![]() Tempted episode 111A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter![]() Episode info: Ford and James bond, James returns. Claire finds out that damon has amenisa. Johnny is rushed to the hospital. Derek Ford comes to town Tea asks Ford why he shot James![]()
Prevously on Tempted
Claire: Let me out of here somebody help me. Ford: Shut up b***h nobody is going to help you. Johnny finds Claire and Ford. Johnny: Ford Let Claire go right now. Ford: I don't think so Johnny i won't let you take Claire from me. Johnny: what your doing is wrong Ford. You killed your own brother James is dead because of you don't you care? Ford: I don't care what I did to my brother. I'm glad that he's dead Johnny: James was my brother too remember I'm half Ford. Claire: Johnny I'm scared help me. He has me tied up and a guy has a gun to my head. Johnny: Dont let that guy Hurt Claire. Ford listen to me if you give me Claire you can kill me is that a fair deal to you? Ford: Yes it is fair to me. I'll give Claire to you and then you die. Sean let Claire go. Claire looks at Johnny. ---------------------------------------- Natalie keeps crying she touches his cheek she cries on him. Damon slowly opens his eyes. Natalie: Damon your awake. Damon: what happend where am I? Natalie: Damon your in the hospital you got shot. Damon: Who's Damon? Natalie: Oh my god you don't know who you are? Damon: No I don't know who I am. Who are you? Natalie: my name is Natalie Gregory. Damon looks at Natalie confused. ---------------------------------------- Brenda: Hello who are you? Rex: my name is Rex Gregory. What's yours? Brenda: I'm Brenda zacchara. Rex: Nice to meet you Brenda. Brenda: your cute. Rex smiles at Brenda. Brenda: Do you have a girlfriend? Rex: No I don't. Brenda pulls Rex into a kiss they keep kissing. Rex: Where are you staying? Brenda: I'm staying with my brother Johnny zacchara. I'm new to town Rex: Well I'm glad your here. Brenda: I like you alot Rex. Rex: I like you too Brenda. Brenda pulls Rex into another kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Cutter: Hi honey. Elizabeth: Hi Dad how are you feeling? Cutter: I'm feeling Alot better then I did. Elizabeth: Dad there is something that I want to ask you. It's important. Cutter: What is it honey? Elizabeth: Dad do you know who shot you? Cutter: Yes I do sweetie. Elizabeth: who do you think it is? Cutter: Brian cramer shot me. Elizabeth: Oh my god. ---------------------------------------- Johnny hugs Claire. Claire: You saved my life. Johnny: I had to because your my best friend i didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Claire is crying Johnny comforts her. Johnny: Shh it's ok. Claire sees Ford go behind Johnny. Ford points his gun at Johnny's back. Claire sees the Gun. Claire: JOHNNY WATCH OUT. Johnny turns around and he sees the gun Ford fires a bullet at Johnny's stomach Johnny pulls out his gun and he shoots at Ford. Ford fires at Johnny's stomach. Claire: Noooo. Johnny: Claire run now go home. Claire grabs Johnny's Arm. Claire: No Johnny not without you. Johnny: Go Claire please I don't want you to get Hurt Ford is dangerous. Claire: I'm not letting you get killed. Johnny: Claire listen to me damn it I'm trying to protect you. I couldn't protect your son Damon and you see where that got him, I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want to fail you Just go Claire: No Johnny I'm not leaving you. ---------------------------------------- Tea: Blair have you seen Claire? Blair: No I haven't seen my daughter I'm getting worried about her. Tea: I think that there is something wrong. Blair: what do you think happend? Tea: I think somebody kidnapped Claire. Blair: I'm calling James. He probally knows where she is. Tea sees somebody laying on the floor dead Tea screams Blair hears her screaming. Blair: Tea what's wrong Why did you scream? Tea: Its James he's dead The camera pans onto James's lifeless body. ---------------------------------------- Serena: Hello Father Todd: Serena what are you doing here? Serena: Guess what Dad your daughter Claire is going to die. Todd: Leave your sister alone damn it. Serena: I don't think so. Anyway somebody is already dead. Todd: oh my god who did you kill? Serena: I had James killed by his own brother Robert Ford. Todd: No not James he can't be dead. How could you do this. Claire loved him and you ripped him away From her. He's dead because of you. Serena: He deserved to die. Todd: No he didn't you little b***h. James was my son in law and I loved him he was a father his kids don't have him anymore because of you. Serena: I hated him that's why I had him shot to death. ---------------------------------------- Tempted opening theme ---------------------------------------- Tempted episode 111 At the warehouse The ambulance pulls up to the warehouse Two Emt's rush into the warehouse. Claire is craddling Johnny to her to keep him warm. Claire: Johnny the ambulance is here Johnny doesn't respond to Claire. Brandon: Claire what happend? Claire: Johnny got shot he's losing blood please help him. Brandon: shh Claire calm down I'm going to get him to the hospital and he will be ok I promise you. Claire: I don't want him to die he saved my life. Brandon: Claire I will save him. Claire: he is my best friend if he dies I'll never forgive Ford. Brandon: Ford did this? Claire: Yes he did. Brandon: oh my god. Logan carefully takes Johnny from Claire's arms and he carefully lays Johnny on the strecher. Brandon puts Johnny into the ambulance Claire gets into the ambulance and she holds Johnny's hand. Brandon rushes Johnny to the hospital. ---------------------------------------- At Claire and James's house James walks into the house and he sits down on the couch and he turns the Tv on. He starts crying about what his brother did to him. Josh comes into the living room and he sees James crying. Josh: James your alive. James: Yes I am. Where's Claire I have to see my wife. Josh: she's at work James: I'm going over there to see her. Josh: good plan I'll come with you. James: Lets go now. Josh and James leave the house. ---------------------------------------- At the hospital The ambulance pulls up to the hospital. Brandon opens the back of the ambulance he carefully pushes Johnny into the hospital. Johnny: C l a i r e ..... Claire: shh Johnny it's ok your at the hospital now your going to be fine. Brandon: I'm going to take him into surgry If you want to help me you can. Claire: I'm going to help you Brandon. Claire and Brandon rush Johnny into the operating room Claire puts an IV in johnny's arm. Claire takes the blanket off of Johnny's chest. She gets her scapel out of her medical bag and she removes the bullet from Johnny's chest she cleans his wound with antispectic and she stitches his wound up and she bandages his chest up. Johnny opens his eyes and he looks at Claire. Johnny: Claire what happend? Claire: you got shot your at the hospital me and Brandon did surgry on you. Johnny: Thank you for saving my life. Claire: Your welcome. Brandon: I'm taking you to recovery. Claire: Get some rest Johnny you need it. Your a hero. Johnny: I love you Claire. Claire: I love you too. Johnny pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. Claire: I'm going to go. Johnny: Bye Claire. Claire: Bye Johnny. Claire leaves the operating room. ---------------------------------------- At The country club Ford is sitting at a table drinking a beer Tea walks over to him. Ford: Hi Tea what are you doing here? Tea: I know what you did to James. Ford: what are you talking about? Tea: you killed your own brother. Me and Blair found him dead at his house with Claire. Ford: I'm sorry Tea I didn't mean to kill my brother. Tea: How could you do that to your own brother? How could you hurt him like that. Ford: Listen to me Tea I was drugged by Serena Gregory. Tea: oh my god she drugged you? Ford: Yes she did. ---------------------------------------- At the cafe Claire walks into the cafe at the hospital and she sees Natalie sitting at a table. Natalie spots Claire and she gets up and she walks over to her. Natalie looks sad, Claire looks at her. Claire: Natalie are you ok? Natalie: No Claire I'm not ok. Claire: What happend? Natalie: your son Damon woke up from his coma last night but he doesn't know who he is. Claire: oh my god my son has amenisa. Natalie: im sorry Claire. Claire: why is this happening to my son? Natalie: I don't know I just want him to be ok I want him to remember who he is. Claire: this isn't your fault Natalie. Natalie: The only person's fault is Johnny's. Claire: don't blame Johnny he didn't mean for this to happen. Natalie: I hate Johnny for letting Damon into the Mafia. Claire: Natalie listen to me Johnny can't help how his life is. Natalie: I will never forgive Johnny. Claire: Natalie I have forgiven him. Johnny got shot he saved my life. Natalie: Oh my god Claire I'm sorry. Where's my uncle James? Claire: your uncle James is dead. He was killed by his brother Robert Ford. Natalie: no he can't be dead. Claire: He's Gone. Claire starts crying. ---------------------------------------- In Johnny's hospital room Johnny is laying in his bed sleeping. Ricky comes into the room Johnny wakes up Johnny: Hello has Damon Gregory woke up yet? Ricky: Yes he woke up last night. Johnny: Oh my god is he going to be ok? Ricky: Yes he is he wants to see you. He's been calling for you. Johnny: Im at the hospital now I Just got out of surgey. Ricky: