Piggy Rump... a love story... more or less

Piggy Rump... a love story... more or less

A Story by Tegon Maus

It is not what you think, being beautiful. Men ignore me, thinking I am out of reach. Women hate me because they think I am prettier than they and that I am one of those... how do you say...?"


Time became fluid, slipping away a bucketful at a time, hours passing over me in what seemed like mere seconds.

People came and went all day.  Some sat in the room while I slept.  Some came and went regardless of my conscious state.

     Finally, late the night of the third day, as I made my way back to bed after a painful trip to the bathroom, the sound of someone coming into the house greeted me. 

Shaped by a lamp in the next room, casting a pale yellow light into mine, her dark, supple silhouette entered.  Coming closer, she hopped a little, bending at the waist, raising her right foot, removing her shoe.  A step or two more and the sound of the left falling to the floor followed the first.  Another step, and to my astonishment, the soft, slow, sound of a zipper and her skirt slipped to the floor in a muffled heap.

My heart pounded so hard I could not swallow and feared the need to blink, certain it was a dream and she would be gone if I did so.

She stood near the foot of the bed, undoing her hair with both hands, shaking it lightly to hang loose about her face.  Closer now, her features became more clear and she smiled.

She stood in the delicate light and began to unbutton her blouse.  Slowly, one button at a time, she undid them all, allowing it to hang open, unencumbered.

     "I have never been so afraid," she said softly.


"Afraid, I would lose you," she said, easing herself onto the bed, crawling on hands and knees, to sit next to me.

"Gabriel, we can't... I can't..." I stammered.  I couldn't breathe... I couldn't speak... I couldn't think. 

"Are you not my piggy rump?  Am I not your Gabby?" she asked, placing a hand at the center of my chest.  Her voice, low, husky, her French accent thick with desire, pulled at the core of me.

"You know Connie and I..." I protested, trying to push away her hand.

She held mine in return, pulling it close to press it against her cheek.

"I am beautiful for you, no?" she asked.  Her voice held an edge of concern, as if I might actually say no.

"You are very beautiful.  You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met," I answered honestly.

Her expression lightened, becoming more contented.

"It is not what you think, being beautiful.  Men ignore me, thinking I am out of reach.  Women hate me because they think I am prettier than they and that I am one of those... how do you say...?"

"B***h," I offered.

"Yes, that one," she returned cheerfully, sitting up right, pointing at me and then to her nose as if we were playing charades.

"Gabriel, we can't," I protested.

"Do you not want me, piggy rump?  Do I not please you?"  she asked, leaning forward, coming closer.

"More than I can say, but Connie and I..." I started.

"No one will know," she whispered, placing a hand across me on the bed, lightly pressing her lips to mine.  Her mouth was soft, warm, inviting.  The feeling was electric, thrilling.  Her shirt had fallen open, exposing her exquisite skin and ample charms.  My heart fluttered with excitement, accelerated by a flush of wild desire.

     The smell of her need, the perfume in her hair, mixed in my nostrils becoming an intoxicating cocktail, scrambling my brain.  

"The stars knew we were to be together when they were young and the world had not yet come to be.  We could live in that moment...  in that passion...  in that hope the stars have waited all this time in expectation.  We could be happy, you and I.  No one but the stars themselves would know," she whispered, kissing me again, more urgently this time. 

"I would know," I said, holding her out at arms’ length.

Her expression shifted.  Tears began to fill her eyes.  She pulled her blouse closed with both hands, moving away from me.

"There is no room in your heart for me?" she asked softly, half to herself, half to me.

"I'm sorry, Gabby, but I love Connie," I said, offering my hand in comfort.

"You have not said these words to me before... then she is the sun at the center of your universe and I am but a moon, hidden in the shadow of her

brightness," she said sadly, getting up off the bed to find her clothes.

"Gabriel," I called, throwing off the blankets to follow her.

Without another word, the house filled with the sound of her running down the stairs, followed a moment later by the thud of the front door closing.

 My heart sank and I felt like crap.



© 2016 Tegon Maus

My Review

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I have to say that this is an interesting entry. I'm a little confused because there is obviously much more to this then there seems at first glance. I like the tone to it, but I keep getting distracted by the nick name "Piggy-Rump". I'll just be reading along and then, *POW!* Piggy-Rump. Then my mental train of thought derails, hundreds of thoughts die, property damage in the millions, and I have to start all over again.

It was distinctly unusual, I'll give you that.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tegon Maus

12 Years Ago

Hi Alex... thanks for the read. This is an excerpt form my Novel
MY GRANDFATHERS PANTS... pig.. read more

Posted 12 Years Ago

Beautiful writing. Perhaps, use a more, difficult standard or describing a character. Gabby is like a faceless character in an exquisite work. Please, give not only her a more detailed description, but your character as well.. Other than that, I have nothing else

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tegon Maus

12 Years Ago

Hi B.C. Thanks for the read. This is a snap shot from my book "My Grandfather's Pants." There is.. read more
Tegon Maus

12 Years Ago

Chapter 5 has her description
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This story was one of the first submissions and every piece I read after was judged based on this. I love this story so much because he loved Gabriel and at some point she mistook his love for a romantic love, or maybe he let her think it was such a love. But even when he turns her down, he still tries to show her she is loved by him and that not all love is shown and felt romantically. She is beautiful and it would have been easy for him to take her up on the offer...he could have speared her feelings and his wife would be none the wiser but he chose to do the honourable thing and he felt crap in the end but the readers can appreciate and respect his choices. Such a charming story and so wonderfully written. I just thought I'd tell you why I placed it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow, fantastic story! The writing and the characters were great, and the ending line was perfect. Excellent job! :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Tegon Maus

12 Years Ago

Thank you Gabby... She is my favorite character that I write. I’m always trying to find another .. read more
 ❀ Gabriela ❀

12 Years Ago

You're welcome! :) I really enjoyed this story, and she really is a great character! And if you'd li.. read more
So sad and yet beautiful! Nice piece!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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You know, I'm always sort of breathless when I read the ending of something you wrote. I'm sort of speechless and I'm like : where the heck is the continuation ??!!!! This is great, this is thrilling !

Posted 12 Years Ago

"My heart sank and I felt like crap." I think that was a fitting way to end. It told the truth without being all eloquent. I do like all the stuff Gabriel says about stars, it was very beautiful, and had some really nice metaphors. I really liked that first sentence, it was eloquently said. You know, even though this is a chapter from your book, I think it stands alone quite nicely.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very interesting Tegon, you tease.

Posted 12 Years Ago

wonderul story keep it up

Posted 13 Years Ago

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20 Reviews
Added on December 31, 2011
Last Updated on April 2, 2016
Tags: Sex, temptation, desire, rejection, broken heart


Tegon Maus
Tegon Maus


Dearheart, my wife of fifty one years and I live in Cherry Valley, a little town of 8,200 in Southern California. In that time, I've built a successful remodeling /contracting business. But tha.. more..
