![]() Tempted episode 110A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter![]() Episode info: Natalie sits by Damon's bedside. Damon wakes up, Johnny comes to Claire's rescue. Ford tells Claire why he killed James. Randy returns and he becomes bad. Blair is kidnapped![]()
Prevously on Tempted
Claire: Ford where's James? Ford: Claire there is something that I have to tell you. Claire: what happend to my husband? Ford: You should sit down for this. Claire: No I'm not sitting down. I'm going to stand here and I want to know what happend to James. Ford: James is dead he was shot. Claire covers her mouth with her hand she begins to cry. Claire: who did this to him WHO KILLED MY HUSBAND? Ford: We got into a gunfight and I killed him. Claire: You b*****d you killed your own brother. Ford: I had to kill him I was sick of you and him being in love. You are supposed to be with me not him. Claire: How could you do this to me. He was my husband and you killed him I loved him and you shot him. Ford: he shot back at me two bullets hit my chest. Claire: I could careless what happens to you. You murdered your own brother My son Damon is in the hospital in a coma and his father is dead. When Damon wakes up or if he ever wakes up what am I going to f*****g tell him? I'm going to have to tell him that his father is dead. Ford: James isn't Damon's father. Johnny is his father. Claire: that's not true. Ford: it is true I found out. Claire: Johnny is not Damon's father. James is and he's dead because of you. Claire smacks Ford across the face. Ford: ow you little b***h. Claire: I hate you Ford you b*****d. Ford grabs claire by the arm. Ford: Claire guess what? Claire: what You murderer? Ford: your coming with me right now. Claire: Let Go of me. Ford pulls out a syringe and he drugs Claire with it. Claire collapses into Ford's arms. ---------------------------------------- Cutter slowly opens his eyes elizabeth and Trevor keep kissing. Cutter: Get away from my daughter. Elizabeth: Dad your awake. Cutter: What happend to me? Elizabeth: Dad you were shot and you fell into a coma you almost died. Cutter: who shot me? Where's your mother? Danielle walks into the room. Danielle: Honey your awake. Cutter: Yes I am. Danielle: I was so scared when I heard that you fell into a coma You could have died. Cutter: But I didn't honey I'm right here. Danielle and Cutter kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Brandon: Mom there is something that I have to tell you. Tea: what is it honey what's wrong? Brandon: Randy's dead somebody murdered him. Tea: oh my god. Brandon: I know mom I was shocked when Claire told me what had happend. Tea: I can't believe that your brother is dead. Brandon: I can't believe it either mom. He's not the only one that's dead. Tea: oh No who else died? Was it James or Claire or Ford or your brothers Landon and Jeremy or Sam or Trevor? Brandon: it's none of them mom. The one that also died is Nicolas Gregory Tea: oh my god Claire and James's son. Brandon: Yes. Tea: how did he die? Brandon: Serena Gregory shot and killed him and she also stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. Tea: oh my god no. Tea starts crying she keeps crying. Brandon hugs his mother as she is crying. ---------------------------------------- Jenna: Sweetie I have to tell you something. Natalie: what is it? Jenna: it's about Damon he's been shot. Natalie: Oh my god No, No, No, when did this happen? Jenna: Last night. He was ambushed with his uncle Johnny zacchara Ford. Eddie ford and Adam Ford and Brian cramer were shooting at them Damon got shot in the head. Natalie: is Damon going to be ok? Jenna: I'm afraid not. He's in a coma Natalie: Oh my god I have to see him. Mom please you have to take me to the hospital to see him. I want to be by his side. Jenna: I'll take you sweetie come on let's go. Natalie: mom where's Dad? Jenna: Natalle sweetie your father's dead. He was killed by Serena Gregory. Natalie: Oh My God my father's dead. Natalie begins to cry she keeps crying. Jenna hugs Natalie as she's crying. ---------------------------------------- James: Brother what do you want? Ford: James I'm here to fight with you for Claire's love. James: Ford why are you doing this? Your my brother and your