Chapter 10: Running

Chapter 10: Running

A Chapter by TaylorFluff

That morning,he knew something was wrong.His paws wrapped around Adira,who was cold and wasn't breathing.She left him.She went towards the sirius star.She left him.She left him alone in this world he didn't really even know.What was he going to do?What was there to do?
He got up.He nudged Adira with his nose.She didn't budged.She was smiling in her sleep or dead,what ever you like to call it.She was happy.Sirius knew it.She was happy.At least she's with Eirian and his brothers and sisters.That's one good thing.
He paced back and forth.He had a lot on his mind.Adira's death,this sickness,his own mother and family,what the heck! Can't he just rest!No he can not! He got to jump.He has to jump.It's an order.He must do it! He was not meant to die! He's meant to live! ''I can't just stand here worrying and moping around about my life! I wasn't meant to die! I have to jump,i have to fly,i have to reach the top,i have to run!''And he flashed out that den,leaving Adira's cold body on the ground.
He jumped over the pond to the other side and kept running.He was not stopping.Not for rest,not for business,not for food!He was going to run! He was going to keep running! He was fast! He wasn't going to give up!He wasn't going to stop!He kept running through the trees,past other animals,past mountains,past streams,past everything!It was him alone,only him alone.
''I must keep running.''He kept saying to himself.Adira flashed in his mind.The golden wolf reappeared in his mind from time to time.He thought about her a lot.He came to a stop.''Which way to go,i must keep going,''He went the right lane.He kept running past all the forest objects.He passed some wolves who stared at him confused.He saw pups who wanted to run with him,but was scolded by their parents for doing so.
He jumped over a stream and fell in.The water was pulling him off current! He pawed in the water trying to make it to the forest floor.His breathing became heavy.He was going down! He glanced around at every object he could use! His eyes land upon a wooden object.He didn't know what the heck it was,he sure was going to use it.He padded towards it.
The wooden object came towards him.He lifted his large paws and got into it.He heavily breathed.The wooden object was still heading towards the flow of the water.A waterfall!
''Ahh!''The wooden object tilted down the waterfall making the large wolf fall out of it...

He got up.His eyes were heavy and hurt.He found himself washed up shore.He was still in the forest,thank god.He shook his damp fur and started to walk slower.Then he started running again.He ran fast,past animals,past trees,bushes and water.He never looked back.He always made it forth.He ran and ran and ran.
Adira came to his mind again.
What are you doing boy?She seems to say inside his head.He was shock to hear her.Wasn't she dead?
''I'm running.''
From what exactly?
''After you died,i didn't know what to do.''
Running away from your problems will get you no where! I told you to find a mate and raise a family!
''Auntie Adira,i'm not ready to raise a family!''Sirius said.''Why are pressuring me?''
I want you to have something,i never got to have...Her voice was gone.He stopped.
''Huh?Auntie Adira?Auntie?''She was gone.Out his head.For now maybe.He started running again.''I'm going to raise a family once i find the right girl.Don't worry aunt-Adira,i mean.''Simply she wasn't Auntie Adira anymore.She wasn't alive.She was like another dead wolf to him.A wolf named Adira.Not even Adira.She was just another wolf.

© 2013 TaylorFluff

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Added on November 30, 2013
Last Updated on December 14, 2013



somewhere in the world..., WI

I'm a very optimistic and lovely girl! I love to look at the bright side even when my life been going down hill.I put my trust in God no matter what! I know my happiness will come. I'm very mature for.. more..
