family from that b***h. Alison: Tyler it's dangerous you'll get shot. Tyler: I rather die then let my family get killed by a pyscho. She killed my brother Nicolas Gregory. My sister Jenna loved him he was her husband. Alison: I'm coming with you Tyler I love you. Tyler: I love you too. Alison pulls Tyler into a kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Back in the boardroom Claire is still craddling Derek in her arms she is sobbing as she sees more of his blood gush out of his chest. Derek: Claire uh uh uh. Claire: your going to be ok just keep your eyes open don't close them. Derek: I care about you Claire that's why I took the Bullets for you. Claire touches Derek's face. Claire: your a hero. Derek: am I going to die? Claire: No Derek I'm not letting you die. I care about you too You took bullets for me I love you. Derek pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing Claire pulls away from him. Derek keeps bleeding He feels pain in his chest he starts shaking and he chokes on his blood. Claire: No. Derek closes his eyes again his face is pale. Claire: Derek wake up don't die. ---------------------------------------- In the hospital hallway James is walking in the hallway he is looking for Claire's medical bag. He runs into Serena. Serena: Hello James. What are you looking for? James: I'm looking for Claire's medical bag. Have you seen it? Serena: Yes I have. I threw out all her medical supplies that she had in it. James: How dare you Claire needed them. Now my brother Derek will die and so will many others. Serena: Good I don't care about your worthless friends I want them all dead. James: don't you ever call my friends worthless. Why are you doing this? Serena: I'm doing this because nobody wants to get to know me. Claire came to town because she's a w***e. James: don't you ever call my wife that. Serena: Claire is a s**t she doesn't care about you James. James: don't you dare call her that. Claire is not a s**t. You don't know her at all b***h. Serena points her gun at James she puts it into his stomach. James: please don't shoot me. Serena: Say Goodbye James. James: don't do this Serena. Serena c***s the Gun and she pulls the trigger a Bullet flies into James's stomach. Serena fires a second bullet into James's stomach. Serena fires a third bullet into James's stomach. He starts bleeding He touches his stomach blood gets on his hand He slowly collapses to the floor of the hospital Serena runs away leaving James to die. ---------------------------------------- At Danielle and Cutter's house Elizabeth and Cutter walk into the house. Elizabeth: Dad I'm so glad that your home. Cutter: Me too sweetie. Elizabeth: i love you Dad. Cutter: I love you too sweetie. Elizabeth and Cutter Hug. Cutter: So do you have any plans with Trevor? Elizabeth: Yes I do. We are going to the pool at the country club. Cutter: Have a great time sweetie. Elizabeth: You mean it? Cutter: Yes. Elizabeth: Get some rest dad. Cutter: I will. Elizabeth carefully helps her father onto the couch. Cutter: Thank you sweetie. Elizabeth: of course Dad. Cutter falls asleep on the couch. Elizabeth goes upstairs and she gets dressed. She puts on a bikini and flip flops. She goes downstairs and she leaves the house. ---------------------------------------- Back in the boardroom Derek is still laying lifeless in Claire's arms. Claire: Derek don't do this don't leave me. I care about you. Derek doesn't respond to Claire. Ford runs into the boardroom he is looking for Claire. Ford: Claire are you in here? Claire: Ford I need help right now. Ford: what's wrong Claire? Claire: your brother Derek's Been shot. Ford: No Derek. Claire: I'm losing him he's lost so much blood. Ford: I'm calling Brandon right now. He will help my brother. Claire: James was going to get my medical bag. He hasn't came back with it yet. What if Serena shot him? Ford: I hope she didn't. I don't want to Lose Both of my brothers. Derek wakes up again and he looks at Ford. Derek: H e l p M e B r o t h e r Ford: Brandon is coming to help you. Your going to be ok I promise you brother. Derek: James never came back. Ford: I know I think something happend to him. ---------------------------------------- In Johnny's hospital room Johnny: Damon there is something that I have to tell you. Damon: what is it? Johnny: Damon what I'm about to tell you will change everything. Damon: Tell me. Johnny: James isn't your father, I Am. Damon: Oh my god your my father. Johnny: Yes I am. When I heard that you fell into a coma I was so scared that I would have lost my only son. Damon: I can't believe that your my father. What am I going to do about my love for my stepfather James? Johnny: Damon you can still love him. I don't mind. He's my half brother and I love him too He's a good man. Damon: I Remember. Johnny: what do you remember? Damon: I remember that I'm in the mafia with you. You were my uncle and we were ambushed by Brian cramer and Adam Ford and Eddie Ford. Brian fired a bullet at my head it hit me and I fell to the ground. Johnny: I love you son. Damon: I love you too