Tempted episode 109

Tempted episode 109

A Screenplay by Tempted headwriter

Episode info: James and Ford get into a gunfight. Claire stays by Damon's bedside Claire apologizes to Johnny Claire is taken hostage by Ford Johnny finds out that he's Damon's father

Prevously on Tempted 
Jeremy: Jenna are you ok? 
Jenna: No I'm not ok Jeremy. 
Jeremy: what's wrong Jenna? 
Jenna: Nicolas died he was killed by Serena Gregory. 
Jeremy: who's Serena Gregory? 
Jenna: my mother Claire's long lost sister. 
Jeremy: I can't believe that your mom has a sister. 
Jenna: I am going to make serena pay for killing my husband.
Jeremy: Im sorry that Nicolas died. He was my favorite nephew. 
Jenna: I'm glad that your awake now. 
Jeremy: me too. 
Jenna smiles at Jeremy. 
Jeremy pulls Jenna into a kiss. 
Adriana sees Jenna kissing Jeremy. 
Adriana: Jenna what are you doing with my husband? 
Jenna pulls away from Jeremy and she looks at Adriana shocked. 
Cutter is still laying in a coma Brian comes into his hospital room with a syringe. He stands over Cutter's bed and he is ready to give cutter the injection that is inside the syringe. 
Brian: It's time to die Cutter Gregory. 
Elizabeth walks into the room. 
Brian drops the syringe. 
Elizabeth: Who are you? 
Brian: I'm Brian cramer 
Elizabeth: what are you doing in my father's hospital room? 
Brian: I'm here to visit him were old college friends. 
Elizabeth: that's great. 
Brian: Yeah it is I better get going. I have a meeting I have to get to. 
Elizabeth: Bye Brian. It was nice meeting you. 
Brian: Bye. It was nice meeting you too. 
Brian leaves The hospital room. 
Elizabeth goes over to her father's hospital bed and she sees a syringe on the floor. She carefully picks it up and she looks at it. 
Elizabeth: MOM. 
Danielle comes running into the room. 
Danielle: what is it honey? 
Elizabeth: I found this in dad's room. 
Serena: Ford I want you to kill your brother and take Claire. I know that she's Alive. 
Ford: I don't want to kill my brother. 
Serena: Ford don't you want my sister back? 
Ford: No I don't want her back. James and Claire are happy together they love eachother. 
Serena: I'm going to make you do it. 
Ford: No I won't let you trap me into doing this. Let my brother and Claire be happy. 
Serena: No I'm not letting you lose her because your brother loves her.  
Ford: Get out of my apartment I've had it. 
Serena: maybe this will change your mind. 
Serena pulls Ford into a passionate kiss. 
Damon: Natalie I have to tell you something. 
Natalie: what is it Damon? 
Damon: there is something that you should know about me. 
Natalie: what do I have to know about you? 
Damon: I'm in the Mafia. My uncle Johnny zacchara Ford is the leader of it. 
Natalie: I can't believe that your in the mob. 
Damon: Yeah I can't believe it either. So after what I just told you do you still want to be with me? 
Natalie: Yes.  
Damon and Natalie kiss they keep kissing.  
Josh: Michelle I have something that I want to ask you. 
Michelle: what is it Josh? 
Josh pulls out a black ring box he gets down on one knee. 
Michelle looks at Josh. 
Josh: Michelle will you marry me? 
Michelle: Yes Josh I will marry you. 
Josh slips the ring onto Michelle's finger. 
Michelle pulls Josh into a passionate kiss they keep kissing. 
Tea: can I have everybody's attention please? I have a special surprize for all of you. My stepdaughter Claire Gregory has agreed to sing a special song for me and her Father Todd Gregory. Claire sweetie can you come up here? 
Claire gets up from her table with James. 
Claire takes the microphone from Tea. 
Claire: this song is for my stepmother and my father. Mom and Dad this is for you. 
Todd and Tea smile at Claire. 
