![]() Not Paying Attention In Class...A Poem by Tazz S.H.![]() Some stuff I wrote during class..![]() Advising Office: -ncr grade -stats or precalc? -chem 100 or chem 102? -4 year plan -fin aid -fencing -6 classes next semester? -major requirements To Do: *english research paper w/ annotated bibliography and works cited page *register for more classes for next semester *CLA-syllabus/read *Bio-syllabus/read -> lab exam, lab presentations *US - syllabus/paper due Dec 5 *Clean bag/desk/top of wardrobe + organize all papers! *VPN for Laptop PRAY. WORK HARD. LET GO. CHANGE. get one chance in life... and if we screw that up, well... what the f**k is living worth? College, religion, survival, success, our own animalistic needs... what the f**k does it all mean? What do I do? God help me.. Our minds are so mercurial.. we inhabit so much duality within ourselves... Well, WHO do we listen to, hope or the bloody truth? What will it be like when I'm gone. Who will miss me when I'm gone? I want to be somebody. Without the pain. I want to be loved. I want to be amazing. I want to be strong. Without the pain. Can I do this. Can I do this. I don't know. I'm sitting here as her chalk draws another example on the board, the minutes are ticking by and my tears stain the numbers on the page.
© 2014 Tazz S.H.Author's Note