supposed to love me. Ford: I want you dead James I wish you never came to town. Why did you come to town James? Was it because you wanted to steal Claire from me? James: No Brother that isn't the reason why I came to town. Kevin williamson was after me and then that Andrew guy was after me. They were trying to kill me so I ended up here in New York. I fell for Claire. I didn't know that she was with you I had no idea but I fell in love with her. Ford: That's it James say goodbye. I've had enough of you loving Claire. She doesn't belong with you she belongs with me. I'm going to kill you brother. James: I don't think so Brother. Ford pulls out a gun and he points it at James. James pulls out a gun and he points it at Ford. Ford: what are you going to do brother shoot me? James: Damn right I am brother. Your trying to kill me. Ford: Whoever ends up with 3 bullet wounds in the chest loses and dies. James fires a bullet at Ford. Ford fires a bullet at James. The bullet hit James in the chest. James fires a bullet at Ford's chest. The bullet flies into Ford's chest. Ford fires a bullet at James's chest. Ford keeps firing at James's chest. James's gun drops to the ground. James touches his chest and he gets blood on his hand James collapses to the ground. Ford: I win James and you lose. James: brother please help me don't let me die. Ford: I hate you James You are not my brother anymore. Ford stands over James and he shoots bullets into James's chest James's body shakes he starts bleeding more. Ford: Goodbye brother. James: Nooooo. Ford pulls the trigger again bullets explode through James's heart The bullets hit his heart. James: T e l l C l a i r e that I L o v e d H e r . . . . . . . U h U h U h U h U h . . . . .. James slowly closes his eyes and he dies. Ford leaves James to die he walks out of the house. ---------------------------------------- Tempted episode 110 At the hospital in Damon's room. Natalie walks into the hospital and she goes up to a nurse named Caroline. Caroline: Hi do you need some help finding a hospital room? Natalie: Yes I do. Do you know where Damon Gregory's hospital room is? Caroline: Yes his room is 134 on the right. Natalie: Thank you I'm his girlfriend. Caroline: Nice to meet you Natalie. Natalie and Caroline shake hands. Natalie goes to find Damon's room she finds it. Natalie walks into his room and she sits down in a chair next to the bed. Natalie: Damon I don't know if you can hear me, I just want you to know that I love you Please don't leave me Damon I don't want to lose you I don't want you to die. Your family needs you they love you please open your eyes. Damon doesn't open his eyes. Natalie starts crying she keeps crying she holds his hand. ---------------------------------------- In Cutter's hospital room Cutter is laying in the bed thinking about the night he was shot. Danielle walks into the room Danielle: Hi honey are you ok? Cutter: Danielle sweetheart I have to tell you something. Danielle: what is it honey? Cutter: I remember who shot me at the bar the night Elizabeth and Trevor had sex. Danielle: Who do you think it was? Cutter: I Saw Brian cramer with a gun he was the one who shot me. Danielle: That b*****d I'm going after him. Cutter: No sweetheart don't, I don't want you to get hurt. Danielle: He won't hurt me honey Cutter: I don't trust him. Danielle: I know you don't and I don't trust him either. ---------------------------------------- At Sam's apartment Jessica knocks on the door Sam opens the door. Jessica: Hi sweetheart. Sam: I missed you where did you go? Jessica: I went somewhere and I got you something. Sam: What did you get me? Jessica: Close your eyes sexy. Sam closes his eyes Jessica puts something in his hand. Jessica: open your eyes honey. Sam opens his eyes and he looks down at his hand He's holding a Gun Sam: You got me a Gun, Why? Jessica: I want you to do something for me. Sam: what is it? Jessica: Kill Brian cramer for hurting Damon. Sam: what happend to Damon? Jessica: Brian shot him and put him in a coma. Sam: oh my god does Claire know? Jessica: Yes she does. She's not taking it well at all. ---------------------------------------- At the warehouse Johnny arrives at the warehouse. Claire is tied up and she is crying. Claire: Let