Second Street // Part Thirty One

Second Street // Part Thirty One

A Story by David

         Second Street

        Part Thirty One

Charlie and Pam found the morning, wrapped in one another’s arms, the heat of their bodies roasting them under the sheets. Pam was the first to stir. Her emotions were at full tilt. She started kissing Charlie. She kissed his neck, his chest, the soft flesh of his underarm, kissed her way down his side; she suckled his n*****s, kissing her way down his torso. She was getting excited and found her way to his thighs, kissing him ever so gently. Charlie was in heaven. Pam kissed her way back to his lips with a long, luxurious deep kiss. Charlie’s blood was starting to heat up as he moved slowly to the bottom of the bed, where he took hold of one of Pam’s feet. He kissed her heel, the arch, slowly playing. He kissed her ankle moving up her shin slowly licking as he found his way, paying equal attention to both feet and legs. He paid great attention to the back of her knees, lingering a time. Her legs were smooth and very cleanly shaven. He was enjoying himself greatly. He moved his way to her silky thighs, ever so slowly, licking as he moved, her perfume, ever so slight but so elegant. Her moans were driving him to madness. Finally he found his flower and paid great attention, driving Pam to ecstasy! His hands finding her breasts and making her more insatiable! They held one another as they made love, rolling in the sheets, tangled as could be. Their breath labored and excited, perspiration dripping down their skin their love making coming to fruition. They just rolled on their backs, exhausted and ever so satisfied.

 Pam turned onto her side placing her hand on Charlie’s chest. Lover, you’re so much fun, she said to him with a very satisfied look about her. She kissed him and hopped out of bed heading to the bath, shaking her hair while running her fingers through it; curls, falling beautifully upon her back. Nice Bum, Charlie hollered after her as she walked away. She gave him a little shake and disappeared.

This was going to be a wonderful day especially since the start had been so great! Pam took her time in the bath, Charlie sticking his head in and asking if she needed any help? Go on now, leave me to my business, she scowled at him. Don’t get too wrinkled he told her. Pam soon enough came from the bath wrapped in towels, her skin glowing and smelling just so wonderful. Charlie gave her a quick kiss and took to the shower, savoring the warm water; he shaved and was quick about it wanting to get their day underway. He emerged from the bath and was greeted by the sight of Pam dressed in those blue jeans, a slender silver belt, black boots with three inch heels . Her hair was curled and dropping onto her white silk blouse in long gentle ringlets. She wore dangling earrings and a beautiful gold chain necklace. Charlie stood there for a minute, eventually just saying, Wow! She was standing in front of a mirror and turned to get a better look at how the jeans fit. She knew how they fit but did this for Charlie’s benefit. She smiled broadly and said, Charlie hurry, we have a big day. Charlie quickly dressed and grabbed his coat and scarf, helping Pam with her coat.  They caught the elevator to the lobby where they were met by Jimmy who had a big smile for them.

