![]() LinastronaA Story by Teelacatgirl![]() Ben's best friend has moved away. He doesn't know what to do. But when he takes his dog on a walk to clear his head, he finds a land like no other...![]() Chapter 1 Ben kept staring at the
hill even though the car had long since drove out of sight. It couldn’t be happening. It WASN’T happening. Emma can’t be leaving. She was his best friend! She can’t move! Who was he kidding? He
couldn’t stop it. He couldn’t control
it. “Ben?” Ben walked over to the
girl standing in his front yard. “Why are you following
me? I don’t even know you!” Ben yelled at the girl. She’d been following him
around for a month. She just kept
talking about things like, “the Chosen One”, and “ magical being”. “But listen! I just found out that you need to go to the
forest, and then …” “GO AWAY!” yelled
terrified, then ran off. Ben felt
really bad. He hadn’t meant to scare
her. “Wait! Come back!”
he called. But the girl was
gone. Ben sighed. “Oh well,” he thought, “she’s just a crazy
girl. There’s no such thing as magic.” “Ben! Dinner!” Ben walked into the
house. The smell of pancakes hit him as
he walked into the kitchen. “Pancakes for dinner?” he
asked. “Just thought it would
cheer you up,” said his mom. “And Mom forgot to go
grocery shopping,” said his older brother Matt. “Well, yeah, that too.” After dinner, Ben went to
the front door and started putting on his coat. “Where are you going?”
asked his dad. “Just for a walk.” “Oh, in that case, you
might as well take Tucker.” Sighing, Ben took the
leash off the hook by the door and clipped it on to his orange dog collar. “Be back in an
hour,” his mom called after him. “Okay!” Ben walked down the
driveway and onto the road. He headed
down the street until he came to a dirt trail going into the woods. He turned and walked down the path. He had walked for ten minutes when he
noticed a smaller trail heading left.
Suddenly Tucker started pulling at the leash. “What’s up?” Ben asked. Tucker gave a huge tug on
the leash, yanking it out of Ben’s hand.
Tucker ran down the long trail out of sight. “Tucker!” yelled Ben.
But Tucker didn’t come back.
Sighing, Ben went down the trail after the dog. Chapter 2 “Tucker! Tucker! Where are you?” Ben called. “WOOF!” “Hey Tucker!” said Ben,
going over and petting his dog. “WOOF!” Tucker barked,
walking towards some vines hanging from a branch. “Uh, you want me to walk
through those?” “WOOF!” “Couldn’t hurt,” said
Ben, and he walked into the vines. Then
a weird feeling started to pass over Ben.
His head spun and his stomach clenched.
He could see swirls and dots. He
felt as if he were spinning. Then, just
as quickly as it had started, it stopped.
Ben slowly opened his eyes. He
wasn’t in the forest anymore. He was
standing in front of a clear-blue lake.
Willow trees surrounded him and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Tucker was standing next to him, tail
wagging. “Wow.” Ben breathed. “Wow.” *
* * “Uh! I’m never going to
get this!” Anashta Telomor was
sitting by the river that flowed from Siren Lake, fiddling with a harp. “But I’m gonna have to if
I ever want to fly.” She was about to
try again when she heard something at the end of the river. “Come on Tucker, this
looks like it could go somewhere.” Anashta froze. “A human!” she thought, and she jumped in the water out of
sight. *
* * Ben walked down the river
leading from the lake. Just then, he
noticed a harp over on the other side. “What-?” Ben stepped on some
stones to the other side of the river.
He lent down to touch the harp… “What are you doing
here?” Ben yelped in
surprise. A girl was sitting on a rock,
staring at him. “I-uh-“ “You don’t belong here.” “Well-I-“ “Well you what? Come on!
