

A Chapter by Teagan Reneau

Senior first arrives at Xian Academy.


“ Excuse me, Could you direct me to the headmasters office?”

“Ah!” surprise flashed across the girls face, her expression faded to a normal looking smile.

“I didn't mean to frighten you.” The girl chuckled a bit “Oh no its fine you just surprised me a bit, Its just down the hall and to your left.” the girl pointed down the hall to a large doorway. “Thank you.”

Senior followed the girls directions, when she got to the door she lightly knocked. She heard a soft voice from behind the door “Yes, Come in.” She walked in and saw a young woman sitting behind a large desk pecking away at her keyboard. The girl looked up at her “Are you here to see the Headmaster?” Senior nodded “He's right in there” she pointed to a door to the left of the desk. Senior bowed and thanked the girl before entering the Headmasters office.

She looked around quickly and was surprised to see how young the man behind the desk looked. “Oh, joy! You must be our newest student! I cannot tell you how happy we are to have you! I'm Headmaster Iro, Most of the students call me Headmaster but I always encourage them to call me Iro.” He stood and smiled he walked around the desk so he was facing Senior He bowed and shook her hand, she returned the bow. “Such a lovely young lady, I believe you'll fit in quite nicely here. I hope you enjoy attending the Academy. Oh, dear I have so many things to do today. I'll just get you your dorm number and class times, your uniforms have been delivered to your dorm already as well as your possessions. I'll have one of our students come show you around campus” Headmaster walks over to a small speaker on his desk and presses a button “Yuki?”Woman over a speaker answered “Yes headmaster?” “Will you please dismiss Haru from class and send him in?” he glanced over at Senior and gave a light smile. “Right away, Sir.”

A few minutes later a boy about Seniors age walked in the room and flashed Senior a stunning smile.

“Yes, Headmaster?” He asked. The headmaster stood and draped his arm around the boys shoulders gesturing to Senior “Haru will you please be so kind and show this young lady around, she's just arrived. Show her the female dormitories and where her room is, next show her classrooms and recreational areas and please try to explain some of the rules.” The boy nodded “Yes, Headmaster.” He looked at Senior who stood awkwardly shifting her weight from foot to foot. “Come on then.” Senior walked over to the boy and waited for him to lead. The boy held the door open for her and they exited the Headmasters office together.

“ I'm Haru Iro” he glanced at her. She repeated the name in her head “Iro? Like the headmaster?” He smiled and nodded “Yes, He's my father.” Senior looked down at her feet “It's around lunchtime so the dorms will be rather crowded do you mind if we look at classrooms first?” She hadn't noticed all the other students were walking towards the two largest buildings in the back. She got a slight chill, people were staring at her. “Why is everyone looking at us?” she asked Haru. “Well it could be the fact that your new and they're just curious, or it could be they find you attractive.” Senior was surprised by his words, she had never really paid attention to her looks her long silver white hair always hung loose around her hips and she had never been one for make-up or designer clothes. Most people found her indifferent silver eyes intimidating so she had never had many friends. Haru led her to a large library room, a middle aged gray haired woman sat behind a old oak desk covered in books and pages of all sorts “Mrs. Noy?” The woman looked shocked to hear Haru talking to her “ Yes, yes what do you want I'm very busy boy cant you see I have work to do” Haru laughed and said “Yes, I'm well aware of how busy you are, but I have a new student whose just arrived and is in need of her books.” The woman rustled around behind the desk for a few seconds before standing and quickly walking to a cabinet behind her. She mumbled as she searched for whatever it was she was looking for. “Here, now get out you two are making to much noise” she pushed a stack of three books into Seniors arms. Haru quickly lifted the books from her arms and offered to carry them, Senior thanked him. He glanced at the clock in the library “Well I guess I need to show you your dorm and then I'll get out of your hair and let you enjoy the rest of your day.”

He smiled. He led her into the large building and glances at the slip of paper in his hand. She looked at it

Mori, Senior

Year 1

Room Number: 216

Age: 15

He started walking down the hallway and motions for her to follow. He continues walking muttering numbers under his breath as he walks “Ah, here we are.” He unlocks the door and pushes it open “After you.” he smiled, she walked into the room turning on the lights and looking around “Miss Mori I have to get back to class but if you need anything don't hesitate to ask your uniforms should be in the closet. Looks like you don't have a roommate yet. Lucky. I'll see you later” He handed her a key and waved as he walked away.

Senior looked around the room, it was very plain and simple she started to unpack her things. She noticed a few articles of clothing already hanging up in the closet she takes one out and realizes they're her uniforms three pristine black and white uniforms comprised of a rather short skirt and a shirt tie and blazer, on a few other hangers were a jacket and a cardigan that matched perfectly with the shirt and tie.

She sighed and stared making her bed and putting away her things. By the time she was done it was six thirty PM and she was tired she changed into pajamas and curled up in bed. She was out by the time her head hit the pillow.

© 2011 Teagan Reneau

Author's Note

Teagan Reneau
Please give your honest opinion and point out any mistakes you may come across, Thank you.

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1 Review
Added on June 23, 2011
Last Updated on June 23, 2011


Teagan Reneau
Teagan Reneau

Wellston, OK

I'm Teagan A teenager from Oklahoma who has fallen into a deep obsession with books. more..
