Girl in an all boys boarding school [5]

Girl in an all boys boarding school [5]

A Chapter by Tattootiger

(= Ok this one is kinda boring, but ya know



I laughed. Yea I know, who laughs when two guys just punched each other in the faces. Well, obviously I do. Miss. Linda looked at me, bewilderment in her eyes. I looked away and pretended as if nothing happened. But the damage was done. Everyone’s attention was on me, including the two boys who had the fight.

“Um… yea… sorry about that” I said.

I was expecting for them to turn around and go back to whatever they were doing but instead they just stood there, staring at me. Beside me, Carl and Adam were snickering, I gave them a glare but that didn’t stop them. The bell rang and I gave a sigh of relief. I walked out the classroom and proceeded to my next class.

>> FF to end of school >>

I was in the bedroom trying to do my algebra homework it was hopeless. I sucked a*s. I glanced over at Dec’s bed and saw him listening to his iPod with his eyes closed. He was done with his homework half-hour ago. I looked at his desk where all the homework was laid neatly. Well I’ll just take the papers and copy them, there, no biggie, now the only problem is how the hell am I going to get the papers without him noticing. I got up from my bed and sprawled on the floor in a crawling position. I crawled silently to his side of the room, on my way I found a pair of boxers. I gave a disgusted look, then stepped on something that starting playing some music.

“quack quack” made the toy. It’s a freaking rubber ducky. Who in this room could possibly have a rubber ducky?

Behind me I heard some snickering. I turned my head and saw Adam, Max and Carl watching the show. They were really enjoying watching me do this; I gave them a glare and went back to my mission. When I was finally 3 inches away from the desk Dec moved on his bed. I froze, after what felt like 2 minutes I continued, I put myself under the desk and lifted an arm and guessed where the papers were, I moved my arm to the right and felt nothing.

I kept moving around when I hit something, a lamp crashed down to the floor along with some other supplies. When they hit the marble floor they made a huge racket which got the guys into a fit of laughter and Dec saying…

“What the hell!”

“Oops!” I got out from under the bed and crawled to my bed but someone was pulling my shirt making it impossible for me to move further.

“Ugh!” I turned my head and saw Dec with my shirt gripped in his hands. The guys had tears running down their eyes and I frowned at them. This is not funny!

“Mella what did you do” Dec said. I gave him the most innocent smile I could muster. He didn’t buy it.

“Fine” I sighed “I was trying to get your homework so I could copy”

“Why couldn’t you do it yourself?”

“Because I don’t get it! It’s too complicated really”

“I’ll teach you” I groaned

“But De-ec” I complained, giving his name two syllables learning is boring!”

“Well that’s just too bad because I’m not letting you copy”

“Very well” I said thinking of an actress I heard say that line. Dec got all the textbooks and started teaching me Algebra and French. In the end I still sucked in Algebra only a little bit better. As for French I became really good at it. Turns out, that when the blond one said “eres un estupido” it mean ‘you are stupid’. And when the brunette said “vete par carajo” it meant ‘go to hell’.

“Okay enough learning” I said “I want to do something fun”

“Ooo” said Carl “how about we have a party tonight!”

“ Tonight? So soon?” I asked

“Yea why not?” said Adam

“Well we need the invitations, food, drinks-” but before I could finish Max got out his phone and dialed a number.

“Hey Josh its Max we’re thinking of having a party so spread it around; at about 8:30; alright bye” Max looked at us “invitations set” Carl took out his phone and started talking in Italian...

“Ok guys the food and drinks are done, so let’s get ready and party” Carl jumped off his bed and headed for the closet “finally I’ll be able to wear those skinny leather jeans!” Adam made a face in which Carl didn’t notice.

“Damn Carl just wear some fucken jeans, your dick is gonna be popping out”

“That’s the point Adam! I can imagine it now, me walking in the room, all eyes on me, boys would be whistling and winking as I pass by-”

“In your dreams” snickered Adam

“Oh, you’re just jealous cause in French class Geovani was paying more attention to me than you”

 Oh please, he was only paying attention to you because you finished your pop quiz in which you failed”

“I got a 65! Unlike you who got a 23, and in Christmas you couldn’t even tell a Pucci from a Gucci” I laughed at that.

“I’m sorry Carl that at Christmas I couldn’t get you the cream colored bag instead of the lavender one; I’m not as gay as you!”

 Well turn gayer!”

“That’s not even a word, and I’m not gay!”

“You just said so!”

“No I didn’t”

“Yes you did”

“No I didn’t!”

“Yes you did!”

“ENOUGH!” I yelled, “We only have 20 minutes”

“See what you did Adam!” Carl accused “now I won’t be able to pick a decent outfit and not only that, I won’t be able to exfoliate, oh what will the boys think”

“Who gives a rats a*s if you exfoliate or not, heck, I don’t even know what that means”

“I can tell because you surly need one!”

“Guys, now we only have 15 minutes!”

“Well you happy now Adam! I won’t be able to do my hair! And to think I bought a new gel!”

“Carl your hair is fine as it is stop obsessing like a girl” I sighed.

“I am not acting like a girl!”

“Ugh” I say as I give up. I go to the closet and pick out an outfit. Hopefully this night will be fun.

© 2009 Tattootiger

for the lulz
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

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Added on August 24, 2009



>:l, Australia

_____________________ - ;; Sina[: ;; - 14 / Year Nine / Straight more..