me out of here somebody help me. Ford: Shut up b***h nobody is going to help you. Johnny finds Claire and Ford. Johnny: Ford Let Claire go right now. Ford: I don't think so Johnny i won't let you take Claire from me. Johnny: what your doing is wrong Ford. You killed your own brother James is dead because of you don't you care? Ford: I don't care what I did to my brother. I'm glad that he's dead Johnny: James was my brother too remember I'm half Ford. Claire: Johnny I'm scared help me. He has me tied up and a guy has a gun to my head. Johnny: Dont let that guy Hurt Claire. Ford listen to me if you give me Claire you can kill me is that a fair deal to you? Ford: Yes it is fair to me. I'll give Claire to you and then you die. Sean let Claire go. Claire looks at Johnny. ---------------------------------------- Back in Damon's hospital room. Natalie keeps crying she touches his cheek she cries on him. Damon slowly opens his eyes. Natalie: Damon your awake. Damon: what happend where am I? Natalie: Damon your in the hospital you got shot. Damon: Who's Damon? Natalie: Oh my god you don't know who you are? Damon: No I don't know who I am. Who are you? Natalie: my name is Natalie Gregory. Damon looks at Natalie confused. ---------------------------------------- At the bar Rex is sitting at a table A girl with brown hair and brown eyes walks over to him. Brenda: Hello who are you? Rex: my name is Rex Gregory. What's yours? Brenda: I'm Brenda zacchara. Rex: Nice to meet you Brenda. Brenda: your cute. Rex smiles at Brenda. Brenda: Do you have a girlfriend? Rex: No I don't. Brenda pulls Rex into a kiss they keep kissing. Rex: Where are you staying? Brenda: I'm staying with my brother Johnny zacchara. I'm new to town Rex: Well I'm glad your here. Brenda: I like you alot Rex. Rex: I like you too Brenda. Brenda pulls Rex into another kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Back in Cutter's hospital room Elizabeth walks into the room. Cutter is sitting in the bed reading a book. Cutter: Hi honey. Elizabeth: Hi Dad how are you feeling? Cutter: I'm feeling Alot better then I did. Elizabeth: Dad there is something that I want to ask you. It's important. Cutter: What is it honey? Elizabeth: Dad do you know who shot you? Cutter: Yes I do sweetie. Elizabeth: who do you think it is? Cutter: Brian cramer shot me. Elizabeth: Oh my god. ---------------------------------------- Back at the warehouse Sean: I thought you wanted me to keep this b***h tied up? Ford: No just let her Go. Sean unties Claire she runs away from Sean and she runs to Johnny. Johnny hugs Claire. Claire: You saved my life. Johnny: I had to because your my best friend i didn't want anything bad to happen to you. Claire is crying Johnny comforts her. Johnny: Shh it's ok. Claire sees Ford go behind Johnny. Ford points his gun at Johnny's back. Claire sees the Gun. Claire: JOHNNY WATCH OUT. Johnny turns around and he sees the gun Ford fires a bullet at Johnny's stomach Johnny pulls out his gun and he shoots at Ford. Ford fires at Johnny's stomach. Claire: Noooo. Johnny: Claire run now go home. Claire grabs Johnny's Arm. Claire: No Johnny not without you. Johnny: Go Claire please I don't want you to get Hurt Ford is dangerous. Claire: I'm not letting you get killed. Johnny: Claire listen to me damn it I'm trying to protect you. I couldn't protect your son Damon and you see where that got him, I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want to fail you Just go Claire: No Johnny I'm not leaving you. ---------------------------------------- At Claire and James's house Blair and Tea walk into the house Tea: Blair have you seen Claire? Blair: No I haven't seen my daughter I'm getting worried about her. Tea: I think that there is something wrong. Blair: what do you think happend? Tea: I think somebody kidnapped Claire. Blair: I'm calling James. He probally knows where she is. Tea sees somebody laying on the floor dead Tea screams Blair hears her screaming. Blair: Tea what's wrong Why did you scream? Tea: Its James he's dead The camera pans onto James's lifeless body. ---------------------------------------- At Todd's office Todd is sitting at his desk Serena walks into his office. Todd: Hello? Serena: Hello Father Todd: Serena what are