A Story by Tasi83

 Bátkai's mother-in-law has been living with the family for at least five years. Breakfast latte with Completta milk powder and at least three sugar cubes almost every morning. In addition , at least three or four tablespoons of sweetened rosehip tea. Let the one who deliberately does not want to count unnecessary calories believe in himself. One or two thin slices of toast and some butter as needed. This is your breakfast. But then the lunch comes and he asks for a real spread-out table, and demands it from Bátkai, and when his son-in-law wants to explain, in the manner of reasonable people, that things are extremely expensive, the mother-in-law starts ranting:

- You didn't want me to move in with you, did you?! Aren't you taking away my pension? My daughter made a bad deal with you, my dear boy! - he says over the course of a day or so a hundred times, in a hundred ways, with that unbearable, ranting manner, which is generally the eccentric characteristic of embittered, bored people these days.

- Mom dear! Have a good breakfast, take your medicine, and then rest! - replies Bátkai to the raw, mercilessly harsh voice, while he has asked his mother-in-law for a warmer climate a million times. The mother lives upstairs, because Bátkai was forced to give her his room out of kindness , so now she was forced to move next to one of the children's rooms and temporarily designate it as a study, especially as a result of COVID. Her real mother-in-law was also vaccinated about four times, but it had no effect. It's true that he didn't get sick, he exploded, but his house-muddling, hair - splitting, insufferable manner didn't get much more pleasant either.

Bátkai often actually thinks that it would be better for the whole family if his mother-in-law were admitted to a home for the elderly, where - if the conditions are good - they are able to take care of her more professionally and take care of her for the sick , older people to wear , because if they continue to do so , the old house inside the family will eventually drown Bátkai in a spoonful of water.

He has fallen five times, stumbles and falls, even if he uses a walking frame and other vital aids for movement. Although it is true that he can barely turn on the TV, he always mixes up the buttons on the remote control and presses all sorts of things.

He often notices when he lights up a cigarette or drinks a glass of beer in a Bátkai stika, nothing more. Even in the past, she didn't convince everyone that she wanted to tell her neighbors that her son -in-law had become an alcoholic and what would happen to her poor , blessed little girl after that. with, and with the grandchildren , whom he cannot represent. Now, luckily , there are better days when he doesn't wail and he doesn't see things that might involuntarily upset his volatile mind.

Bátkai's adorable, filigree wife likes to laze in bed until ten in the morning , and they have a tacit agreement that , indulging Bátkai 's romantic inclinations , she always brings breakfast and a few flowers into their bedroom , although his mother-in-law is not convinced that the flowers called " weeds " can be the source of all kinds of infectious diseases. That 's why he makes himself cough on purpose.

He takes several types of pills. One for his high blood pressure, another for some cholesterol-lowering pill , and the third for something against diabetes. You have to be very careful with the latter , because once the force of the wind is so strong , it can be ventilated for a whole day afterwards. ü d ö s remains ut á na. His mother- in - law never allowed him to ventilate , because it still lets in extra bacilli , as he supposes. What an abysmal piece of stupidity this whole thing is.

It may be a hundred years old, but it weighs only fifty kilos. When they took him in, he kept repeating that he could do with just a little, but then came the hearty lunch and - sorry for the expression - but in a real way, he gobbled until quite a few buttons immediately fell off his dirty, grungy home. And he still has the guts to say he's not hungry! Not the French!

His other obsession is that he likes to turn on light switches. Down and up consecutively and in a row. He performs this very simple , yet insignificant operation a day or a hundred times. Who knows what it 's for?

himself that in at least three quarters of an hour he would be gone, so that he could once again be the master of the house , endowed with the unique power of milk , just like in the good old days , when he could watch soccer matches throughout the year and his friends could always have a little fun. _ But it seems more and more ancient in his memory.

