![]() tyrannical ADRENALINA Story by Tasi83![]() The members of the three-member family arrived at
the two-story, impressive-looking, but actually quite inhabited family house,
which showed that several families bravely share it at the same time . "Let me submit a request to come already for
heaven's sake!" - The father could clearly see that he was not as keen on
visiting relatives as he was on pulling teeth, but once they promised to come
in, he didn't want to change his mind. "My dad is fine!" Don't worry! This can
be done normally! - replied the always filigree and pretty wife casually,
almost naturally, which really drove her husband crazy, who had to light
another cigarette, as if he wanted to ease his slight nervousness and
frustration. - So! What the hell is going on! Move! - he became
so nervous that the fine capillaries gradually burst and colored his slightly
puffy face burgundy, like someone who is already struggling with high blood
pressure. " Come my love!" Feel free to get out! -
the beautiful mother begged her little son, who was deathly afraid of animals,
and somehow didn't really want to set foot in a place where at least three
large, marcona pets are keeping order. "Mommy!" Do I have to?! he asked in a
desperate, mousey voice. - Yes darling! I have to! Let's not upset dad,
because it won't be good for either of us! " The pretty wife seems to have
gotten used to, or rather resigned to, the strange way of life she had to
develop next to a man with a sudden anger in the hope of finding a mutual
compromise. In the meantime, the head of the family went to the
battered, old doorbell and rang it three times as a good habit, before three
huge wolfdogs rushed out of the house at a frantic pace, and in a frenzied
murderous pace, in the midst of huge drooling and angry barking, they already
attacked the fence and the slightly bedraggled head of the family. "Hello, puppies!" - the head of the
family tried to joke with them, but he quickly realized that this was not
really the best idea, because all three dogs behaved with him as if they wanted
to bite his throat right away. - Hey! Is anyone in there? he asked with a
little bit of bravery. younger brother came out and tried to block the
three bloodthirsty, but at the same time curious, visitors from the way. "Hello!" How are you? - he asked his
brother first, with whom they shook hands as if they had not seen each other
for a thousand years. Their superficial gesture could not be misunderstood.
"I'm about to tie up these beasts, but you just come in!" - he
greeted them as he tried to hold the three four-legged chickens with almost an
iron fist. "Thank you, but we'll wait until you close
them, because the child is really afraid of animals!" - declared the
father, as if this was more of a merit than a shame. "My dad!" Why was this necessary now?!
his wife rebuked him immediately. "Poor Tóni is still under a lot of
stress, and then you come up with this nonsense!" "Why?" Maybe I'm wrong? he looked back at
her questioningly. "My son is a Bessar rabbit!" "My dad!" That was not nice! - said the
woman measuredly, then took her son's hand and they tried to sneak into the
house with quick steps, until the three dogs were seized by the father's
younger brother . Inside, total disorder and confusion prevailed. It
turned out that the two little daughters of the sister-in-law's brother were
also here, and since there were already two cousins in the house, the number of
children increased to four at once, which actually made Tóni to have renewed
fears and inferiority complexes, who the minute that he arrived and sat down in
the back corner as if he were under punishment and didn't say a word the whole
time. "Would you like some... soda?" asked him
the sister-in-law, who had a kind, friendly round face and a large body, but
she appeared to be very kind-hearted. Tóni looked hesitantly and questioningly at her
mother, who nodded, indicating that she could even drink soft drinks, which
contain a lot of sugar and are the first elixir of obesity. "Here you go dear!" Just let me know if
you want anything else! - the woman handed over the soft drink in a plastic
cup. The dining room was the central part of the place
below. The kitchen was crammed into an area the size of a mouse hole right
between the front door and the bathroom . Even now, it was a hot sandwich, and
the long-lasting smell of fur bread wafted in, which made it feel a little more
homely, but it seemed more and more difficult to ventilate the long-lasting
scents. The younger cousin got a brand new Playstation with
at least three games and spent the whole day sitting on the carpet, pressing
his game controller, not even seeming to care that the world was wide open
around him. "Kristen!" Please show Tónika your new
toys! Behave properly! - the mother-in-law asked her younger child, who ignored
her and kept fiddling with the buttons of the game console. The parents just
managed to buy a game where you had to shoot a bunch of nasty zombies in a
rather bloody way. "Who plays with something like that?" - some
people might have thought. Tóni was not particularly interested in bloody,
shooting games, but rather in the ancient, slightly worn rocking chair that
stood alone in the living room and made a creaking sound every time you sat in
it. He carefully got into it with his chubby body and
started rocking up and down to his heart's content. At such times, it was as if
all his fears and sorrows had disappeared. It was as if he had entered another,
more beautiful, balanced, happier world, where sadness and sorrow are unknown
concepts. The father was the central figure of the guest. As
if by going somewhere, they also made it mandatory for the invited head of the
family to entertain the others. He loved to have his voice heard, and more
importantly, he loved to be right! " …And then imagine that I'm going on the bus for a
hundred and twenty minutes and the road is f*****g frozen! Pure ice armor and
all! So I think everyone should learn to drive in the winter, because then they
would be prepared for anything! Even though I tell Tóni that it's time for him to
learn to drive, he's simply not interested! Who has ever heard of that?! he
clapped his hands in the air. "I think there's something wrong with
Tóni..." he remarked, just talking into the air, and there was silence,
and everyone fell silent except for the children playing with each other. "Daddy!" Maybe you shouldn't have done
that! That was not nice! the wife declared. - Here we go! We're back on topic! If I tell the
truth, I'm sure my dear wife won't like my opinion! he crossed his hands in
front of him. "My dad!" Don't forget yourself, if I may
