![]() Project Sunspot: The Children of SolA Chapter by Teh_Az![]() Race, Clockwork Canon?![]()
The Children of Sol
[b]Project Sunspot[/b] They were born from a man's singular ambition, to harness the Sun's energy directly for human survival and sustenance. This was a project that began ages ago, and one myth tells of its tale. It was called Project Sunspot. Seven human beings were subjected to the operational phase of the plan. Their genes and bodies were altered to fit a pseudo-photosynthetic metabolism that changed not only their physical appearance but also their basic anatomical composition and their neurological structure. Their minds were hyper evolved to fit the needs of a sun dependant metabolism. These encouraged and developed several abilities in the first seven. In spirit, their bodies were able to connect their souls the Sun as a divine concept. In body, most were able to increase muscular abilities by inwardly directing Solar Radiation. In mind, some were able to develop psionic abilities which feed on internal Solar Radiation reserves. Their bodies changed drastically with them, with their skin altered to show a glowing aura that reflected the suns golden shine. Their hair was bleached and colored to a bright yellow as their irises were transformed into gold. Their hair and their eyes were the windows to their power. These would often glow brighter and brighter whenever a child of Sol would expend the energies that were absorbed from the sun. No child of Sol now needs sleep, meat, drink, or any other basic human sustenance. They may even live for hundreds of years beyond that of normal human limitations. The Sun is the only thing they need and it has given more than what was thought possible. [b]The Temples of Sol[/b] The rest of mankind was not so open to the idea of Solar Men. The seven were resisted, and their children were pushed away from even the fringes of archaic human societies. No temple would ever shelter them, only the Sun would care for them. In turn, they made their own temples, they consecrated these in the name of the Sun. From then on, they worshiped the Sun alone. It gave them miracles, as those most closely tied in soul to the sun were able to bend reality. As ages pass their power rose and it was feared. They were more than freaks, they were monsters, demons, heresies born in flesh. Even beyond the fringes of society, they were hunted and persecuted. Because of this, they decided to make their own home with their own hands. They would carve out their own lands, lands of steel, of titanium, of man's strongest alloys. They would raise these up the skies to hover over the crust of the Earth, high above the stratosphere to forever bask in the Sun's grace. [b]The Lands of Eternal Day[/b] These became the Lands of Eternal Day. In honor of the first seven to know the love of Sol, seven platforms were raised and taken above the highest of clouds. Each was named in honor of the seven, each had its temple to honor the seven, for now they were Gods and the Children of Sol would worship the Sun, Them, and no other. These lands are fueled by the Sun and hover above the clouds through archaic science and powerful arcana. They travel on predetermined paths, selected and calculated to best enjoy the light of day. These lands are often just flat platforms of mighty alloy. Over which artificial fields have been carved from the crust to emulate the image of paradise. Technologies here are all dependent upon the sun and there are no houses to foster shade. Shade is frowned upon here. If possible, most would choose to strip of archaic concepts such as clothes and run about free to bathe in sunlight. [b]The Supremacy of Sol[/b] Most of the Solarii are accomplished Genetic Engineers, Bio-Chemical Engineers, Metallurgists, Quantum Theorists, Nuclear Engineers, and diverse Philosophers. This has placed them in an open field where thought and progress walks at a faster pace ahead of the average men and women below. This progress, this heightened sense of place in the world, has led to the Solar Ideal. The Solar Ideal is the thought that the Solarii is the final and absolute evolution of man. The Solarii are the foremost, the supreme, among all who are human; so much so that they no longer consider themselves to be human. They are now Solarii and the mortals below are nothing more than ants that refuse to let the world and time take them to where they belong, an anecdote in glorious Solarii History. This Solar Supremacy has formed generations of Solarii law, society, traditions, and philosophy. It has encouraged an isolationist and almost messianic attitude among them. This mindset has set them countless times against the other powers that be that have chosen to remain on the crust rather than above it. This meddling of theirs is often in response to perceived threats against the Lands of Endless Days and to preach the glory that is Sol. There are is no variant of economic thought in the Sky Lands as basic commodities are no longer needed. The only resources required are raw mineral and materials for industrial processing, all of which are power by sunlight. There is a form of politics in Solarii lands, but they are simple and exact in form as Solarii law is quite simple but rigid and strict. The Solarii would caste themselves according to their role in Solarii society. There are three basic roles, the Administration, Industry, and Security. They fancy themselves as the saviors of mankind, the very beings and messengers of Sol. They often call themselves the Harbingers of Truth. Among the roles, there are other roles still. There are Solarii, there are Descendants, and then there are the Dirt Walkers. The Solarii are pure blooded sons of the first sevens, the true children of Sol. The Descendants are the Children of Sol who have the blood of normal crust dwelling human being in their veins. The Dirt Walkers...the