Johnny why were you in surgey? Johnny: I got shot Ricky: Stay in your hospital bed. I'm going to bring Damon in to see you. Johnny: Thank you I want to see my son. Damon walks into Johnny's room. Damon: Who are you? Johnny: I'm your uncle Johnny. Don't you remember me Damon? Damon: No I don't remember you I'm sorry. Johnny: Your in the mafia Damon. Why can't you remember me? Damon: I can't remember you because I have amenisa I'm sorry. ---------------------------------------- At Tyler's apartment Tyler is sitting on the couch looking at a picture of his dad James. He begins to cry he keeps crying. Derek Ford knocks on the door he has black hair and blue eyes. Tyler gets off of the couch and he opens the door. Tyler: Hello who are you? Derek: I'm Derek Ford Tyler: Why are you here? Derek: I'm looking for my two brothers Robert Ford and James Ford. Tyler: my father is dead. He was killed by his brother Ford. Derek: No my brother James can't be dead. Tyler: He is Ford shot him. Derek: Oh No. Tyler: I'm sorry uncle Derek. Derek begins to cry Tyler hugs Derek as he's crying. Derek: I should go I'll see you later Tyler: Bye uncle Derek. Derek leaves Tyler's apartment. ---------------------------------------- Back at the cafe Josh walks into the hospital cafe he sees Claire drinking coffee and eating a salad. He sits down at her table Claire: Hi brother. Josh: Hi Claire. Claire: I'm glad that your here. Josh: Me Too. Claire begins to cry she is thinking about what Natalie told her about Damon. Josh: Claire what's wrong? Claire: Damon has amenisa he can't remember who he is. Josh: Oh No Sis I'm sorry. Claire: I can't believe that my son can't remember who he is. Josh: what happend to him to make him lose his memory? Claire: He was shot in the head and he fell into a coma. Josh: oh my god that's aweful I can't believe that my nephew got shot. Claire: I was so scared that I was going to lose my son. Josh: I would be afraid too sis. Claire: Josh I have to go take care of something I'll see you later. Josh: I love you Sis. Claire: I love you too brother. Claire leaves the cafe. ---------------------------------------- In the hospital hallway Claire is walking down the hall Serena is in the hallway waiting for Claire. Serena: hello Claire Claire: Leave me alone b***h Serena: no I won't leave you alone. Claire: Why are you here? Serena: I have a surprize for you all. Claire: what is it? Serena pulls out a Gun and she points it at Claire. Claire is backing away from the Gun. Serena: We are going to play a game. I'm the judge and I'm going to sentence you all. Claire: Serena don't do this. Serena: I will start with you Claire. Claire: Please don't. Serena: Claire Gregory your labeled as a s**t you sleep with tons of guys. Your a horrible mother your children don't love you and your happy that James is dead. Claire starts crying. Claire: Im not a w***e I only love one guy and that is James Ford my husband. I'm not happy that he's dead he was everything to me. He was my life he was my safe place. My children love me you are wrong b***h. Serena: What did you just call me? Claire: I called you a B***h. Serena points the gun at Claire's stomach. Claire: Im pregnant you don't want to shoot me. You will kill my unborn child with James my child is all that I have left of him. Please don't hurt me and my baby. James walks into the hospital and he hears Claire crying he rushes down the hall to where she is. James: Dont you dare hurt my wife. ---------------------------------------- Back at the country club Tea: I'm sorry that happend to you. Ford: I never meant to hurt my brother. I'm happy that Claire has somebody like James. They belong together Tea: yes they do belong together. Derek walks into the country club he is sitting at a table by himself he's crying. Ford sees Derek sitting there. Tea: what's wrong you look worried? Ford: My brother Derek Ford is over there. He's upset Im going to see if he's ok. Tea: I'm going to the hospital to say hi to Claire. Ford: Ok. Tell Claire that I said hello. Tea: I will. Ford and Tea hug. Tea leaves the country club. Ford walks over to Derek's table and he sits down. Derek looks up at him Derek: Brother I know what you did to James. You shot him to death because he stole your girlfriend Claire Gregory from you when he came to town. James is dead because of your jealously and your rage. He should be here with his wife and his children but he's not he's in the ground because of you and your Gun. Ford: listen to me Derek I didn't mean to kill James. I was drugged by serena Gregory. Derek: who is she? Ford: she's Claire's long lost sister. Serena is crazy stay away from her. Derek: I will. I'm afraid of her already. ---------------------------------------- Back