![]() Highschool...And other things that ruined my life [2]A Chapter by Tattootiger![]() Hope you likeyyzz x]![]()
I smiled but felt sorry for Anthony; she just pushed past him to greet me. Sina Looked around for her friend, they all ran off, she sighed.
“Pfft, some friends,” she said rolling her eyes, she then smiled greatly. She had the widest but most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen; she had braces too which made her smile look more unique.
I laughed, “Wanna walk with us instead?”
she looked back at Anthony and hesitated for a second, “Ok”
We walked to school and lots of people stared at us, me and Anthony, a few whispers went by and everyone hopped out of our way. Then some guy pulled Sina away. We stopped and turned to them.
“Hey Babe” the guy said to Sina.
She rolled her eyes “what do you want?”
“Aww come on babe, I didn’t mean to cheat on you, forgive and forget?”
“No...And you ‘didn’t mean to cheat on me’, what’s that, how can you not mean to cheat on someone? You’re an a*s now f**k off,” she turned back to us hitting him with her bag on the way and we started walking again, a little confused.
“Who was that?” I asked finally. “Oh, he’s name is Robert and he’s my ex, he cheated on me 2 weeks ago with some skank named Amy, I caught him f*****g her at his house one day, so yer”
“Wow, a*****e much?”
“Pfft, tell me about it” she rolled her eyes, “Oh and I can’t help but say, you’re Aniela’s sister right?”
“Yer, I am, but I don’t like her, I prefer to think she isn’t my sister, I’ve been thinking about dying my hair or something, so I look different, you know?”
“Yer, why don’t you like her?” she asked
“Oh, just a few things happened back a while ago, don’t worry about it.”
“Ok” she said confused. “Anyways, I gotta go get ready for class, I’ll see you around, maybe at Lunch or something?”
“Yer, sure, bye”
She waved only to me and walked off down the hallway. I looked behind me where Anthony was standing looking very gloomy. I looked around and everyone was staring at us. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“You know what, don’t be stupid” he said.
“All well I told you she was out of you league didn’t I?” I said with my hands on my hips, “Sorry babe, you’ll get over it, there’s plenty of fish in the water, why did you pick her, I mean why the sudden taste in that type of girl?”
“That’s why, I’ve never liked that type of girl before, she just seems...I dunno, my attention was just drawn to her.” He managed a smirk, I rolled me eyes. “Yer, well there’s probably more like that.”
That’s all he said, that ended our conversation for the morning until Lunch, first two classes annoying, first I had to see the principal to get my timetable and crap, then I had to get my stuff and then I couldn’t find the classrooms, then when I eventually got there the teacher would scowl at me for being late, everyone would be staring at me and then I’d be bored listening to the teacher yap on.
Anthony’s POV
I mean this girl was different. I’ve dated a lot of girls before but this one was different, or was just how I always feel when I see a good looking girl. No. I wouldn’t have my attention drawn away like that. I crushed on this chick the moment I saw her.
I felt like s**t when she gave me that ‘evil’ glare, she completely shut me out. B***h. But a really hot b***h, I’ll tell you that.
Sina and Ileana were walking in front of me, I followed behind, too shy, which was weird for me, to say anything, I looked around and everyone was staring at me then whispering to each other. Who the f**k do they think they are? A******s. I ain’t no monster, I mean I was really fucked up back a few years, my parents divorced, they made me pick sides, and it was really hard for me, I had to keep lying.
Then some a*s pulled Sina away. He was talking to her and I felt like punching him. Jealousy? I think not. I dunno what it was. Then I heard her cursing him so I knew it wasn’t good but stayed my spot, I didn’t want to go back to that shithole Juvy.
We walked in the halls; Sina walked off then me an Ileana went our separate ways.
At lunch I found Ileana, eventually, but she was sitting with Sina, and I didn’t want to go over there so I sat on a bench and covered the whole spot so no one else would sit down next to me. Ileana spotted me and gestured for me to come over; I shook my head and then shared a glance with Sina. Beautiful.
Ileana came over when I refused.
“Aww, come on Anth, Sina isn’t that bad.”
“I know she isn’t, but she doesn’t like me.”
“Ok, wait there, I’ll be back” she reassured me.
Sina’s POV
I didn’t like this Anthony guy, not one bit, he seemed creepy. Not after what I heard about him, I refuse to talk to him. Ileana came back over to me and sat down. She started eating an apple then talking.
“Why don’t you like my friend?”
“Who?” I said stupidly, knowing who she was talking about anyways.
“Anthony, you seem distant towards him”
“Oh, um” I licked my lips, may as well be honest, “I don’t know, I just don’t really like him that much, and you know why, because of what he done?
“Yer, but you should be scared of him, he never killed anybody, he would never hurt a girl believe me, if he dared to I’d kick his a*s, can you please give him a chance? Like talk to him, it’s making him...well me, frustrated, you know”
I hesitated, “Ok, whatever, I’m probably being stupid anyways.”
“Come over and sit then?”
We walked over to where Anthony was, it was awkward, I didn’t know what I should say so I waved and sat next to Ileana instead. She started yapping on about some crap which was quite interesting actually, then I started yapping on, Anthony was quiet, he seemed pissed for some reason. I still wasn’t fond of Anthony but I could help but keep looking at how hot he was, I didn’t like him but I’m not going to lie, he was HOT!
© 2009 Tattootiger |
Added on August 10, 2009 Author![]() Tattootiger>:l, AustraliaAbout_____________________ - ;; Sina[: ;; - 14 / Year Nine / Straight more..Writing