A Story by Tasi83

It all started with a silly quarrel, which actually erupted between the two of them because Balázs's literature teacher successfully convinced Balázs with sweet and honeyed words that, due to his operated right leg, it was exceptionally better to postpone the trip to Dobogók�' and instead return with an escort to the hunting lodge in Mátraszentimre, of course. to Jánosi valley.
Since it was October, the weather was particularly unfriendly, foggy, and slimy, when Kriszti, his only love from high school, literally attacked him accompanied by verbal abuse:
"You little b*****d!" How did you imagine this?! How did you imagine?! �" he punched him in the chest a couple of times, but only in order to childishly release his own poison.
When not long after, all the members of the small group set off for the Dobogók�' scenic lookout, Kriszti remained there for a long time in the cozy resting place, where she once again shouted angry, revengeful words into the air:
"Now your mommy isn't here to comfort you!" Of course! Just go back to the hunting lodge with your operated leg! �" his angry and extremely angry voice was literally swallowed up by the loneliness of the yawning, bleak mountains.
On the way, Balázs kept wondering to himself whether Kriszti actually meant what he had said and the threats, because what he could already learn about her was that Kriszti, being a temperamental caricature, always kept her word. When she joined them in their sophomore year, in order to fit in with the other girls and make new friends, she dyed her beautiful honey-colored hair a dirty purple, which - it was true, gave her an erotic extravagance - but it was still dirty, and it took a month for her hair to return to its original color. regained it.
On the way, he stopped at a small general store where, in addition to the usual food, you could buy paintings and affordable handicrafts. He thought why not! He has already bought two smaller porcelain cats for his beloved parents, just so that when he goes home from the holiday trip, his father won't be able to say: "This child made bad deals!" "And at least maybe his mother can be a little more proud, that's all!" His son is able to stand on his own two feet, which, of course, until now almost no one was willing to believe!
Well into the autumn, it became an ancient old evening, and by the time the pitch darkness covered all the pines and forest branches with its black pitch-like mass, a friendly and intimate atmosphere filled the cozy little hunting lodge, where real candlesticks and candles ensured the romantic atmosphere.
Balázs was asked by her literature teacher to prepare dinner for the tired team by the time they came down from the Dobogók�' stand - if he had nothing better to do. You can easily pull out the picked and examined mushrooms and make a large batch of rosehip tea in the prepared metal thermoses, which keep the temperature inside and at least the tea doesn't get cold. Energy is needed in such cold weather.
Balázs began to prepare the dinner with almost jubilant joy. In itself, she gave thanks a million times that she could grow up in the kitchen of her maternal grandmother, who, being a careful housewife, tried to teach her culinary science for everything from baking cakes to roasting pigs. Thus, Balázs did not feel so lost and unlucky, since he was moving in domestic territory.
He plucked the picked mushrooms out of flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs, and although he was a little afraid that one could get poisoned at any time, after all, a simple layman can't think of any difference between a fly-killing mushroom and a red mushroom with a hat. . Within a few minutes, the entire kitchen area was saturated with deliciously steaming, pleasant aromas. She also baked fur breads and, of course, scrambled eggs with plenty of ham and bacon, just in case someone's teeth hurt. The little company was not late either. Shortly after seven o'clock in the evening, the first members of the team arrived, and like a pack of starving wolves, after the routine hand-washing ritual, they regularly threw themselves on the ready-made deep-fried and fried delicacies. They don't bother themselves at all that they are dirty and dirty, after all they get to bathe even after a meal! Isn't that right?!
As it turned out later, Kriszti and her friends were at least an hour late because Kriszti - mysteriously - sprained her right ankle when they tried to descend the rather steep mountain, and her ankle ligaments could be stretched a little more, which caused significant pain and only limping she could take small steps, clinging to her two girlfriends.
And although Balázs never wished anything bad to anyone, now the family prophecy, which his grandmother always told him: "Sweet son! Learn it! Whoever digs a hole for someone else will fall into it himself!" �" So the young lady could receive an unpleasant and painful punishment by the forces of fate for her murderous and ugly swearing. Possible. Bah r Balázs tried to keep superstitions away from him.
When the others told him that Kriszti and her circle of friends might already be nearby, as he was a little sweaty, in a light green T-shirt and sweatpants, he ran out onto the veranda, where a steeper staircase led up, because he was very worried about Kriszti.
The stunned surprise became all the more obvious the bigger and more unbearable the pain was for the young lady. He cursed the couple melodiously before they even reached the steep steps of the hunting lodge with the support of their friends.
Balázs didn't hesitate much either, and despite the fact that Kriszti said very ugly words, she immediately took her secret love into his arms and, as if she were carrying featherweights, she was already inside the house with him, to everyone's astonishment. Of course, only Kriszti was the most surprised; she was truly overcome by the fact that, despite the unbearable hysterics she was and her childish behavior, Balázs was now treating her like a real queen. His heart was beating pleasantly, but increasingly violently, and he didn't understand why he felt this way when they hardly knew each other.
"I... I... don't be angry..." she answered almost quietly, and only to herself, when Balázs literally stormed out of the girls' room, because, being a master of etiquette, he never understood the house rules. Last night, Kriszti pulled the plug on the teacher by sneaking into their room while the boys were taking a bath and secretly stealing Balázs's poker cards to play rummy together because they didn't feel like sleeping.