Claire: I never listened well, you had so much to tell your baby girl. How to protect yourself, how you can make a way in this cold world. And I might've seen it different but I hope somehow you knew everything I ever learned, I learned from you, like when you give love, you give it all no matter what you get in return, let go what you hold and watch it fly, to take a breath to try again, to stand for what you choose, everything I ever learned I learned from you. I feel you in my veins I try to see the world through your eyes, expressions on your face, those little gestures I recognize, that only could have come from one who knows me through and through, everything I ever learned I learned from you, cause when you give love you give it all no matter what you get in return, let go what you hold and watch it fly, to take a breath to try again to stand for what you choose, everything I ever learned I learned from you. No lesson was too great or was too small, I hope I have a chance to say I remember you love within them all ooh ooh, cause when you give love, you give it all no matter what you get in return, let go what you hold and watch it fly, to take a breath to try again to stand for what you choose, everything I ever learned, I learned from you, everything I ever learned, I learned from you. 
Damon: what are you doing here? 
Eddie: hello Damon prepare to die. 
Adam and Eddie fire bullets at Damon and Johnny. Damon fires bullets back at Eddie and Adam. Brian fires bullets at Johnny. Johnny fires bullets at Brian. Damon keeps firing bullets at Eddie and Adam Brian turns around and he lifts his gun and he fires a bullet at Damon The bullet hits him in the head. 
Damon collapses to the ground. 
Johnny kills Adam and Eddie and Brian. 
Johnny: Damon are you ok? 
Damon doesn't answer Johnny. 
Johnny: Damon where are you? 
Damon still doesn't answer him. 
Johnny sees blood on the ground he sees Damon laying there bleeding. 
Johnny: No Damon. 
Damon: u n c l e    J o h n n y 
Johnny: Shh Damon I'm calling an ambulance. 
Damon: I m   S o r r y  U n c l e 
J o h n n y 
Damon goes unconcious. 
Johnny: Damon wake up don't die on me please. 
Damon doesn't respond to Johnny. 
Johnny: hello it's Johnny zacchara I need a ambulance my nephew Damon Gregory was shot in the head by a stray bullet he's lost alot of blood get here fast He's unconicous. 
The ambulance arrives the Emt's carefully put Damon on the strecher and they rush him to the hospital. 
Claire: Johnny what the hell happend to my son? 
Johnny: Damon was shot i tried to protect him but I just couldn't because Adam And Eddie and Brian were shooting at me and Damon. 
Claire: So you let my son get shot? 
Johnny: I didn't know that he was shot until I saw the blood coming from a wound in his body. 
Claire: where was my son shot? 
Johnny: he was Shot in the head by a Stray Bullet. 
Claire: Oh my god. 
Johnny: I'm sorry Claire I really am. 
Claire: I trusted you to protect him. I told you to not let him get hurt but guess what Johnny? Damon got hurt he got shot in the head because of you. 
Johnny: this is not my fault Claire. Don't blame me for his shooting. 
Claire: my son could die Johnny or he could fall into a coma and never wake up because of you. 
James: what happend? 
Claire: Johnny and Damon got into a shootout with Adam and Eddie and Brian. Damon got shot in the head by a stray bullet. 
Johnny: it's my fault James. 
James: my son could die because of you. 
Johnny: I didn't mean for this to happen. 
Claire: I hate you for this Johnny i'm not your friend anymore. My son could be dying in surgey right now all because of you and that bullet. 
Johnny: I didn't shoot him Claire. 
Claire: Why does it feel to me like you did? 
Johnny: Because you don't trust me anymore. 
Claire: damn right I don't trust you. I Want you to stay away from Damon. 
Johnny: No he's my nephew and I'm going to stay by his bedside I'm not leaving him. 
Claire: Get out Johnny. 
Johnny: No. 
Claire: I should have never let Damon be in your mafia. I knew something would happen to him. 
Johnny: Damon loves working with me. He doesn't want to leave my family. 