you doing here? Serena: Guess what Dad your daughter Claire is going to die. Todd: Leave your sister alone damn it. Serena: I don't think so. Anyway somebody is already dead. Todd: oh my god who did you kill? Serena: I had James killed by his own brother Robert Ford. Todd: No not James he can't be dead. How could you do this. Claire loved him and you ripped him away From her. He's dead because of you. Serena: He deserved to die. Todd: No he didn't you little b***h. James was my son in law and I loved him he was a father his kids don't have him anymore because of you. Serena: I hated him that's why I had him shot to death. ---------------------------------------- Back at the warehouse Johnny and Ford keep shooting bullets at eachother Ford's bullets hit Johnny in the stomach Johnny touches his stomach and he gets blood on his hand and he collapses to the floor. Claire: Nooooo. Johnny: C l a i r e Claire: Johnny shh I'm here I'm going to help you. Johnny: I have to tell you something. Claire: What is it? Johnny: I'm in love with you still. Uh uh uh uh uh uh. Claire: I love you too Johnny. Johnny keeps bleeding from his stomach Claire gets her medical bag and she pulls out a blanket and she holds it on Johnny's bullet wounds in his stomach She stops the bleeding she gets a scapel out and she gets the bullets out of his stomach She cleans his wounds with antispectic and she stitches his stomach up and she bandages it up Johnny: You saved my life. Claire: I couldn't let you die. Johnny: I meant what I said I love you. Claire: I love you too. Johnny and Claire smile at eachother Claire: let's get out of here. Ford blocks the door he points the gun at them Ford: your not going anywhere your staying here. Both of you are going to be my hostages. Claire and Johnny look scared. ---------------------------------------- Back at Claire and James's house Blair and Tea look at eachother Blair: oh my god. Does Claire know? Tea: I don't think she does I think I might know who did this. Blair: Who? Tea: I think Ford killed James and he took Claire and he's holding her hostage. Blair: Oh my god He has my daughter. Tea: I'm going to help you get her back. Blair: Why did James have to die? Claire loved him she always loved him. Tea: I can't believe he's gone. Blair: He was my friend and my son in law. He was the best father to his children. Damon loved him very much and so did Jenna and Nicolas and Adriana and Starr and Nate and Tyler. Tea: James isn't the only one that is dead. My son Randy porcaro is dead. Blair: Oh my god I'm so sorry Tea ---------------------------------------- At Brian's apartment Sam knocks on the door Brian opens the door. Sam: Hello Brian. Brian: What do you want loser? Sam: I know what you did. You shot Damon Gregory and Cutter Gregory. Damon is in a coma and he's my nephew he could die because of you. Cutter is my friend and he could die too. Brian: I don't care about them. Sam pulls out the gun and he points it at Brian. Sam: Maybe this will make you care. Brian: shoot me I dare you. Sam: Tell me why you shot my nephew and my friend? Brian: I shot them both because I wanted everybody to pay and I wanted everybody to lose somebody they cared about. Sam: You sick b*****d how could you. Brian: Get out of my apartment. Sam fires bullets at Brian's chest. he keeps firing at Brian's chest. Brian collapses to the floor bleeding. Sam fires bullets at Brian as he's bleeding. Sam walks out of Brian's apartment. ---------------------------------------- Back in Damon's hospital room Natalie: You don't know who you are? Damon: No I don't I'm sorry. Natalie: it's not your fault. Damon: Can I get some rest? Natalie: Sure I'm happy that your awake. Damon: Thank you whoever you are. Even if I can't remember I still love you. Natalie pulls Damon into a kiss they keep kissing. Natalie: I love you too. Damon smiles at Natalie. Natalie smiles at Damon. Damon: Goodnight. Natalie: Goodnight Damon. Damon falls asleep. Natalie walks out of Damon's hospital room and she begins to cry. ---------------------------------------- Back at the warehouse Claire and Johnny are sitting on the floor together. Johnny: Claire there is something that I have to tell you. Claire: What is it Johnny? Johnny: it's about Your son