I have quite a day planned for you if you’re interested, Jimmy said, smiling at Pam? Of for sure she replied, excitedly, putting her hand on his forearm. Well, I have tickets for the carriage rides in Central Park, Tickets for The American Museum Of Natural History and tickets for the Christmas Show at Radio City. I assume you’re going to be in Times Square at midnight so I made reservations at Delmonico’s for nine. Are you interested in any of these things he asked? Oh Jimmy you’re amazing, Pam said. We want to do it all, she said excitedly. This made Jimmy grin. He loved to be appreciated! You got a big day ahead, maybe you would like to treat yourself to our complimentary breakfast buffet, Jimmy said pointing down a corridor. Oh, I am starving, Pam replied. Go and eat, I’ll have your tickets ready when you’re done. Thank you so very much jimmy. Pam took Charlie’s arm and led him down the corridor. The first room on the left was a pretty little affair, well decorated and had a delicious looking twenty foot buffet laid out, just waiting for Pam. She grabbed a plate and loaded it with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns and rye toast. She found a fruit bowl and took a good sized cup. Charlie following right behind but taking his food in half the amounts that Pam had. Pam made quick work of the plate, clearly thinking of seconds. She thought better about it and they got up to leave, Charlie leaving a fiver on the table for the bus boy. They walked to Jimmie’s desk and he handed them an envelope with all their tickets and reservations. You folks have a fantastic day he said to them. They smiled and thanked him. Where to Charlie asked? Let’s start with a carriage ride it is so romantic, Pam said. Charlie hailed a cab and told the driver, Central Park, the carriages. The cabbie responded, Yes Sir and was off like a shot. It was just a few moments before they arrived and engaged a driver, of course Pam picked the most beautiful horse and had to introduce herself. The driver was middle aged and dressed in a top hat and tails. There was a hint of a brogue that added to the adventure. They climbed aboard and their tour began. The air was cool but the sun warm on their faces. They passed by the Alice in Wonderland sculpture marvelous bronze statuary, eleven feet in height. It featured Alice of course but also included her pals, the Mad Hatter, White Rabbit and surely the Cheshire cat. It was beautiful. They passed by many bridges, The Bow and Cap Stow resembling something you would see in England or France. Simply beautiful, reflecting their own image in the water. There was the Grey Shot Arch, eighty feet long, ten feet in height and covered with Fleur de Lis carvings. They passed the children’s zoo and the Formal Gardens. This part of the park was closed to bikes and joggers, it was meant to be a place for contemplation. As they came towards the end of their tour, they came upon the carousel. This was an amazing affair. It was first installed in 1873 and had fifty seven horses and a calliope. Their ride at end, they were well satisfied and Charlie paid the driver and thanked him as Pam said goodbye to the horse.

There next stop was to be The Museum of Natural History a magnificent affair. The building was massive and made of granite. Upon entering and looking around, one found twenty five or thirty foot ceilings. This was a good thing since one of the first display was the hall of Dinosaurs. There were about one hundred displays of prehistoric creatures. According to their literature eighty percent of these creatures were actual fossils, the remaining put together from knowledge of paleontologists. There were Stegosaurus, Duck Bill and Triceratops all so massive and impressive. There was the butterfly conservatory, set up as a removable exhibit. It featured hundreds of species and absolutely thrilled the children. There was the Heydan Planetarium featuring a show called The Dark Universe. They found a display of a NASA probe of space made possible by the Hubble Telescope. The sights and visuals were beyond explanation, watching the universe expand. There was The Hall of the Vertebrate which featured exotic and ancient amphibians and fish, their skeletons not fully developed but suited to their lives back then.

 Four hours had quickly passed as they came to the end of their visit. This was amazing. It was a magnificent red diamond, one of only three in the world. The three diamonds were all in the five carat size. It was found in Africa back in the twenties and had been appropriated by the Nazis during World War Two. This diamond had been taken to Amsterdam to be cut. It took seven months of study to turn it to the gorgeous stone it was today. Pam held Charlie by the arm and told him she had been having the most wonderful day ever. He kissed her forehead. Charlie said, I would think you are more than likely hungry by now, aren’t you? Pam screwed up her mouth in a grin and said nothing, simply giving him a look that he took for a yes. Charlie put his arm around her waist and they went searching for a bite to eat.

 Knowing they would be having a big dinner in five or six hours they decided to simply have a couple dogs from the Sabrett Cart. Pam had one with chili and cheese and the other with onions, mustard and relish. Charlie just had chili. The show at Radio City was a matinee and started at five. They had a little time and enjoyed their dogs, watching the world pass them by. Let’s get a beer Charlie, said to Pam. Great idea she replied, I’m ready, for sure. They found a tiny bar just around the corner from the cart. They took their seats at the counter along the window, Charlie ordering two draughts and delivering the drinks to the counter. Pam was simply gorgeous and she was scented so wonderfully. She took Charlie’s hands and told him, you know, I think I’m falling for you. I am so comfortable with you, she said looking deeply into his eyes. Charlie said nothing but leaned in and kissed her softly. He loved looking at her, looking deep in her eyes. He was fascinated with her. They each had two scotches and made their way to Radio City.