Tell me!” “I-um-didn’t mean to
come-uh-here!” “Hmmmm…” The girl was
quiet for a moment, then: “Ok! I’m Anashta! I’m a river sprite! Who
are you?” Ben was stunned. Then he shook himself out. “A river sprite? Where am
I?” “Your in Linastrona,”
Anashta said. “Lina-whatsit?” “Linastrona! We’re a mythical universe!” “What?” “Enough with the
questions. I need to hide you. If anyone sees you, you’re toast.” “Um, ok.” “Great! Follow me!” Chapter 3 Ben followed Anashta
through the woods with Tucker close behind. “Hey, is that your
griffin?” “Huh? Oh, that’s my dog, Tucker.” “I have a griffin.” “What’s its name?” Ben was starting to get used to all the
weird stuff in this place. “Griffin!” “You have a pet griffin
named Griffin?” “Well, that was all I
could think of.” Except her. “Ok, come in here,”
Anashta said, pointing to a tiny hill. “Uhhhhh…” “Oh right! I forgot!
You’re just a human!” “What?” “Just a sec.,” Anashta
pushed her hand on a flat stone. The
stone lit up, and a door appeared. “Usually, I’d use this,”
she said, showing the raindrop pendent around her neck. “It varies on what type
of sprite you are. Day sprites get a
sun, night sprites a moon, plant sprites a leaf, and so on.” “Everyone here is a
sprite?” “No, but were the only
ones with pendents.” “Oh.” “Com’on! Get in!” Ben walked into the hill,
and his mouth dropped open. It was HUGE
inside. There was a table with six
chairs, a huge bed, and a full kitchen. “How-? What-?” “Not quite used to it all
yet?” “Uh…” “Oh well, com’on, its
getting late. I’ll make you a bed that
can hide you.” She walked over to the kitchen table and pulled on the top. It swung open, and there was a bed right
under it. “What-?” Said Ben. It looked as if the bed was between the
table legs, but when he looked under the table, there was nothing there. “Let me guess, more
magic?” “Yup! You can see out, but no one can see in! Plus its sound proof-ish!” “Ish?” “You can hear out, but
they can’t hear you.” “Huh.” Ben climbed in and
Anashta closed the table. He lay back
and closed his eyes, finally drifting to sleep. Chapter 4 “HELP!” Ben sat up and looked
around. To his horror, he saw two huge
men dragging Anashta out the door. They
had badges with ‘PIXIE PATROL’ on them. “Be quiet missy. You’re under arrest for suspected housing of
a human.” “LET ME GO!” Yelled
Anashta, kicking at the man holding her. “Looks like we’ll have to
take higher measures,” said the other man.
He reached down and grabbed her pendent. Then he ripped it off her neck, breaking the chain. Anashta went pale, then completely limp. “ANASHTA!” Ben yelled,
even though he knew they couldn’t hear him.
The two men dragged Anashta out the door, as Ben watched, helpless. Then he remembered. ‘Tucker!’ The dog was standing
watch by the door and as soon as the two men came out he barked and bit them. “DRAGON!” Screamed the
first man, dropping Anashta and running away.
The other was frozen in fear for a second, and then ran after his
companion. Ben pushed the table up and scrambled
out. He ran to where Anashta lay on the
ground and kneeled down beside her. “Please don’t die!” he
said, shaking her as hard as he could.
“Please!” “She’s not gone yet.” The voice seemed to come
from nowhere. “But she’s fading
fast. You must hurry.” “Hurry at what?” Ben said
franticly. “Find her
pendent. It is her life source.” “Where?” “Go to the Cave of the
Lost.” “How do I get there?” “Under the lake.” “What? What do you mean?” Ben cried. But no answer
came. Ben picked up Anashta and
brought her back inside. He laid her on
the bed, leaned over and whispered, “I’ll come back for you. I promise.” *
* * ‘Where am I?” Anashta looked around. She was in a forest filled with green light. “You’re in Moonwing.” Anashta turned to see a
beautiful woman in a long, lime-green dress. “You mean " you mean I’m
dead?” said Anashta. “Not yet. You’ve lost your life source, but you have a
chance.” “What? How?” “The human boy. He is going to the Cave of the Lost.” “No! I’d rather die than make him go through
that!” “It is his own decision.” “No! Please don’t!” “His own…” The woman faded into the mist. Anashta sunk to her
knees, she felt like crying. Suddenly
the voice of a young boy echoed off the trees around her. “I’ll come back for
you. I promise.” Chapter 5 “This has to be it.” Ben and Tucker were standing in front of the
lake that they had first seen upon coming to Linastrona. Its clear blue waters reflecting the
sunlight, making it shine like the stars.
