Embracing EchoesA Poem by TeeyaIn this that once was… quietus sighs lay amid intimate suffering as festering bodies take life’s place… where numb grows the bed beneath them as gelid frames consummate with broken souls to harden a once sacred chaise of devotion into an unforgiving glacial mass of regret…
And exhalations of vows upon a time when lips needed not part to convey affection now exhausts veils of reciprocated disdain for the deadened worse of a non-existent better that no man put asunder but those to which divide self from selves so whole shall no longer be...
And there they lay… frigid hushed wails lamenting beneath backs and spines immobilized by inclinations of discontentment compelled by commitment as walls expunge resolution between two carrions too weak to die...
And they lay forgetting yester’s promise of better morns to come and acquiesce this existence for neither yester nor morrow shall return and as they assent to this immortal day, they place their heads in misery’s bosom where she comforts them til now yields this day once more and they comply to torment requited between them as they bid one to the other goodnight... © 2015 TeeyaReviews
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