in Johnny's hospital room Johnny: Damon I have to tell you something important. Damon: what is it? Johnny: James Ford isn't your father I am. Damon: I don't know who you are I don't know who James Ford is. Johnny: Damon you have to remember who you are. Damon: I don't know how to remember who I am. Johnny: I will help you. Damon: thank you. Johnny: your welcome. Damon: what happend to you? Johnny: I was shot. Damon: By who? Johnny: Robert Ford. ---------------------------------------- Back in the hallway of the hospital Claire: James sweetheart your alive? James: Yes I am sweetheart. Claire runs to James and she hugs him. James: Claire you have to run I want you and our unborn baby to be safe. Claire: come with me James. Serena is dangerous she will shoot you. James: I will be there with you honey. Hide somewhere she can't find you. Serena grabs Claire by the arm. She puts the gun to Claire's stomach. Serena: Say Goodbye to your unborn baby. Claire: No please Serena don't kill my baby please don't it deserves to see his daddy when it's born please don't take that away from me and James. Serena c***s the gun. James: Nooo. Blair walks into the hospital and she walks down the hallway and she sees Serena pointing a gun at Claire. Blair: Get away from my daughter. Serena: Hello Mother. Blair: I said get away from Claire she's pregnant and I don't want her to miscarry her child if you shoot her. Serena: Shut up mom. Blair throws herself infront of Claire. Serena fires a bullet into Blair's chest. Serena keeps firing the Gun bullets hit Blair's chest. Blair collapses to the floor Claire: Noo mom. Blair: I love you Claire uh uh uh uh your a good daughter uh uh uh. Claire: Ricky I need your help get Logan too. My mom was shot there is a shooting in the hospital right now. Put the hospital on lockdown. Logan pushes a button in the laptop the doors of the hospital rooms are locked. Logan: Claire what happend? Claire: My mother got shot. Take her to surgey it's really bad She's losing alot of blood. Logan and Ricky carefully lift Blair out of Claire's arms and they rush her into surgey. ---------------------------------------- In the operating room Logan carefully lays Blair on the operating table Ricky stops her bleeding from her chest He holds a blanket on her chest. Logan pulls out a scapel and he carefully removes the bullet from Blair's chest. The moniter is flatlining. Blair dies in surgey on the operating table. Logan: Blair open your eyes. Ricky: Logan something's wrong. Logan: What is it? Ricky: Blair is dead. Logan: Oh No she can't be dead. Ricky: she is. Logan begins to cry he walks out of the operating room. ---------------------------------------- In the waiting room of the hospital Claire is sitting in a chair crying Logan walks up to her Claire looks at him. Claire: Logan how is my mom doing? Is she going to be ok? Logan: Claire Im sorry but your mother Blair didn't make it. In surgey she was bleeding alot and she was going into shock. She's dead Claire I'm sorry. Claire: No my mother can't be dead. No she just can't be. Logan: She is I'm so sorry Claire. Claire begins to cry she keeps crying. Logan hugs Claire as she is crying. Claire: Serena killed my mother. My mother is dead because of that b***h. Logan: I always liked your mom she was a great person. Claire: what was your mom like? Logan: she was like your mom Blair. My mother died her name was Emily henderson. Claire: Im sorry that you lost your mother too how did she die? Logan: She was shot just like your mother was. Claire: That's aweful. Logan: I know it is. Claire: James is alive. Logan: I'm glad he is. Claire: I'm pregnant again with his child. Logan: Aw. ---------------------------------------- At a room in the hospital Derek and Ford walk into the room. Serena is reloading her gun with bullets. Ford: Serena what are you doing? Serena: I'm holding the hospital hostage. Claire is going to die soon Derek: What did you do to her? Serena: nothing yet anyway. Derek: Keep your damn hands off of her. You better not shoot her either. Serena: Who are you a*****e? Derek: My name is Derek Ford. Serena: I'm going to kill you. Derek: No please don't kill me. Please Ford: don't hurt my brother please. Serena: I'll be back later Derek and I'll kill you. Derek runs out of the room he keeps running. ---------------------------------------- In the waiting room Claire keeps crying in the chair. Tea walks into the hospital and she sees Claire sitting in a chair crying. Tea: Claire what's wrong are you ok? Claire: No I'm not Ok. Tea: Claire where's your mom? Claire: Tea something happend to her. Tea: What happend? Claire: Serena is holding the whole hospital hostage. She has a Gun and she shot my mother in