Under the water Ben could just make out a cave big enough to fit a
person. He knew that’s where he needed
to go. “Stay here Tucker,” Ben said, patting his dog’s head. “I’ll be back soon.” He took a deep breath and
jumped in the water. He had expected it
to be cold, but the calming warmth of the lake took him by surprise. He opened his eyes and was shocked to find
that he could see crystal clear. He
swam down deeper in the lake until he thought he would pop from the pressure,
then headed towards the cave. His lungs
screamed for air. At last he reached
the cave and swam upward until he came to an air pocket. He breathed deeply and pulled himself up on
to the rock shore. A long tunnel wound into
the darkness. Ben realised suddenly how
real it all was. The tunnel scared
him. He had come this far. He couldn’t turn back now. He gathered up his courage and stepped into
the tunnel. *
* * After what felt like
forever, the tunnel opened into a huge room.
Torches lined the walls, and in the middle sat a huge stone. Ben walked up to the stone. A glowing blue handprint was embedded in the
middle. Ben reached out his hand and
put it on the print. Instantly memories
flooded him: making handprint turkeys
in kindergarten with Emma; riding bikes with her; having a sleepover with her;
and watching her leave. Then Ben
started remembering Anashta: meeting
her at the river; going to her house; seeing her lying limp on the ground. “This must be why they
call it the Cave of the Lost!” Ben realised.
Then he felt heat pulsing over him.
He seemed to be emitting energy.
He couldn’t pull his hand away.
Then in a flash of light it all stopped. Ben was shaking madly. He
looked down in his hand and saw that he was holding a raindrop pendent. He knew what he had to do. He clutched the pendent
to his chest and ran back down the tunnel.
He jumped into the water and started swimming ferociously. He didn’t stop until his head broke the
surface of the water. Panting, he swam
over to the shore. Tucker ran over,
grabbing Ben’s shirt and pulling him safely up the beach. Completely deprived of energy, Ben slowly
got to his feet. Feeling the heat of the
pendent in his hand reminded him of what he had to do. He started running back to the hill. When he got there, he squeezed the pendent
hard and started to sink into the ground.
He wanted to stop going down, but he knew this is what was supposed to
happen. When he had sunk completely, it
was all white for a moment, then he appeared in the house. He ran to where Anashta was lying on the
bed. “Oh please, oh please,
let this work,” he said. Then placed the pendent around her neck. *
* * Anashta was lying in the
green forest. “I can’t really be in
Moonwing!” she thought. “And Ben can’t be going to the Cave of the Lost!” Anashta knew what it was like to touch the
stone. It had zapped her energy in a
heartbeat. She wasn’t even sure if
humans could survive that! Suddenly she felt warmth
flood over her. The forest turned to mist. “Wha-?” The mist faded away and
she saw that she was looking straight at a boy’s face. He was staring at her with wide, scared
eyes. “Ben?” “Anashta!” he cried.
“You’re okay!” Chapter 6
“Well, I guess this is it
then.” Ben said. “Yeah.” Anashta replied. “I’m really going to miss you.” Ben, Tucker and Anashta
were standing back by the lake. The
vines hanging from the willow were in front of them. Ben guessed that it was the way home. He gave Anashta one last good-bye, and stepped through the vines. His head spun and his
stomach clenched. He could see swirls
and dots. Then he found himself back
home. He picked up Tucker’s leash and
ran back up the trail. He threw open
the door and ran into his house. He’d
been away for two days, his parents were sure to be worried. “Back so soon?” Ben stared at his mom. “You only left twenty
minutes ago!” She said. “Time must have frozen.” Ben thought. “Well, I got tired I
guess. ‘Gonna go to bed. ‘Night
Mom. Ben walked up the stairs,
got into his bed, and finally went to sleep. © 2014 TeelacatgirlAuthor's Note
Author![]() TeelacatgirlUnited KingdomAboutI'm a weird, creative, funny kind of person. I'm a cat lover, and won't turn down a chance for a new pet! more..Writing