He leans back in his chair,
Something soft gray,
And threadbare at the armrests-
He crosses one leg
Over the other,
And rests his notebook
On his knee.
He looks at me
(or through me?)
And asks non-threateningly
"What would you like
To accomplish here?"
I feel my brow furrow,
And a rush of ice water
Through my veins-
I'd never really thought
About it before,
But you know what
They say-
A journey of
One thousand miles
Some such and so on-
And so I thought a minute
Before I replied
"I'd like to be not
Quite so messed up".
He nods, picks up his pen
And scribbles on his notepad -
And from my seat
Across the room
I Can tell
They are doctor scribbles.
"Well, our time is up,
Please make another
Appointment on
The Way out"
On the way out
I wonder
Can a journey begin
If you've got
No clear idea
Of where you want
To go?