the chest. My mother is dead. Tea: No. Claire begins to cry she keeps crying. Tea: how could Serena do this? Claire: she's crazy she hates me. That bullet she shot into my mother's chest was meant for me and my unborn baby. Tea: oh my god how could somebody try to kill a pregnant woman and her unborn baby That's wrong. Claire: James is Alive. Tea: I'm happy that he is I know how much you love him. Claire: I do he's my life. James comes over to Claire and he sits down next to her. James: Honey where's your mom is she going to be ok? Claire: James my mother is dead she didn't make it out of surgry she's gone. James: Nooo. Claire: I'm scared James. James: honey go hide in the boardroom you'll be ok in there. Claire: I'm not leaving you James. You could get shot. James: I'll be ok honey I promise. Claire: I'll go I love you James. James: I love you too Claire. Claire pulls James into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. Claire pulls away and she runs to the boardroom She runs into Josh while she's heading to the board room. Claire: Hi brother. Josh: hey Claire what's going on? Claire: Serena. Josh: what did she do? Claire: She Hurt Mom. Josh: oh my god. Claire where's mom? Claire: Josh I have to tell you something. Josh: what is it? Claire: Mom was shot she's dead. Serena killed her. Josh: Oh my god. Claire: Serena is holding everybody hostage in the hospital. Josh: This isn't good at all. Claire: I'm scared Josh. Josh: I'm scared too. Claire you look sick. Claire: Im pregnant Josh that's why I look sick. I'm having morning sickness. And I'm just scared that people that I love will die just like our mom did. Josh: Im sorry Claire. Claire begins to cry she keeps crying. ---------------------------------------- In the boardroom at the hospital Derek sits on the floor and he is scared. Serena finds the room and she points the gun down at him. Serena: Hello Derek I told you that I'd find you. Time to die Derek: Please don't kill me I'm begging you Serena. Serena: I'm not listening to you. Derek: you don't want to shoot me. Trust me Serena. Claire arrives at the boardroom. She sees a guy with short black hair and blue eyes sitting on the floor being held at gunpoint by Serena. Claire walks into the room Serena turns around and she points the gun at Claire. Derek looks at Claire and he starts shaking he's scared for her. Claire: Kill me Serena put a bullet in my chest. Do it Derek: No. Serena: Say goodbye b***h. Claire: Pull the trigger Serena I dare you. Kill me like you killed our mother. Come on and do it Serena. Serena c***s her gun and she fires a bullet at Claire. Derek: Nooo. Derek throws himself infront of Claire and the bullet. The bullet hits Derek in the chest. Claire: You saved my life Derek. Derek: I had to uh uh uh uh uh. Claire: Your going to be ok I promise. Derek: I'm scared Claire I realiy am. Claire: I'm here Derek. Derek: I was scared that I'd never see you again. Claire: I feel the same way. Derek smiles at Claire. Serena: stop smiling at that b***h. Derek: No. Serena takes aim and she fires a bullet into his chest Derek screams. Derek: Uh uh uh uh uh I hate you. Serena: Good. Serena fires a third bullet at his chest. Claire: Nooo. Derek: C l a i r e Serena leaves the boardroom Claire looks at Derek. Derek walks towards her and he collapses into her arms Derek is unconcious in her arms. Claire: Derek wake up. Derek doesn't respond to Claire. ---------------------------------------- At the cafe Ford walks into the hospital cafe for a sub and coffee. He sees a guy with short black hair and brown eyes. Ford walks over to him He looks at him Ford: James your alive. James: Yes I am brother. Ford: I'm sorry for shooting you James I didn't mean to do that to you. Serena drugged me that night she told me to kill you so I did. But the truth is I didn't want you to be shot because you are my brother and I love you. James: I love you too brother. Ford and James Hug. James: Serena is holding everybody hostage in the hospital. Only one person is dead Now. Ford: who got killed? James: Blair. Ford: Claire's mother? James: Yes. Ford: Oh my god. James: Im scared that Claire could get shot. Ford: I heard gunshots coming from the boardroom. James: Oh No. Ford: where's our brother Derek Ford? James: He must be in the boardroom with Claire. Ford: I hope he's not shot either. James: come on let's go find them. Ford: ok brother. James and Ford leave the cafe and they go to find Claire and Derek. ---------------------------------------- Stay Tuned for the next scenes on Tempted © 2011 Tempted headwriter |
Added on July 10, 2011 Last Updated on July 10, 2011 Author![]() Tempted headwriterNJAboutHello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..Writing