A Story by Tasi83

As for kissing. Obviously firstHealmost no one can be either Casanova, Don Juan, or vtherprofile!

There are those who have a tendency to be stifled or sunk by societyHepushed in,,lúzer people"with whom basicHel let alone külHeunnecessaryehand againehunfulfilledehlmehny would be the given languageehand westthebuyehand a romantic process, but it's downright repulsiveitHe,ehand disgusting to the core, since it is appropriateHenot goneehg that abehWell, Beatles hairstylethejthewiththelis idiHeta hüchildrenehnt paints, but mehg bringthejHen is disgustitHe, let's gothebb garlic flavorústhesmell what�"unfortunately the mostHebb hHelgy -, agethentsem wears jHel.Eand even then I tried to put it delicately.

At the same time, social changes seem to categorically demand that the so-called Snobbish nouveau riche party queens and exotic divas declared VIPs are basically out of the question.

But once in a while, life can be okayHesen kegyes kthertyalaps kehpes to distribute mehg is such luckeheven for poor guys like Aladthethere was someone you could haveHeno canned foodiI have brought them upHenoehand whoHeformthetwentyehvek vehgehn - with incredible willpower - dared to watch an enlightening, B-category erotic film about what sexual and physical desires are all aboutHel,ehsmehg these utthen can also be doneHesen mixed vehmissed the given tehmthein relation to

"I swear to my mother, man, I can't f**k with you!" You're on top now old man! You should throw yourself into the sea of ​​hot muffs now, honey, and have sex until daylight.Hetttheradna fatherHechHed!�"veha childhood bar caught my eyethewell, who�"maybe - that's allehprotected by rtHetehand was saved by AladtherhthetsHejthet because he recognized atehnyt that Aladthernak photographic supermemHeritheyesehand unique intellectthelis kehpessehthere are ge, which jHeWho can benefit from it?theto liveehand since a nothel barthethere was no such thingehrt could easily be manipulated. Neither does the dogughnt gyanúfor snacks.

"Listen to me."Helevelehsorrythelom, if �"just sorrythewanted nat kehrni.

"Oh old warrior!" I don't f*****g care! I'd rather get you some good macas with big tits! What do you say?! Indeed? Have you ever really been with a girl?! he looked at her askHe, kivthewith small eyes.

"Well…as a matter of fact…"

"Damn it, I'm not my father!" No problem! I'll explain! The nHewho fall for such screwed up, foamHeAries, idiHefor those types who write poems and everything elsetheGothicHedoodletheThey live like you! The point is to never fall out of your roleHel,ehand always stay hiddenehlye.

"And if they want to kiss me or sleep with me?" - he looked at her unwisely.

"You're starting to annoy the hell out of me, buddy!" Don't tell me you've never butchered at least one sleazy muff? he took itHea cigarette in the pocketehbHel,ehand catHekmHeDJthen gyúwon by acehlsinughsnapsHesHenoúetcHejthewith.

"Well... that's the truth..."

"Hahaha!" Damn you don't even know how to turn on a juicy chick! I hit it! You see, he can recognize the lottery numbers as wellHeit wastheWhat are you doing, daddy?themehsqmther w***ethera millithedown belowehkehsa vilthegHemuffja altheI'm sorryHett would lie down! W***etheon!

"And if I say that the evening was pleasant, but I don't want to intrude?"

"Haha!" F**k me! You really are such an a*s-headed idiot, or whateverHelfügg?! If the girl ltheI like that it sparklesthehis eyes, his tongueehconstantly licks the nothejthethen she is a w***etheget inHess him! Vilthegosh?!�"his voice grew louder and more nervous as he watchedthetomthegradually n in the interior of stHett is the tensionücfehg.

AteHelfüit's stupidüI leftisehrte fehGood luckehyou don'tHebarthei.ethet there avtheto a corporate party, where it's freeehtel-ital brought people out almost immediatelyHel real eyeehlysehgüatehit's weteht.

"Oh my dear!" Damn we arrived! - adjusted his tieHejeht.�"The tHekHeWho is with you? Your tree never teachesitott and tieHetkHewhat?!

"Unfortunately, he had a heart attack and died..."

"Well... it's a f*****g crap deal, old man!" I'm sorry! Well, let's get down to business now! You always do what I do! OK?