Damon. Claire: what about him? Johnny: James isn't his father I am. Claire: Oh my god. How did you find out? Johnny: Damon needed a blood transfusion I donated my blood to him and my blood was a match and I had a DNA test done on me and him. It turns out that I'm his Dad. Claire: I can't believe that James isn't his father Damon is going to be so crushed. James was all he knew growing up Damon loved him and James loved him back. Johnny: Im sorry Claire I shouldn't have told you. Claire: No Johnny don't blame yourself You saved Damon by giving him your blood. Damon will wake up and when he does you can tell him what you did for him. ---------------------------------------- Back in Todd's office Todd: Serena honey why are you like this? Serena: you want to know the reason why I'm bad Dad? It's because I never knew my real parents until now. Todd: I'm sorry Serena I didn't know that I would have another daughter to take care of. Serena: which one of you didn't want me? You or Mom? Todd: I can't answer that I'm sorry. Serena: I hate Claire she gets what she wants all the time I can never get anything I want. Todd: what is it that you want? Serena: I want to be loved by my mom and Dad. Todd: your sister Claire didn't do anything to you Serena. Why are you trying to get rid of her? Serena: Because I want her life. Serena walks out of Todd's office. ---------------------------------------- At Brandon's apartment Randy knocks on the door Brandon opens the door Randy: Hi brother Brandon: Oh my god Randy your alive. Randy: what happend to me? Brandon: somebody stabbed you with a knife Claire found you dead in your bed. Randy: oh my god. Brandon: brother I thought that I lost you forever. Randy: But you didn't I'm right here. Brandon: I'm glad that your alive. Randy: Me too brother. I think it's time I go back to being a cop. Brandon: No brother you'll get yourself killed. Randy: I have an idea brother. Brandon: what is it? Randy: I'm becoming a robber. Brandon: Are you crazy? Randy: No I'm not I'm serious I'm going to go rob a store. Brandon: the cops will kill you brother. Randy: I don't care it's time that I turn bad. I'm sick of being the good brother Randy leaves Brandon's apartment and he goes to rob a store. ---------------------------------------- At the store Randy walks into the store with his gun pointed. Randy: Give me all the money or I'll shoot you. Serena: Hello Randy. Randy: Who are you b***h? Serena: I'm Serena Gregory I have a job for you. Randy: what is it? Serena: Kill my mother Blair Gregory. Randy: I can't do that she's my friend. Serena: You have to kill her. Randy: No she's my best friend Claire's mother. Why are you making me do this? Serena: Because I'm falling in love with you. Randy: You are? Serena: Yes I am. Randy pulls Serena into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. Serena: Go find my mother right now. Randy: I will. Serena: Good. Serena and Randy kiss again. Randy leaves the store. ---------------------------------------- At Blair and Kevin's house Kevin is sitting on the couch watching Tv. Blair walks into the house crying. Kevin hears her crying. He walks into the living room. Blair: Kevin I have to tell you something. Kevin: What is it sweetheart? Blair: Claire's husband James is dead. Ford killed him. Kevin: Oh No James can't be dead. Blair: He's gone. Kevin: How could Ford kill his own brother? Blair: Somebody told Ford to kill him. Kevin: Who? Blair: I have a feeling that it's my daughter Serena Gregory. Kevin: Why can't she leave this family alone? Blair: I don't know honey but I'll find out. Kevin: Listen Blair I don't want you anywhere near her she's dangerous. Blair: I understand honey I'll stay away from her. There is something I have to do. Kevin: What is it? Blair: Claire's been kidnapped I have to find her. Kevin: Oh my god Claire's been kidnapped? Blair: Yes she has. Kevin: Who do you think has her? Blair: Robert Ford has her. I'm going to find her now Kevin: Be careful honey. Blair: I will. Kevin pulls Blair into a kiss they keep kissing. Blair leaves the house. ---------------------------------------- Back in Cutter's hospital room Cutter: You sound shocked honey. Elizabeth: Yes Dad I am very shocked He tried to kill you. Cutter: Looks