Claire: I hope you die Johnny. I hate you for the danger you put my son into. 
Johnny: you don't mean that Claire. 
Claire: I do mean it. 
Johnny looks into Claire's eyes he pulls her into a kiss. 
Claire pulls away and she smacks him across the face. 
Tempted episode 109 
At Claire and James's house. 
Jenna is sitting on the couch watching TV. Her father James comes into the living room. 
Jenna: Hey Dad. 
James: Hey sweetie  
Jenna: dad you look sad is everything ok? 
James: Jenna I have some really bad news. 
Jenna: Dad what is it What's wrong? 
James: Your brother Damon was shot in the head. He's still in surgry he might die. 
Jenna: Oh my god no my little brother can't die. 
James: I know Jenna I know. I don't want Damon to die either he's an important part of this family. 
Jenna: yes he is I can't bear to lose another family member. 
James: I understand sweetie I Don't want to see Damon Dead. 
Jenna: Natalie my daughter is falling in love with Damon. 
James: Aw how sweet. 
At the hospital 
Claire is sitting in a chair in the waiting room Brandon walks over to Claire and he sits down next to her in a chair. 
Claire: Brandon how's my son Damon? 
Brandon: Claire I have some bad news your son Damon is in a coma. 
Claire: No. 
Brandon: I'm so sorry Claire. 
Claire: can I see my son? 
Brandon: Yes you can Claire Go ahead. 
Claire: Thank you Brandon. 
Brandon: do you want me to help you find his room? 
Claire: No I'm ok I know the hospital rooms very well. 
Brandon: ok Claire. 
Claire gets up from the chair and she goes to find Damon's hospital room.  
In Damon's hospital room 
Claire walks into the room and she sees her son hooked up to machines. She covers her mouth with her hand and she begins to cry she sees Damon  laying in the bed with his eyes closed Claire sits down next to him in a chair and she holds his hand. 
Claire: Hello Damon sweetheart it's your mother I love you so much please wake up I miss you I wish this didn't happen to you Please don't leave us. Don't die on us your family needs you.  
Claire keeps crying. 
Todd walks into the room   
Todd: Claire what happend? 
Claire: Dad  Damon was shot in the head last night. 
Todd: Oh my god is he going to be ok? 
Claire: No he's in a coma I don't know what is going to happen to him. He could die.  
Todd: I understand how you feel honey. I'll be here for you I'm not going anywhere. 
Claire: Thank you Dad. 
Todd: Damon is a strong man he will make it I have faith in him. 
Claire: Your right about that dad. He's just like his father. 
Todd: Your right about that. I also see parts of you in him too. 
Claire: You Do? 
Todd: Yes. Your very strong willed and sweet and caring. Damon has the same traits you do. 
In Cutter's hospital room 
Elizabeth and Trevor are visiting her father. 
Trevor: Elizabeth what's wrong? 
Elizabeth: Trevor I found something in this room last night. 
Trevor: What was it? 
Elizabeth: it was a syringe the shooter tried to kill my father while he's in a coma. 
Trevor: who do you think is the shooter? 
Elizabeth: Brian cramer. 
Trevor: You think brian tried to kill your father? 
Elizabeth: Yes. 
Trevor: why would Brian want to kill your father? 
Elizabeth: I don't know. 
Trevor: I'm going to find out why Brian tried to kill your father. 
Elizabeth: please be careful Trevor. Brian cramer is dangerous. 
Trevor: I promise Elizabeth I'll be careful. 
Elizabeth: I love you so much Trevor. 
Trevor: I love you too. 
Elizabeth pulls Trevor into a kiss. 
Back at Claire and James's house 
James is sitting on the couch watching Tv 
Ford rings the doorbell. 
James gets off of the couch and he walks over to the front door James opens the door. 
James: Brother what do you want? 
Ford: James I'm here to fight with you for Claire's love. 
James: Ford why are you doing this? 
Your my brother and your supposed to love me. 