- Honey! Mom's out of diapers! Would you run down to the store, because I need to jump somewhere! - begs his wife in a honey-glazed voice. The last time he had been so gentle and kind to her was when they were having fun in the bedroom in the evenings, of course before his mother-in-law moved in with him. Bátkai obeys the last word. In the first place , they can't let mom do it for you. The old people still have to be taken care of.

- It would be nice if you could finally use your bank card, because it's good if you also get supershop points, so the pelus is more discounted! - hears his wife's chirping voice as she steps out the door of her family home, which she he built it with his own hands and with his own money. What a piece of s**t the whole thing is! How you will collect pitiful points! _ _ What not! She buys as many damn diapers as her mother- in - law needs , plus what 's on the shopping list , but nothing more and that's it!

Along the way, he stumbles across a series of nice and unpleasant people. Everyone is wondering where the walk will take them.

- Nothing! Insignificant little things! I'm going shopping for the family! - he announces with his head raised in protest, pulling himself out as if this were a really big and festive thing, and then he decides to hurry on as fast as he can, so that he doesn't have to stop and chat with people like that by any chance, and then absolutely not , who wouldn't take care of their older family members even by chance. What can be done? This is!

- Hello Andiska! What's new? - a middle-aged lady wearing heavy make-up walks in , who thinks that being sixteen years old in socialism was cool. - Where, where? Didn't Ann come with you? How are you? - they are very interested. _ Unlucky Bátkai will tell you that he has once again successfully caught another inquisitive Balek , who is almost unbeatable when it comes to spreading rumours.

- Hello, Ilcsik! Listen! The thing is, I don't have time for it now, because my mother-in-law also has shopping to do, and I should hurry home... - he lets loose with a good-sounding little snort, which is a possible relative of a lie , and then rather insists more strongly that do n't accidentally sit down and chat a sentence or two with this matron. - I'll give you what you've been looking for! - he says measuredly, and then almost runs into the shopping center, congratulating himself that he was finally able to successfully shake off this personality.

He quickly gets his shopping list out of his pocket. Rather , he likes to arrive in the early hours, because then he has a good chance of escaping the shopping rush hour, which he really hates. He quickly grabs a shopping cart and starts pushing it while wearing glasses and feverishly searches for diapers, which are also available in larger packages, at a discount. A few moments and his shopping cart is already filled with countless goods, which he clings to with his wife's arms around him. It 's lucky that Bátkai is still used to looking at how much it costs , and prefers to choose the cheapest ones, not that he's smug or stingy, but rather just ahead of time oh an takar é koskokod oh.

he realizes that he forgot his bank card at home, so he has no other choice but cash, which he really hates lately , especially the new thousand , five thousand , and new He has a problem with famous historical figures who look like human droids , art , craftsman , and human droids. But this is it. You still have to pay something for it.

up to the young , barely sixteen - looking , blonde cashier , wearing a tight uniform , as if she had stuffed her bra with cotton wool.

- Good afternoon! Do you command dear sir? - he asks in a kind, friendly voice, as if he wants to get in touch with the other.

- Good afternoon! I want to pay for these! Now it will only be cash, unfortunately! - he notes, because he does n't want to waste more time talking.

" But what does this happy-go-lucky , very young, silly girl think she wants to date so easily?" he asks himself.

- Do you have a Supershop card?

- Wait a moment , please... - he takes his wallet , looks at it carefully , while the number of people buying it increases as well l. - Let 's scratch! - he pulls out the small, brick - shaped plastic.

- Thank you! - already pulls it off. - I added your gift points to the total, so it's cheaper! - he smiles with a smile that advertises toothpaste, which in the eyes of others seems fake and a liar.

- Thank you very much! But to see! - Bátkai is relieved, then trots home with two legs as fast as he can.

home just in time, because his mother- in - law was in desperate need of a good quality blanket. Although he has no desire to do so , he remains the honorable officer again after his wife had to rush to work to clean up her mother-in-law, whom she could not stand all her life.


© 2023 Tasi83

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Added on October 19, 2023
Last Updated on October 19, 2023
Tags: Contemporary, epic, short prose, prose, short story, literature



Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..