like he failed I'm still alive. Elizabeth: I'm glad that your alive dad. I'm sorry for saying that I hated you. I didn't mean it I was just mad. Cutter: Honey you don't have to say sorry to me. I understand that you want to be with Trevor so I'm allowing you to have sex with him. Your getting old enough for it. Elizabeth: Are you sure? Cutter: Yes I'm sure. Elizabeth and Cutter hug. Elizabeth: Thanks Dad I love you. Cutter: I love you too. ---------------------------------------- At Tyler's apartment Tyler is sitting on the couch reading a book. Alison knocks on the door Tyler opens the door Alison: Hi Tyler. Tyler: Alison what are you doing here? Alison: I came to see you. Tyler: I can't see you anymore I'm going through a tough time right now. Alison: What happend? Tyler: My father James was killed. I miss my dad so much Alison: Oh my god Tyler I'm so sorry. Tyler begins to cry he keeps crying. Alison hugs Tyler as he's crying. Tyler looks into Alison's eyes and he pulls her into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. ---------------------------------------- Back at the warehouse Johnny: Ford why are you doing this to us? Claire: Yeah Ford I want to know why. Ford: I'm doing this because I'm being told to. Claire: Who is telling you to do all this aweful stuff to me and Johnny and your brother? Ford: You don't want to know. Claire: Tell me Ford please let me help you. Ford: Your sister Serena Gregory has been telling me to do this. Claire I didn't mean to kill my brother I didn't want to shoot him. Claire: Then why did you? Ford: Because If I didn't shoot him Serena would have came after you and James. I killed him to protect him. Claire: Oh My God. Johnny: Ford let me and Claire leave. Ford: No I won't let you two leave. Claire: You have to Ford it's the only way you can stop listening to Serena. If you let me and Johnny go I will forgive you for killing my husband. I know that you loved James he was your brother and I know that you would have taken a bullet to save him. Ford: Your right about that Claire I would have died to protect my brother. Johnny lunges at Ford. Claire screams as Johnny knocks Ford to the floor Ford pulls out his gun and they fight over it. The Gun goes off GUN: BANG. Johnny falls off of Ford. Claire sees a bullet wound in Johnny's stomach. Claire: Nooooo. Johnny: C l a i r e Ford: Claire I'm setting you both free. Take Johnny to the emergancy room. Im sorry. Claire: Johnny did you Hear that? Ford is letting us Go. Johnny: thank you Ford uh uh uh uh Ford: I'm sorry Johnny I didn't mean to shoot you. Johnny: Were you drugged Ford? Ford: Yes I was. Claire looks shocked. Ford: You can use my phone Claire. Johnny bleeds from his chest he starts shaking. Claire: Hello I need a ambulance my friend Johnny Zacchara got shot in the chest please get here fast he's losing blood. Send somebody quick he doesn't have that much time left his wound is really bad. Johnny coughs up blood he keeps coughing up blood. Ford is stopping the bleeding from Johnny's wound. Johnny: F o r d U h U h U h T h a n k Y o u Ford: Shh your welcome Johnny I'm sorry for this. Johnny: I forgive you uh uh uh. Johnny passes out in Claire's arms. ---------------------------------------- At the bookstore Blair walks into the bookstore Randy is walking around and he spots Blair. Randy: Hello Blair. Blair: Randy oh my god your alive. Randy: Yes I am B***h. Blair: What is your problem Randy? Why did you call me a b***h. Randy: Shut up or I'll kill you. Blair: Please don't kill me I'm begging you. Randy takes out a gun and he points it at Blair. Randy: Your coming with me Blair or you will get it. Blair: Randy why are you being like this? Randy: I said Shut up. Blair: Let Go of me. Randy: I don't think so b***h. Blair kicks Randy in the legs. Randy pulls out a syringe and he drugs Blair. Blair collapses to the floor. Randy carries Blair out to his car he puts her into the backseat and he gets into the driver's side and he drives away. ---------------------------------------- Stay Tuned for the next scenes on Tempted © 2011 Tempted headwriter |
Added on July 10, 2011 Last Updated on July 10, 2011 Author![]() Tempted headwriterNJAboutHello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..Writing