![]() Second Street // Part Thirty FourA Story by DavidSecond Street Part Thirty Four Their train rumbled through the country side delivering them back to the slum Charlie was living in. Pam had slept the entire trip, exhausted from an incredibly busy weekend. The train approached the station and Charlie gently nudged her, she was far from ready to respond. He put his arms around her giving her a hug and stirred her from sleep. She rubbed her eyes and was groggy. The train came to rest and Charlie kissed her forehead and helped her to her feet. They gathered their bags and headed for the BMW. Charlie, Pam said, please drive as she handed him the keys. I am just so tired. Charlie unlocked the car and opened the door for her. He put the luggage in the trunk and took his place at the wheel, finding this a real pleasure to drive such a fine automobile, Pam once again out like a light. It was not long before they reached his house and again he had to wake her, honey, come on now, were home. As she stirred she said Charlie I need to stay here tonight, I am too exhausted to drive. Of course honey he replied. Here take the keys and go inside, I’ll take care of the bags. Pam took the keys from Charlie and stumbled to the door, she entered the house and headed directly for Charlie’s bed and that is exactly where Charlie found her, fully dressed and in a deep sleep. He had to smile, having never seen her like this. He figured if he undressed her she would never open an eye. Charlie locked the door and put her bag at the foot of the bed where she could easily find it when she woke. Charlie brushed his teeth and slipped into bed snuggling next to Pam, it wasn’t more than a few heartbeats and he was dead to the world. Jim arrived at nine am as instructed and parked in front of Charlie’s house just in case Denise was around. The day before had given the two an incredible insight they had not explored on the computer, they were so in tune with each other. Andy closed and locked the door, joining Jim in the car. Are you sure this is not a bother to you Andy asked? I am some date huh, she said? Listen, Jim said to her, I would take you to the doctor’s everyday of your life if that was what was needed. Just put your mind at rest. Try to stop being Danny’s wife and join me, the doctor’s office a short drive and appearing before them after about twenty minutes. Jim pulled right up to the door and told her he would park and be right with her. Andy smiled. She had never before been treated this way. Danny would have parked half a mile away and had her walk. Andy closed the car door and walked right in to the office letting the receptionist know she was there. She had just taken a chair when Jim entered and sat next to her, he took her hand and asked, are you ok? Andy looked at him with such soft eyes and said, I am nervous but with you here with me, I feel much better. I’m sure you’ll be fine he told her just as the nurse called her name. Andy had not told him the nature of the visit so she asked the nurse to advise him how long she might be in case he wanted to go and have a bite to eat or coffee. She had been given these vulgar drinks to get down over the past several days and her breakfast with Jim yesterday was all she had had to eat. The colonoscopy lasted an hour and twenty minutes in all, the doctors taking their time and being thorough, not sure the exact nature of her pain. This was not pleasant and she was so happy that she was not with Danny; she didn’t think she could bear that; it would be bad enough when she got home. Andy knew there would be neither questions nor care as to her health just simply, what’s for dinner. Her doctors’ visit at end, Andy joined Jim, right there and waiting for her. As she approached Jim stood and gave her a hug and asked how she was doing? This brought tears to her eyes and worried Jim. Honey is there something the doctors didn’t like? What is it? Please tell me. Although in tears and sniffling, Andy told him it was his worry and kindness that had her crying, not the doctors. He smiled and gave her another long hug. Jim asked her if she wanted to get some food and something to drink? Oh yes she replied, I’m starving. Scrambled eggs and coffee sounds just great! Jim told her to wait right there and went to get the car. They headed off to Denny’s for a bite to eat, Jim telling her he thought she should go to his room and sleep for awhile, no telephone ringing, no Denise, no dogs to bother her. She found this offer delightful and took him up on it. It was ten am before Charlie stirred, having no wish whatsoever to rise. All he wished to do was roll over and hold Pam. This of course was not to be, Pam having left several hours ago. He stretched and rubbed his eyes, sitting up and deciding to get on with it. Charlie made his way to the shower and stood there a good long time before drying himself and throwing on a heavy pair of sweats. He made his way to the kitchen hoping for a note and seeking coffee. Pam had left the coffee maker set to brew all he had to do was push the button. This made him smile as he searched his table for the note he hoped was soon to be read. He poured a cup and sat at the table and there it was the note. He opened it and found beautiful handwriting telling him that she had to rush off to work, several large deals pending and needed her attention for the next few days. She wrote of such a beautiful weekend as to always carry with her and remember. Lover it was the best. I know I keep telling you but you’re so much fun, sealed with the ever present kiss! Charlie raised the letter to his nose and surely it was Pam. Charlie set the note aside and retrieved his journal stroking the leather and realizing how much he had missed it. He set about reliving his fabulous weekend while sipping his coffee and coming to the reality that this write could take him all day, and he smiled broadly. Charlie wrote for several hours before closing the book and feeling satisfied. It was two p.m. and Charlie was already lonely, especially after having nonstop companionship for the last days. He started his habit of pacing front to back windows watching, for nothing in particular and hoping for something. It was around three thirty when he saw the SUV pull up in front of his house. He watched as Andy got out his interest was piqued. He watched as she stood in the open car door and chatted and then leaned in to kiss the driver. Charlie pumped his fist in the air and shouted, Good for you! The walls of his house so thin that Andy turned upon hearing a shout and saw him in the window. He gave her a big thumbs up and she laughed. Jim, Andy said, come with me and meet Charlie. Please? Of course, I would love to. She held up one finger as to say one moment to Charlie. Jim came around the vehicle and joined Andy and walked to the front door. Charlie was overjoyed to have company. He opened the door and welcomed them in. he took their coats and asked if he could get them a glass of wine . He eyed Jim up and down seeing if he would be good for Andy. It did not take him long to decide favorably. They all sat at the kitchen table so they could talk easily without having to crane your neck to say something. He brought out three glasses and poured wine in each. I am so happy to see you he said to Andy and so nice to meet you he told Jim. Andy has told me a great deal about you, I feel I know you well. You are not alone there Jim said, I hear about you all the time. A saving grace I think was the description I heard the most. Charlie just blushed as he gazed at Andy. So how have you been? I have been away for the weekend and I come home to a new beau! I can’t say I’m not happy for the two of you; I am as pleased as can be! Jim liked this Charlie; he now saw what it was that Andy saw in him. Andy reached out and put her hand on Charlie’s, so spill, she said, tell us of the weekend! Must have been glorious! Oh my Charlie said as he began to recount their adventures. He told of the hotel room and what a fantastic view, he spoke glowingly of Jimmy. He went on for thirty five minutes in just an excited state. Jim was busy listening and watching the excitement in Charlie as he spoke, thinking what a trip and he would love to share an adventure such as this Andy and determined he would. Four thirty was approaching and Andy had to get home for Danny both men hated the thought of that. Jim, Charlie said, if you’re not pressed for time please stay and talk awhile. Jim looked at Andy and could see she was fine with that. She kissed him goodbye and told him she would see him in the morning. © 2015 David |
Added on November 26, 2015 Last Updated on November 26, 2015 Author![]() Davidhyannis, MAAboutLove to write but never seem to finish anything I write for my own pleasure of pen to paper more..Writing