Ford: I want you dead James I wish you never came to town. Why did you come to town James? Was it because you wanted to steal Claire from me? 
James: No Brother that isn't the reason why I came to town. Kevin williamson was after me and then that Liam guy was after me. They were trying to kill me so I ended up here in New York. I fell for Claire. I didn't know that she was with you I had no idea but I fell in love with her. 
Ford: That's it James say goodbye. I've had enough of you loving Claire. She doesn't belong with you she belongs with me. I'm going to kill you brother. 
James: I don't think so Brother. 
Ford pulls out a gun and he points it at James. James pulls out a gun and he points it at Ford. 
Ford: what are you going to do brother shoot me? 
James: Damn right I am brother. Your trying to kill me. 
Ford: Whoever ends up with 3 bullet wounds in the chest loses and dies. 
James fires a bullet at Ford. 
Ford fires a bullet at James. 
The bullet hit James in the chest. 
James fires a bullet at Ford's chest. The bullet flies into Ford's chest. 
Ford fires a bullet at James's chest. Ford keeps firing at James's chest. 
James's gun drops to the ground. James touches his chest and he gets blood on his hand James collapses to the ground. 
Ford: I win James and you lose. 
James: brother please help me don't let me die. 
Ford: I hate you James You are not my brother anymore. 
Ford stands over James and he shoots bullets into James's chest James's body shakes he starts bleeding more. 
Ford: Goodbye brother. 
James: Nooooo. 
Ford pulls the trigger again bullets explode through James's heart The bullets hit his heart. 
James: T e l l   C l a i r e  T h a t  I 
L o v e d   H e r . . . . . . .   U h   U h 
U h  U h  U h . . . . . 
James slowly closes his eyes and he dies. 
Ford leaves James to die he walks out of the house.  
At Jenna and Nicolas's house. 
Natalie is sitting on the couch watching TV she is watching general hospital. She is thinking about Damon. Her mother Jenna walks into the living room. 
Natalie: Hi Mom. 
Jenna: Sweetie I have to tell you something. 
Natalie: what is it? 
Jenna: it's about Damon he's been shot. 
Natalie: Oh my god No, No, No, when did this happen? 
Jenna: Last night. He was ambushed with his uncle Johnny zacchara Ford. Eddie ford and Adam Ford and Brian cramer were shooting at them Damon got shot in the head.  
Natalie: is Damon going to be ok? 
Jenna: I'm afraid not. He's in a coma 
Natalie: Oh my god I have to see him. Mom please you have to take me to the hospital to see him. I want to be by his side. 
Jenna: I'll take you sweetie come on let's go. 
Natalie: mom where's Dad? 
Jenna: Natalle sweetie your father's dead. He was killed by Serena Gregory. 
Natalie: Oh My God my father's dead. 
Natalie begins to cry she keeps crying. 
Jenna hugs Natalie as she's crying. 
Back at the hospital in Damon's room. 
Claire: Im scared that my son will never wake up. 
Todd: do you blame Johnny for this? 
Claire: I blamed him for the shooting. But dad I don't blame him anymore. Johnny is my best friend and I don't want to hate him forever I wasn't raised to hate someone that is your friend. 
Todd: honey I think you should tell Johnny that your sorry for blaming him. 
Claire: I'm going to talk to him I didn't mean to make him upset. 
Johnny walks into Damon's hospital room. 
Claire walks over to him. 
Johnny: Claire how's Damon Is he going to be ok? 
Claire: Johnny my son's in a coma. 
Johnny: Oh my god Claire. I'm sorry. 
Claire: Johnny I want to tell you something. 
Johnny: what is it Claire? 
Claire: Im sorry for yelling at you and blaming you for Damon getting shot. I didn't mean to get angry with you Johnny. 
Johnny: I love you Claire. 
Claire pulls Johnny into a kiss they keep kissing.  
Johnny: Claire I love you. 
Claire: I love you too Johnny. 
