![]() Girl in and all Boys Boarding School [Chapter 2]A Chapter by Tattootiger![]() :P read![]()
Chapter 1
I yawn and rub my eyes. Friday, last day of school for the week. Woo. I wake up and look around my room looking for my school clothes, can’t find them…
Oh wait, I just remembered, I’m leaving home today, to a new boarding school. F*****g hell! Stupid step mother! I’m still freaking pissed off at her for sending me to the stupid school. It’s called Bilingual Montessori Boarding School. I don’t know anything about it but my uncle owns it, and because I’m ‘such an ignorant little brat’ I’m getting sent there for freaking ever! It’s a good it’s a school for Australian teens, so I think most people will know English.
I went down stairs still in what I call PJ’s and saw Sally, my step mother, cooking breakfast.
“It’s about time you got up, I was gonna go up there and bang the pot in your ear.” She said without turning around to know I was there. That’s the thing about Sally, she always knows if you’re behind her even if you were as quiet as I mouse, and plus what she just said what meant to be funny, I think.
“Mhm, when am I going?” I asked, as I drooled over the breakfast plate she sat in front of me.
“We have hours, you’re flight isn’t till 4:30 am tomorrow, but I wanna get down there later on today and you can stay in a hotel for the night or something”
“Ok” I sighed, I didn’t really want to go but I didn’t want to argue because Sally was being so nice this morning.
>> FF to 3am >>
We’re at the airport now; Sally has been dragging me around everywhere speaking in weird languages that I don’t even know. When you get to the front of the line for my flight, which we have been standing in for 2 hours already Sally talked to the flight attendant. Then I was led away by him.
“Bye Sally” I said as I waved before walking down the hall to outside where the plane was.
“Bye Carmella, call me when you get there…and be good” she said blowing a kiss. I laughed when she said that and waved back again.
Plane. That’s all I’ll say about it because you don’t wanna hear about the boring flight.
When I got off the plane there was a guy who came over to me, “"Bonjour Carmella, je Suis Alexandre et je vous vous conduirai la nouvelle école, Vous êtes la mère m'a appelé, Sally De’Leon est-ce que j'ai raison?”
I gave him a weird look and cleared my throat, “Um, excuse me?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, you don’t speak French like your mother. I’m Alexandre and I’m driving you to your new school, your Carmella right?”
“Yer, that’s right” I said. In the car we didn’t say much, he asked a few boring questions, I answered them with one syllable and looked out the window, damn, Paris was beautiful.
The car came to a halt and I looked at the enormous boarding school, it was bigger than my mansion in which I wasn’t surprised. Massive tall gates were there so intruders wouldn’t come in, with four body guards and high quality surveillance cameras. I told them my name and immediately they opened them. They said something in their talkie and a group of 10 people came outside. I got out the car and they all greeted me. One of then gave me a key and told me that’s my room key. My room was room 303.
Another one took me to the office while the others struggled to get the entire luggage from the car and into the elevator. In the office there was a woman typing rapidly on the keyboard. She had blond hair that was sealed into a perfect bun, not a stray of hair out of place. She had chocolate brown eyes and a slim body. She looked at the computer intently as if looking at a difficult math problem.
She stopped typing and her eyes found me; she gave me a look that said what-the-hell-are-you-doing-here. The lady that brought me here seemed to answer her question.
“This is Carmella De’Leon” the lady said.
“Oh” she said embarrassingly. Her whole face turning bright pink “I’m Mrs. Moore sorry about that it’s just I didn’t expect you so soon, and seeing a girl walk in, I was a bit confused”
Now I was puzzled, what did she mean ‘seeing a girl walk in’? Oh well, I guess girls in this school never get in trouble which is a huge let down.
Now I was in a school in which girls are all stiff and serious. Mrs. Moore gave me my schedule and the lady led me inside the elevator. On the 5th floor which I was joyful about because 5 is my lucky number. The lady took me to the front of my room door. There my luggage was placed in a neat row.