ask! Did it not occur to you how much you humiliate our son in many cases?! he
asked, getting to the point. - My mother! You know that's not true! - he looked
for excuses wrapped in excuses, when he could already feel that the ground was
slipping from under his feet. He glanced meaningfully at the group at the
table, as if he wanted to wait for confirmation from his younger brother's
curious family. "Please don't avoid the truth, okay?" You
also know that Tóni is a vulnerable and sensitive child who needs a little more
attention! - Yeah, of course! Sensitive! Dad waved. "A
big stinky b*****d!" He misses two big slaps, not mommy's patty! he asked
himself. "When was I patted and groped?" I tell you, never! My father
was constantly drinking, and it's good for my mother to come home from that
lousy brick factory after work! " his eyes really started to sparkle, and he
almost didn't get upset about nothing again. "Hey, take it easy!" Just talking guys! -
interrupted the sister-in-law, who had always found it somewhat strange that
the thread could quickly break with her younger brother . - I also think that
Tóni is a very serious, mature boy who should be treated with care. " as if he
remembered something, he quickly joined the conversation. It might just lift
the gunpowder mood. " I think Ancsa is also typically like Tóni! -
interrupted the younger brother. - He doesn't want to babysit, instead he keeps
nagging Milan about when he will give him his toy cars. Meanwhile, of the three cousins, Milan was the one
who got bored of playing on the carpet and came out to ask his caring mom for a
soft drink and something to munch on. "Can I have a Coke?" - he asked without
waiting for the answer, he already held out his tiny, pointy hands. "What should Milan say?" his mother
toasted him. - If you please… - There you go! This works! Here we go! - he gave
her the well-filled, sticky plastic cup in which his favorite soft drink was
fizzing. " Has Tóni tried the Playstation? he asked before the child could go
back into the living room. "He's sitting in the chair..." he
answered, then ran back. "This little boy will become a big man one day!"
Tóni's father remarked thoughtfully. "You see, daddy!" If you had said this in
our son's presence, you would have already hit a lot of mental complexes on his
head. - Here we go! Here we go again! - he took a big sip
from his opened beer. "...And by the way, how are the
holidays?" asked the father's younger brother . "Well... we're not complaining... mixed!"
Commuting here and there tires us out! Besides, I have to work tomorrow, so we
should be home in time ! - it was usually the father who, if he got bored of
the talk, would have left the company almost immediately. This was the case
now! Literally, visiting relatives has already crossed his mind, even though
they only came to visit. "Well... we really should go slowly, because
my wife hates driving in the dark, and I've had three beers..." the head
of the family looked at his wife with a sly, sarcastic smile, who looked up at
the ceiling and took a deep breath, wondering why he had to. drive home? - Come on! Don't chatter! It's only half past four!
We haven't even talked about so much! - the mother-in-law tried to scold them
with little success, because once the father thought of something, it had to be
that way. They got up from the table and started to buy their coats, while the
wife looked into the living room, where Tóni was still rocking in the rocking
chair, while the younger nephew was busy playing his favorite video game. "My tonic!" Please take care, we will be
leaving soon! he asked. Tóni was really startled so much that he lost his
swinging balance, and if he wasn't careful, he could have hit himself quite a
bit. Fortunately, he was able to support himself on the ground with two feet.
He looked up at his mother, whom he now saw as much more tired and worn than
when they came here. "Didn't anything happen to mommy?" ran through
his mind. "Or is mom tired because she sat in the rocking chair, which she
shouldn't have?" " similar thoughts chased in his mind, then he got out of
the chair and went back to the dining room, where he just had to put on his
winter coat, warm hat and knitted scarf to look like a meringue man. "Well, you just came Tónika!" Where did
you wander? asked his father in surprise. "He didn't do anything wrong, he just rocked a
little in the rocking chair!" - answered the wife. "Like a grumpy old pensioner!" - sighed
the father. "What will become of this child, I don't know!" Then
we'll go too! Reserve the dogs! They played out the previous story again and
tricked the three dogs into being able to move at all through the narrow corridor-like
gap between the front gate and the house. " Was Tóni always afraid of animals? asked the
sister-in-law unsuspectingly. "From a very young age!" He only rarely
allowed his father to hug him! - answered the wife. - Oh I understand! By the time they got to the entrance gate, the
three dogs had found a way to somehow escape, and like rabid fools, they
started barking in the direction of the gate, hoping for their unobtainable
freedom. Luckily, the members of the small family of three
immediately jumped into the car as part of a short farewell and started on the
way home. The father almost enjoyed sitting in the back seat
while constantly telling his wife how well and routinely she drives. Of course,
the woman couldn't stand it if anyone bothered her while driving. From the
mother-in-law's seat, Tóni stared at the wintry, dark, gloomy countryside that
stood out on the windshield. "Did you have a good time my love?" asked
the mother, turning to him. "Of course it's fine!" He didn't do
anything! He should have been talking to his cousins, and the whole time he was
flat out like a gray donkey in the fog! - remarked the husband ironically. "I wouldn't be interested in your
opinion!" he immediately shut up. Tóni just nodded and immediately started paying
attention in the other direction. The car really eats up the kilometers thanks to the
mother's slightly more vehement driving style and temperament . It was already
a gloomy, winter evening by the time they got home. At home, all three went about their business. Dad
started watching TV in his favorite armchair in the living room, while mom went
to the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Tóni went to the bathroom, because they
were taught that it is appropriate to clean up in the evening and buy more
comfortable pajamas. © 2023 Tasi83 |
Added on August 3, 2023 Last Updated on August 3, 2023 Author![]() Tasi83Budapest, Budapest, HungaryAboutI was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..Writing