At Tea's house 
Tea is sitting at the table on her laptop Brandon walks into the dining room. 
Brandon: Mom there is something that I have to tell you. 
Tea: what is it honey what's wrong? 
Brandon: Randy's dead somebody murdered him. 
Tea: oh my god. 
Brandon: I know mom I was shocked when Claire told me what had happend. 
Tea: I can't believe that your brother is dead. 
Brandon: I can't believe it either mom. He's not the only one that's dead. 
Tea: oh No who else died? Was it James or Claire or Ford or your brothers Landon and Jeremy or Sam or Trevor? 
Brandon: it's none of them mom. The one that also died is Nicolas Gregory 
Tea: oh my god Claire and James's son. 
Brandon: Yes. 
Tea: how did he die? 
Brandon: Serena Gregory shot and killed him and she also stabbed him in the stomach with a knife. 
Tea: oh my god no. 
Tea starts crying she keeps crying. 
Brandon hugs his mother as she is crying. 
Back in Cutter's hospital room. 
Cutter slowly opens his eyes elizabeth and Trevor keep kissing. 
Cutter: Get away from my daughter. 
Elizabeth: Dad your awake. 
Cutter: What happend to me? 
Elizabeth: Dad you were shot and you fell into a coma you almost died.  
Cutter: who shot me? Where's your mother?   
Danielle walks into the room. 
Danielle: Honey your awake. 
Cutter: Yes I am. 
Danielle: I was so scared when I heard that you fell into a coma You could have died. 
Cutter: But I didn't honey I'm right here. 
Danielle and Cutter kiss they keep kissing. 
Back at the hospital. 
Ford walks into the hospital Claire is standing at her desk Ford walks up to her. 
Claire: Ford where's James? 
Ford: Claire there is something that I have to tell you. 
Claire: what happend to my husband? 
Ford: You should sit down for this. 
Claire: No I'm not sitting down. I'm going to stand here and I want to know what happend to James. 
Ford: James is dead he was shot. 
Claire covers her mouth with her hand she begins to cry. 
Claire: who did this to him WHO  KILLED MY HUSBAND? 
Ford: We got into a gunfight and I killed him. 
Claire: You b*****d you killed your own brother. 
Ford: I had to kill him I was sick of you and him being in love. You are supposed to be with me not him. 
Claire: How could you do this to me. He was my husband and you killed him I loved him and you shot him. 
Ford: he shot back at me two bullets hit my chest. 
Claire: I could careless what happens to you. You murdered your own brother My son Damon is in the hospital in a coma and his father is dead. When Damon wakes up or if he ever wakes up what am I going to f*****g tell him? I'm going to have to tell him that his father is dead. 
Ford: James isn't Damon's father. Johnny is his father. 
Claire: that's not true. 
Ford: it is true I found out. 
Claire: Johnny is not Damon's father. James is and he's dead because of you. 
Claire smacks Ford across the face. 
Ford: ow you little b***h. 
Claire: I hate you Ford you b*****d. 
Ford grabs claire by the arm. 
Ford: Claire guess what? 
Claire: what You murderer? 
Ford: your coming with me right now. 
Claire: Let Go of me. 
Ford pulls out a syringe and he drugs Claire with it. Claire collapses into Ford's arms. 
In Damon's hospital room. 
Johnny goes into the room and he sits down in a chair next to Damon's bed. Johnny holds Damon's hand. 
Johnny: Damon it's your uncle Johnny I don't know if you can hear me but I Want you to know that I'm sorry for what happend to you. I didn't know that you would have gotten shot I'm scared of losing you Damon. Your mother loves you so much Your father James loves you too. He cares so much about you I don't want you to die. 
Nurse: Hello who are you? 
Johnny: I'm Johnny zacchara I'm Damon's uncle. Is he going to be ok? 
Nurse: He needs a blood transfusion. 
Johnny: can I donate my blood to him? 
Nurse: Sure you can. 
Johnny: Can we do it now? 