Dirt Walkers are those who were born of the mingling of Solarii and human blood but the offspring exhibits no sign of inheriting Solarii blood at all. They are often thrown at the edge of the platforms, but only the coldest of Solarii hearts are capable of such. This practice is frown upon in actuality and the consequences of which are severe according to Solarii law. As the Sun is the symbol of life, they too must value life in every form. The Dirt Walkers are designated to the bowels of the colossal platforms to oil the gears and keep the fuels burning. They are mostly of the industrial caste, albeit of lowest standing within the social hierarchy. What waste is produced on the platforms is collected and processed by them. They are also in charge of maintaining equipment and technology. No Dirt Walker may grace the sun layered levels above as such exposure could blind them and scorch their skins to ash. Yet, the few that do are often left to die as no Solarii is courageous enough to touch the form of a mortal. It is considered to be severely unfortunate for any of the pure blood to expose themselves to a dirt walker. Only the Descendants often have the will to enter the bowels of the platforms or even venture down to the crust in the name of Sol to perform her errands. The Descendants are no different from the Solarii as Solarii Pride and Idealism is carved deep into their empty slabs of minds when young, hammered thoroughly into their hearts. They may have the face of a normal human being or maybe not, but their power is proof of their heritage. They are Solarii. They are Gods. They are Angels. They are Truth itself given flesh. [b]The Legions of Sol[/b] Every platform has within its core a security force. This Security Force is the entirety of the Security caste of Solarii society. They are often known as legions as each platform has its own legion. these legions are numbered in succeeding power with I as the most powerful and VII as the least powerful. To be a member of a legion does not require being a native of its home platform. A Solarii may be born in one platform but belong in the legion that is housed in another platform. These divisions by power are a form of promotion for the Solarii legions as directing and formulating operations are the reserved role of the Administrative caste. The Legions are merely divisions of soldiers with training for field tactics and leadership, rather than war mastery itself. It should be noted though that this promotion of power isn't promotion through experience or military merit but rather the increase of raw actual power within a Solarii. The Legions are further divided into Consorts that reflect a single combat role. These combat roles are Mechanized Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Cavalry, Mobile Armor, Engineering, and Logistics. Military intelligence is left to the Administrative caste. Legions II and III are composed mostly of the following combat roles, Atmospheric Combat, Aquatic Combat, Sub-Aquatic Combat, Special Terrain Engagement, and Spatial Engagement. They are mostly pilots in training and soldiers second. Each of these Consorts are further divides into Core Units. These core units reflect the kinds of Solarii that have inherited the abilities of the first seven. They are divided into the Trooper Cores, Psionics Core, Solar Arcana Core, and then there is the Special Branch. Special branch are any of those who hold a combination of two inherited gifts or the entire first seven's legacy. The Special Branch is actually a Legion within itself as they hold their own training doctrines separately from the rest in tandem with Legion I as all Special Branch Cores answer directly to Legion I authority and form their own designated groupings. These cores are incorporated into Chapters of thirty Solarii soldiers. Here, the Core and Chapters will differ in purpose as the Core is to reflect separate doctrines in training their prospective Solarii while the Chapter is the conglomeration of all the Cores into one fighting unit. These Chapters are led by Field Marshalls. Beneath them, there are Captains who handle ten men, and beneath them still are the Sergeants who handle five men. Every chapter has its own Communications team, Quartermaster, and Intelligence operative which represents and is sent by the Administration. Chapters, over time, tend to develop their own identities, of which some have actually chosen to refuse promotion in order to remain in their beloved chapters. [b]The Hand of Sol[/b] The items of the Children of Sol are a mix or an incorporation of both arcane and mundane technolo-artistry. The most you will see of these items or artifacts upon the crust of the Earth are armaments, holy trinkets, and ceremonial clothing. The Hand of Sol is the term for all of the Solarii Weapons Systems which they use. These are all sun based technologies which harness Solar Radiation in its reserve or direct absorption to produce powerful offensive or defensive force. These forces would include an applied form of pure energy weapons that are harnessed in concentrated beams of radiation or globules of condensed radiation trapped in a thin but durable sheath of myelin based construction. This radiation is considered to be the only form of technology available to mankind which takes light from the Sun's rays as a direct source of energy and than take that energy as concept of power and then form it into a concrete object which is capable of tremendous material force. Those soldiers of Sol who use these weapons have often garnered the moniker of Lightbringers whenever they graced the crust with their presence. This has often called upon some other more fanatic of demeanor to go so far as to call them Lucifaerians. A more in depth elaboration of this technology will be available elsewhere. © 2010 Teh_Az |
Added on February 20, 2010 Last Updated on February 20, 2010 |