Radio City was a sight to behold. It was a neon wonder. It was located on the Avenue of Americas. There were two fifty foot neon banners reaching into the sky, announcing the wonder below. There was also a neon banner that ran perpendicular announcing the same.  During this season they installed a thirty five foot Christmas tree atop the façade. The entry was a lighting wonder. The interior was a wonder all to itself. The place sat around sixty five hundred and had marvelous banners that changed with the seasons; they encompassed the seats and gave a comfortable feel to the room. Charlie and Pam were seated and the massive curtain pulled back, revealed the Rockett’s, introduced by Santa. They were to perform the twelve days of Christmas. Their costumes were magnificent. Billowy feathers atop tall hats with chin straps, uniforms of red, yellow and blue. Their cheeks were painted rosy as they performed as wooden soldiers, part of the Nutcracker. The Rockettes, dancing in unison, legs lifted high. This was part of the Radio City Christmas Special. It was incredible to view, a memory for the rest of their lives. It was a spectacular show. The couple clapped and grinned in appreciation. The show at end, the crowd departed leaving room for the next crowd.

 Pam and Charlie had some time before their reservations for dinner. Pam spotted a wine bar and took Charlie by the hand. They entered and were immediately at home. This place was so very comfortable. There were candles placed about. Games of cribbage, backgammon and chess placed about various tables. It was a dark welcoming bar. Charlie let’s get some cabernet and play chess, Ok? Yes love, he responded. Charlie got a bottle and two massive glasses returning to Pam who had set up the chess board. Charlie loved to play but never found many to play with. He was surprised that Pam knew the game, although thinking about it he should have expected it. Charlie poured their wine and they began playing. It was a perfect time. Pam winning the first two games, she was a challenging opponent, smart, quick to see the openings left to her. They checked their watches and bought another bottle and played again. Charlie was holding his own but never gaining great advantage. He was thoroughly enjoying her. She was so smart and well rounded. She had so much knowledge about so much. She fit with anyone, never at a loss.

 Their dinner reservations were coming so they departed thanking the bartender. They took a cab and arrived at Delmonico’s the façade incredible. This place had been here since 1873, in continuous operation, by the same family. There were four huge columns supporting a massive arch of a façade; lights blazing, keeping the name alive. This building took up two streets using the corner for advertising. There were two massive oak doors, secreted in the arched opening, several antique lampposts adding life to the façade. The upper façade had multiple layers of crown molding simply massive and fitting. There were shiny brass plates covering the base of the doors. The interior was a warm affair, rich leather stools and chairs. There was walnut trim adding to the richness of the place. Brass rails separating servers from customers and allowing patrons to place their feet in comfort. The lighting was subdued and seductive. Charlie and Pam were seated, given menus and what a menu it was. Some of these items had been on the menu for a hundred years. Talk about stand the test of time! The Delmonico was developed here and had forever been a standard. The only true Delmonico in the country. Charlie and Pam each had one. Their meal was amazing. Pam promised to thank Jimmy profusely. The most fantastic meat they had ever had! They had some drinks and just enjoyed this wonderful place, storing it in their memory banks.  New Years Eve was just moments away as they entered Times Square. Pam unbuttoned Charlie’s coat as well as her own. The Ball dropped and she slid her arms around him, he around her, they kissed and hugged so faithfully.


© 2015 David

Author's Note

Sorry for a very long absence but this novel is now complete and I will post the balance. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Added on November 26, 2015
Last Updated on November 26, 2015



hyannis, MA

Love to write but never seem to finish anything I write for my own pleasure of pen to paper more..