Nurse: Yes mr. Zacchara Come with me. 
Johnny leaves Damon's hospital room. 
The nurse takes out a tube and a needle. 
The nurse puts the needle into Johnny's arm and she takes Johnny's blood. 
The nurse unhooks the tube and the needle. 
Johnny: Thank you. 
Nurse: Your welcome mr. Zacchara. 
Johnny: you can call me Johnny if you want. 
The nurse smiles at Johnny. 
Nurse: I'm going to give your blood to the doctor so he can put it in Damon. 
Johnny: ok Im going to go back to Damon's hospital room to visit him. 
Johnny leaves the room. He goes back to Damon's room. 
At a warehouse. 
Ford pulls up into the parking lot and he opens the back of the van. He carries Claire into the warehouse. 
Ford sets Claire on the floor of the warehouse. 
Claire slowly wakes up she looks at Ford. 
Claire: where am I?  
Ford: your at a warehouse. I'm not letting you go Claire. 
Claire: where's my husband damn it. 
Ford: he's dead I killed him remember. Now your going to be with me. 
Claire: get away from me you b*****d You killed my husband. You shot your own brother to death.  
Ford: I'm glad he's dead I hated him. 
Claire: I loved James I hate you Ford. Why did you do this to me? 
Ford: I did this so I could have you back. I love you Claire. 
Claire: James is the only man I will ever love. I will never go back with you Ford I can't stand you. 
Ford pulls Claire into a kiss they keep kissing. 
Claire smacks Ford across the face. 
back in Damon's room. 
Johnny walks into Damon's hospital room. 
Johnny sits down in the chair again he holds Damon's hand. 
Johnny: Damon it's me your uncle Johnny again I just donated my blood to you. The nurse told me that you needed a blood transfusion because you lost alot of blood when you were in surgey. I love you Damon I want you to know that and I will not let you die in this coma. You will come out of this I just know it. 
Logan and Ricky and Carlos walk into Damon's hospital room. 
Johnny: Hi Logan and Carlos and Ricky. 
Ricky: hi Johnny were here to give Damon your blood that you donated. 
Johnny: Great, I had to do this for him because I care about him he's my nephew. 
Logan: Johnny can I talk to you out in the hall? 
Johnny: Sure. 
Johnny and Logan go out into the hall. 
Logan: Johnny your blood is a match to Damon's,  your not his uncle your his father. 
Johnny: Oh my god. 
Logan: James isn't his father. 
Johnny: I can't believe that Damon is my son. 
Johnny's cellphone rings it's Claire. 
Claire: Johnny help me please. 
Johnny: Claire what's going on? 
Claire: Ford took me hostage he has a gun. He shot James He's dead. James is dead at our house Johnny. 
Johnny: Im coming Claire I'll save you. 
Claire: Get here quick Johnny please I'm scared I don't know why Ford is acting like this. 
Johnny: I don't know Claire but I'll find out. 
Claire is crying she keeps crying. 
Ford takes Claire's phone he puts it up to his ear. 
Ford: Hello Johnny. 
Johnny: Let Claire go now Ford. 
Ford: No I won't let her go. 
Johnny: I'm not going to let you hurt her. 
Ford: I will kill you Johnny. 
Johnny: I'm not afraid of you Ford. Remember what I do. 
Ford: So what if your in the mafia. 
Johnny: don't mess with me Ford.  
Ford: Ok Johnny here's the deal. I want you to give me money if you do that I'll let Claire go. If you don't I'll kill you and then I'll kill Claire. 
Johnny: I won't let you hurt her. 
Ford: Do we have a deal Johnny? 
Johnny: We have a deal.  
Johnny leaves the hospital. 
Stay tuned for the next scenes on Tempted  


© 2011 Tempted headwriter

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Added on July 10, 2011
Last Updated on July 10, 2011


Tempted headwriter
Tempted headwriter


Hello all I'm Danielle and I'm the headwriter of the soap opera called Tempted more..