Not long after, Kriszti also took a bath and tried to straighten herself up a bit, despite her excruciating pain, and decided that she would not eat dinner, but rather fall into bed in her floral patterned pajamas and read or stare at the ceiling.
"Just imagine!" What did my hero knight do?! he asked his girlfriends with mischievous, sparkling eyes.
"What?" Maybe he bought a sports car or jumped out the window? the two girls with whom he shared his room teased him.
"Not you brainwashed fools!" He took her in his arms and carried her up the stairs like a princess! Do you tick this off? - and with proud perkiness he held up his face and his pissy nose, as if he had the right and privilege to do all this.
"Well… no doubt!" A true gentleman! one of them remarked. - Do you think he has ever had sex in his life? - at this he laughed wildly, and a round of laughter began.
"Phew!" How can you ask that?! Why did you have sex already?! You are ridiculous! I'm talking about serious, romantic acts, and then sex is always on your mind! - admonished her friend, who was changing her boys' underwear like anyone else. After all, variety is key.
- I think the concept of spiritual companionship is a thousand times more important than sex! If you even understand what I'm talking about here! For two people to feel the fact that they are one in their conscience. - he started to explain, but within seconds there were three soft knocks on the door, which jolted him out of his reverie.
"Just come in!" - announced one of the girls, and the majority of them already looked at each other, wondering who the hell it could be at this time.
Balázs' shy, half-hearted, apologetic and flushed, chubby figure appeared peeping in the door. He was in love at the same time, but at the same time he was very afraid of the girls' anger, because he thought it was inappropriate to spy on them when they were in their pajamas.
"Noah, noah!" Well, here is our little hero! Welcome to us! - one of the younger girlfriends already addressed him with a kind directness.
Kriszti lowered her eyes on purpose, as she could not allow herself to be exposed immediately, although her pounding, hammering, furiously jingling heart brought her down immediately anyway.
- Hi Balázska! How about you? What flight are you on?! - he glared at her, but it was actually more than a simple confrontation. It was a real love affair, where it would have been better to call the fire department. If a young, adolescent girl can look at a knight with a stick like this, what can she really feel in her soul for the main character?
- I... I... just... brought... - a large, plastic tray was balanced by a polite head waiter, and he also brought napkins, which he immediately distributed, and after a moment or two, he seemed to sense that a guest who was not welcome in certain girlish circles had put down the tray carefully onto one of the tables opposite the beds, and as unexpected as his appearance was, his disappearance was just as unexpected.
- Wait a little longer... please... - Kriszti tried to shout afterwards, who perhaps then had the solid idea that she is really and truly falling in love with someone who, for some reason, is always forced to play roles, as this is how she protects her personality from attacks. Of course, it is also possible that he secretly has high-functioning autism, although then there would be other signs of this.
The next day they both woke up earlier than the rest of the little party. Kriszti threw off the comfortable captivity of warm blankets and her limping gait with an almost balanced, jubilant force l, he shuffled along the river in his robe until he reached the last room, where no one opened the door even after knocking three times. He went out to the veranda, where a cassette player was playing softly on a small stool, and Balázs was sitting next to him, but the moment their eyes met, it was as if their eloquent eyes and pounding hearts had immediately understood the human law.
Kriszti limped closer to the half-hesitant Balázs, and first embraced his stout, tree-trunk-like waist, then his clawed, slightly hairy hands, which most people thought were disgusting. he began to sway with it to the moving, sacred, romantic rhythms of the music. Not for fun, but rather to get used to their still unfamiliar bodies and instincts. To get to know and discover the broad gestures of emotions beneath the surface.
Balázs grabbed Kriszti's hair-thin waist as if he were cherishing a feather and protected it between his bear paws. He felt how a stray, hesitant, but all the more eloquent, teasing spark ran through her body. When Kriszti looked up with a little tears, doe-eyed, and looked into Balázs's face, it was as if she saw the many suffered, tolerated, petty, murderous humiliations and sufferings of her hidden past. He pulled her close. If nothing else, death must have felt it now and knew that he must comfort this exceptional and extraordinary young man at all costs, because he is very important to him.
"Balázs... I was... very... afraid of you..." - and after a few minutes - "I'm... very... in love... with you..." - he carefully pulled his bulky, big, bushy head close to him, on which, without exception, the cap or the hair was always sloppy. He tenderly placed a small kiss first on the potato's nose, then on his forehead, and finally his full mouth. Someone once insulted Balázs by saying that he had such disgusting garlic breath. Kriszti didn't care one bit about it now. Squealing, he leaned closer and surrendered to the power of the intoxicated universe. Although it didn't last more than ten minutes, they both felt that this immortal moment could never be taken away from them again, because it would remain an integral part of their lives forever.
They both sat down on the spacious and comfortable sofas pushed together and watched the amazing sunrise together, while Kriszti gently rested her head on Balázs's shoulders.

© 2024 Tasi83

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Added on September 29, 2024
Last Updated on September 29, 2024
Tags: Contemporary, epic, short prose, prose, short story, literature



Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..