Dad. ---------------------------------------- In the hospital hallway Tyler and Alison rush into the hospital. Serena stops them she aims her gun at Alison. Serena: Hello b***h. Alison: Why are you doing this? Your hurting innocent people and their familes are worried about them. I know what you did to Derek Ford, you shot him he could be dying right now in Claire Gregory's arms because of you. Serena: I don't give a damn about Derek Ford. He's a loser who needs to die. Tyler is getting angry Tyler: Derek Ford is my uncle and he is Not a loser. The only loser I see here is you. Serena: Shut up Tyler or your next to die. I already shot your precious father. Your daddy James is going to die too. Alison: No. Serena: Alison guess what? Your going to join James and Derek. Serena lifts up her Gun and she points it at Alison's stomach. Tyler: Noooo. Tyler throws himself infront of Alison. Serena fires a Bullet at Tyler's stomach The bullet goes into his stomach. Serena fires a 2nd bullet into Tyler's stomach Blood starts coming out of his stomach. Serena fires a 3rd bullet into Tyler's stomach Tyler slowly collapses to the floor of the hospital. Alison: Nooo you shot my boyfriend. Tyler: A l i s o n ......... U h U h U h I L o v e Y o u S o M u c h Alison: Tyler stay with me please don't die I love you. Tyler: G o o d b y e A l i s o n Alison: No sweetheart you can't die. You just can't Tyler I need you. Tyler closes his eyes and he dies in Alison's Arms. Alison: Tyler wake up you can't be gone You can't be dead. Alison starts crying she keeps crying. ---------------------------------------- On the other side of the hallway James is laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Brandon is walking down the hall and he sees James laying there. Brandon rushes over to James. James has his eyes closed. Brandon: James can you hear me? Open your eyes. James doesn't respond to Brandon. Brandon checks James's pulse. James's pulse is weak. Brandon: Oh No he's falling into a coma. Randy is in the hallway and he sees his brother Brandon with James. Randy rushes over to them. Randy: what happend? Brandon: I found James Ford laying out in the hallway shot and bleeding his pulse is really weak brother. Randy: Oh No. Brandon: he's falling into a coma. I want you to take him to the operating room. Randy: I will I'll take good care of him. Brandon and Randy carefully lift James up off of the floor. Randy carries James in his arms. Randy rushes James into the operating room. ---------------------------------------- Back in the boardroom Claire keeps crying she starts shaking. Brandon walks in Claire: Brandon I'm glad your here derek needs your help. Brandon: Claire I have to tell you something It's bad. Claire: What is it? Brandon: James. He was shot I found him in the hallway lifeless he wasn't moving or opening his eyes. He's in a coma. Claire puts her hand over her mouth and she begins to cry. Claire: No my husband. Brandon: I'm so sorry Claire. Claire keeps crying. Brandon: I'll take good care of Derek. Claire: please save him. Brandon: I will. Brandon carefully lifts Derek out of Claire's arms and he lays Derek on a strecher. Brandon rushes derek to the operating room. ---------------------------------------- At the country club pool Elizabeth walks into the country club and she spots Trevor sitting at a table. Elizabeth: Hi. Trevor: Hey Elizabeth I'm so happy that you came. Elizabeth: Me Too Trevor. Trevor: How's your father feeling? Elizabeth: I brought him home today. He's out of the hospital I'm so happy that he's ok. Trevor: Me too. I know that he loves you he's protective that's what I like about him. Elizabeth: My Dad is letting me do what I want now. He doesn't mind if I have sex. Trevor: That's great Elizabeth pulls Trevor into a kiss they keep kissing. Elizabeth: want to have sex now? Trevor: Yes. Elizabeth and Trevor go into a cabana and they lock the door. Elizabeth takes off her bikini. Trevor takes off his shirt and his swim trunks. Trevor pulls Elizabeth into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. Elizabeth and Trevor have sex. ---------------------------------------- In the operating rooms Randy and Brandon rush James and Derek into surgey. Randy gets the bullets out of James's stomach. Brandon gets the 3 bullets out of Derek's stomach. James's moniter starts flatlining Derek's moniter doesn't. Brandon stops Derek's bleeding and he cleans the 3 bullet wounds with antispectic he stitches them up and he bandges them up. Randy is trying to stop James from flatlining. Randy stops James's bleeding and he cleans the bullet wounds in James's stomach with antispectic and then Randy stitches the wounds up and then he bandages the wounds up. James's moniter stops beeping. Randy takes James to recovery. Brandon takes Derek to recovery. ---------------------------------------- Back at Danielle and Cutter's house Cutter is laying on the couch asleep Danielle comes into the house and she finds him sleeping on the couch. Danielle: Cutter honey I'm home. Cutter: Hey Sweetheart. Danielle: How are you feeling? Cutter: I feel fine. I have a little