“Do you want us to bring them in Miss De’Leon?” one of the men asked.
“No thank you I can take it from here” they all left and I took the key out of my pocket. The last thing I said before opening the door was “Goodbye Beverly Hill, Hello Paris, France.”
When I opened the door to my new room I was surprised. It all looked so boyish. The walls were dark blue and there were 5 beds. All of them had blue covers except for one which was at the far end with a goldish- yellowish color that made it look very elegant. The bathroom was huge with a Jacuzzi tub and 2 showers but the room was even bigger. The room even had a plasma TV, a computer, X-box 360, PSPs and more. There were hundreds of video games and clothes were all over the floor. What are boxers doing on the floor?
I opened the closet in which there were 5 in the room plus an extra in the bathroom. The closets were even messier and only one was organized. They all have boy's clothes! What is going on here? There was one that was empty which I guessed was mines. I was also happy the one in the bathroom was empty but with the one I had now, even all my clothes fit. Once i finished putting all my clothes in the closet took a nice hot shower. I put on a robe and started to brush my teeth. I could hear some voices, I finished brushing my teeth and walked out the bathroom.
There in front of me were four HOT boys. They looked as if they came from a 500 mile run with sweat dripping from their foreheads and dirt all over their toned and muscular bodies. Mama mia its my luck day! But one of them caught my attention.
"Oh hello darling" one of them said finally noticing me. He looked and sounded.......... gay and yet he looked hot at the same time." I’m Carl, and if I may ask who are you"
“hi" I said, “I’m Carmella, if you’re wondering what I’m doing here, I’m your new roommate" He laughed
"You can’t be our roommate; this is an all boy’s boarding school"
"Hello hottie" one said, quite captivating "I’m Adam nice to have you" He gave me a wink and looked at my tits. Yup, I better sleep with one eye open.
"I’m Max" said one he gave me one of the best smiles I’ve ever seen. I smile. He was the hottest one of the group, verycaptivating.
“I’m Dec” said the last one.
>> FF 20 Minutes >>
The guys already finished taking a shower and I was talking to Carl. Turns out I was right, he was gay.
“I knew you were gay!" I told him
"Well I’m happy, now I can have someone to help me shop and agree when I saw a guy is hot or not" I laughed at this; I've always thought gay guys were cool. "Speaking of hot guys I think Jason is hot"
“I’ll have to agree with you, he's some serious eye candy"
“Ooooooooh looks like someone found her first crush" He said while clapping his hands.
"Wasn’t he yours too" I raised one eye brow
“Yea but I tell ya, the dude is as straight as a line can be, well, he gave me a small pout once”
"Hm I bet you wished his line was as curvy as the pool in Hotel Linello"
“OMG you've been there, it took me like 30 minutes to do one lap, or maybe I’m just not a good swimmer"
“Well I must admit, I did, no, do wish his line was that curvy" we both laughed which caught the others guy's attention
"What are you 2 girls talking about there" said Trevor
"They know you’re gay??" I whispered to Carl
"Yea I don’t know how they found out; it’s always been a mystery to me"
Max turned off the game and jumped on the bed with me and Carl. He landed on my left with Carl next to him
“So amber tell me about yourself" he said, he faced me and his face was inches away from mines. He gave me a smile
This is gonna be a very interesting year.
Carmella De’Leon 16 What an ambitious B***h…
![]() Max Mathews 16 Goes with the flow…
![]() Carl Rectal 17 Your gay fix for the day…YAY
![]() Adam Sheckler 18 Nothing there...In his head I mean, Unless its...
![]() Declan Clayter 16 The Mystery man… O_o
![]() © 2009 TattootigerReviews
3 Reviews Added on August 18, 2009 Author![]() Tattootiger>:l, AustraliaAbout_____________________ - ;; Sina[: ;; - 14 / Year Nine / Straight more..Writing