bit of pain. Danielle: I'll get you your pain medicene. Cutter: thank you sweetheart. Danielle: where's Elizabeth honey? Cutter: Elizabeth went to the country club pool with Trevor. Danielle: That sounds Like Fun. Cutter: I know. Honey will you do something for me? Danielle: Yes honey what is it that you want me to do? Cutter: Go to the country club pool and see what they are doing. I want to know. Danielle: I will. Cutter: Thank you honey. Danielle pulls Cutter into a kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Back at Blair and Kevin's house Kevin is sitting on the couch crying and looking at a picture of Blair. Tea knocks on the door. Kevin gets off of the couch and he opens it. Tea: I'm so sorry Kevin. Kevin: Come in Tea. Tea walks into the house. Todd comes in too. Todd: I'm sorry for your loss Kevin. Kevin: Thank you Todd. I loved Blair so much I can't believe that she's dead. Todd: it's all Serena Gregory's fault. Kevin: I have a plan to get everybody that we care about out of that hospital and away from her. Todd: What is the plan? Kevin: You and me go into the hospital dressed as cops and we find her and get Claire and James and Ford and Brandon and Randy and Derek and Jeremy and Jenna and Adriana and Josh out of there and we shoot her down. Todd: Good idea let's Do it. Tea: No Todd I'm not letting you do this. You'll get yourself killed. Todd: Claire is my daughter Tea. Brandon and Randy are my stepsons. I have to get them out. James and Ford and Derek are my friends. James is also my son in law. I have to save them before they get killed. Tea: I don't want you to get shot Todd. Todd: Tea listen to me I have to do this. Tea: Todd I love you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Todd: I'll be fine Tea. Tea pulls Todd into a kiss they keep kissing. Todd: bye Tea. Tea: Bye Todd please be careful. Todd: I promise you I will. Kevin: Tea make yourself at home. Tea: Thanks Kevin I will. Kevin: Come on Todd let's go to the costume store and then the Gun store. Serena's terror is going to end. We are going to save Claire and James and Randy and Brandon and Derek and Ford and Josh and Jenna and Adriana and Jeremy. Let's make Blair proud I know she would want you to save Claire. Todd: She would because she loved Claire so much. Tea: Promise that you'll come back to me Todd. Todd: I will Tea. I love you sweetheart. Tea and Todd kiss they keep kissing. Todd and Kevin leave the house. Tea sits on the couch and she begins to cry. ---------------------------------------- At the bar Jessica and Ryan are sitting at a table. Jessica: i feel bad for our father. Ryan: Me Too sis. I'm happy that he turned good and he's not hurting anybody anymore. Jessica: Me too. When he did that it was so scary. Uncle Eli is worse he's a killer. Ryan: He killed my wife Melissa manning. Jessica: Oh my god brother he killed her? Ryan: Yes. I found out from Landon porcaro. Jessica: Oh my god I didn't know what happend to her Nobody told me. Ryan: Sis I have to tell you something. Jessica: what is it brother? Ryan: Our brother Cameron is in trouble. He's been kidnapped. Jessica: Oh My God. ---------------------------------------- Back In the boardroom Claire and Ford are sitting on the floor. Brandon and Randy walk into the boardroom. Claire gets up off of the floor and she looks at Brandon and Randy Both. Claire: How's James and Derek? Randy: James is in a coma I'm sorry Claire. I got the bullets out of him but his moniter was flatlining. Claire: Oh my god. Randy: James might not make it through the night. Claire: are you saying that my husband might be dying? Randy: Yes. Brandon: No James can't die He's my best friend. Claire runs out of the room and she rushes to find James's hospital room. Ford looks at Brandon. Ford: How's Derek? Brandon: Derek is going to be just fine. I'm worried about James. He might die I don't want to lose James he's a good friend to me. Ford: I don't want to lose James either he's my brother and I love him. Brandon: James might not die either Ford. Your brother is strong he can survive He's a fighter. Ford: I'm just scared that Claire will lose the one she loves the most. James is her life and if she loses him she will do something really bad. Randy: what do you think she will do? Ford: she will kill Serena. ---------------------------------------- In James's hospital room Claire walks into the room she sees James laying in the bed with his eyes shut. She sits down in the chair next to his bed and she begins to cry she holds his hand. Claire: James sweetheart I don't know if you can hear me I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart. Your my life James please don't leave me. Jenna walks into her father's room. Jenna: Noooo Dad. Claire: Jenna honey I don't want you to see this. Jenna: Im not leaving. My Dad needs me. Claire: Im scared of losing your father Jenna. I love him so much he means the world to me. Jenna: I know he does mom. What are the doctors saying about dad's condition? Claire looks at Jenna Claire: Randy told me that your father might not make it through the night. Jenna: No. Claire: He said that your father might die. Jenna begins to cry she keeps crying. Claire keeps crying too. Jenna and Claire hug. Claire: Honey I'm going to go check on your daddy's brother Derek Ford. Jenna: Ok mom I'll stay here with Dad. Claire: I love you honey. Call me if your dad wakes up. Jenna: I will. Claire leaves the room and she goes to find Derek's hospital room. ---------------------------------------- Back in the cabana at the country Club Elizabeth and Trevor are still having sex Danielle arrives at the country club and she finds the cabana. She hears Elizabeth moaning. Elizabeth: Keep going Trevor come on I want more. Trevor: Are you sure you want more? Elizabeth: Yes Trevor keep it coming. Trevor and Elizabeth have more sex. Danielle knocks on the door Trevor: who is it? This cabana is in use don't you see the sign on the door. Danielle: Oh No you don't. This is Danielle Wentworth Gregory Open the damn door. Elizabeth: Oh s**t my mother's here. Trevor: what are we going to do? Elizabeth: Put your clothes on and let's run away. Danielle: Open this door right now. Your father is in alot of pain Elizabeth and if you don't listen to me he will find out about what you two are doing in there and he will be stressed and he could die because of being shot. He's not healed yet. Elizabeth opens the door. Elizabeth: Hi mom. Trevor: Hello mrs. wentworth. Danielle: What the hell is wrong with you Elizabeth? Elizabeth: Dad said that I'm allowed to have sex with Trevor Now. Danielle: Oh he did? Elizabeth: Yes he doesn't mind now. Danielle: Your coming home with me right now Elizabeth. Elizabeth: No I'm not. Me and Trevor are running away. Danielle: No your not I'm not letting you. ---------------------------------------- In Derek's hospital room Derek is laying in the bed asleep. Claire walks into the room Derek wakes up. Derek: Claire. Claire: How are you feeling Derek? Derek: I'm in pain but I'll be ok. I was just sleeping. Claire: I'm glad that your going to be ok. Derek: it's all thanks to you. Brandon Told me that you were the one that was stopping my bleeding when we were being held hostage in that boardroom. Claire: I couldn't let you die I care about you. Your important to me Derek: your important to me too. Claire: Derek I have something that I have to tell you. Derek: What is it Is everything ok? Is it James? Claire: James was shot Brandon found him bleeding to death in the hallway. James is in a coma right now and Randy says that James might not make it through the night. Derek: No. Claire: James might be dying in a coma right now. Derek: No my brother he can't die. no Claire: I'm scared Derek I'm so scared that Brandon or Randy will come into your room right now and tell me that James is dead that he's gone. Derek: I won't let my brother die. Take me to his room right now I need to see him I want to be by his side he's my brother and I love him I need him. Claire: I'll take you to him. Derek: Thank you Claire. Claire takes the Iv out of Derek's arm. She helps him into a wheel chair. Derek sits down in the wheel chair. Claire pushes Derek down to James's hospital room. ---------------------------------------- Back in James's hospital room Claire pushes Derek into James's room. Derek sees James laying in the bed with his eyes shut Derek starts crying he holds his brother's hand. Derek: No James you can't leave us. You can't be in this coma I don't want you to die. Claire is watching Derek as he's crying She's crying too. Damon walks into the room Damon: Mom I remember everything. Claire: Oh my God Damon you don't have amenisa anymore. Damon: Noooo what happend to my stepfather. Derek: He was shot Damon Your father's in a coma. Damon: Noooo. Damon begins to cry. Derek: Im scared that my brother won't live. Claire: I love him so much Derek. James is my hero he calls me his Twinkle. Derek: Aw I like that nickname for you. Claire: What if this is the last time that he'll ever say that to me What if it's his time to die? Derek: Dont think that way Claire. James will come back to you he's strong. All of a sudden James's moniter flatlines. Moniter: BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Claire: No James No don't leave me. You can't die. Everybody clear the room. Claire pushes on James's chest she starts doing CPR On him she does mouth to mouth on him. James doesn't respond his moniter keeps crashing. James is slowly slipping away in a coma. Claire cries on James she keeps crying. Claire: No James don't die don't you dare leave me. Stay with me. Claire gets the paddles and she shocks him back to life he slowly wakes up. James: T w i n k l e Claire: Sweetheart your awake. James: What happend? Claire: You were shot you lost alot of blood and then you fell into a coma. James: I love you so much Twinkle. You saved my life. Claire and James kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Stay Tuned for the next scenes on Tempted © 2011 Tempted headwriter
Added on July 10, 2011 Last Updated on July 10, 2011 Author![]() Tempted headwriterNJAboutHello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..Writing