Aladár nodded hesitantly, then started in the direction of his friend, who was already pouring two bottles of champagne from a circulating silver trayHes took down a glass, then one of mtheris Aladther handehsubmitted:

"Little buddy!" Roll this down nicely now! AteHeYou will calm down!

"But... I don't like alcohol because my father's father was an alcoholic..."

"I don't f*****g care about your messed up family tree!" Then squeeze it between your hands or sprinkle it on an ornamental plant and drink the water! Damn, I feel like a pissed off babysitter right now! He immediately downed his bubbly champagneHejeht.

He had already spotted a group of ladies who - apparently - were pleasantly chatting and joking among themselves.

"Ladies!" the macho bowed. �" My best friend and I thought that they might spare a few precious minutes for us!

There were also pretty and stylish extravagant ladies in the company of ladies. According to my count, there were five of them, and all of them were also trying to discuss male affairs.

"Excuse me, but were we looking at you, or were we flirting with you?" he asked an exotic party kingHe, withHesthegood driverehsleepehnoehg.

"Well... not really... but..."

"I think these two pathetic dicks must be gay because they're dating!" - said one of them. At this, all five very pretty ladies shake their headsHelolthein tHert out.

"Well, my dear ladies!" Maybe you shouldn't have done that! Just look at my best friend! The poor thing is about to cry! And why? Because of your unique, inimitable phlegmatic, jerk style! And you call yourself sirHefor whom?! Hthenhatehthere is tHeI'll be there!�"the macho guy walked out and the strangely staring lady walked outughrughbHel, mig nailehny AladtherkHehe tookHet like some hughsehcute puppy.

"Well mate!" We didn't do this f*****g well! Did you see! With a determined, polite demeanor, he winsHemanners like thattheterribly hysterical, hüyou don't give a s**t about lye chicks! Heavy artillery would be needed here! ErrHel has noHe. He didn't take itehszre, but a gyHewestHerugh, little bitehclothesthes, wears a bunHehHeso lehpett bring it theretheyukehsHelithe whole catHefehrfit:

"I'm sorry, but your friend has a friend."Hehuh?�"kehhe asked longingly.

"Well, my dear lady, as the saying goes: it depends!"

"You know your friend has a mouth and so do I."Hetkehdid i ask Married?�"raised rthemildehn grumpy, sparkythezHe Hehis eyes ajHecstheI am entitled to itHedHettehand terribleHen confused lehvHeAladtherra, who kHehe could barely swallow and was constantly burpingHesitehsehin bizva is always a barthei.etheon nehasked if everythingúdo itthedown as you eat itehltdehk eachtheskHezHeetc.

"Well, my dear lady!" You are very lucky tonight! - he leaned closer to the lady's ear. "My best friend is approx. it's been ten years since he settled down for permanent singleness. The poor thing in the world needed to be cared for, and that's meHeangel!

"I could ask you to leave us alone for a few minutes!" - she clutched her glittering reticle between her tiny fingers, which was perfectly complemented by her festive, fashionable collection of clothes. It was clear that her refined elegance is no small feat in the field of fashion.

"How about that!" I'm just going to talk to my friend for a minute! - he quickly pulled Aladár aside, who was quite ready to panic, and who was swallowing dumplings in fear. What will happen to him now?!

"Calm down, b***h!" You see, real flowers can grow in a bed of weeds! This chick is totally turned on by your tomboy image! The point is to always give yourself! If you don't want to sleep with him! It's not that much of a problem! Just don't show that you're such a spoiled brat! Then go all in, old man! - with that the beauty literally pushed him thereughyoung nHelthebyeeh úgy that Aladther almost left it.

- Are you okay? Everything is alright? he asked deeplyHe,thelazyehp regarding AladthertHela noehp.sehg.

"I think..." he moaned, but didn't let itHehelp meits. Principleehgre what a thing a fehrfit helpsido?

While Aladár's macho friend imperceptibly pretended to leave the twerking couple to themselves, the half-szeg and tomboyish Aladár could experience real spiritual euphoria when the lady smiled and lightly put her arms around him and they left the place together, while the lady friendHei kissehcynical, tünoHeIrishHenithewith pleasureükre füttyüI was ptherat utthenuk.

"Don't be angry that I called you out of the blue like that, but you're such a good boy..." the lady remarked halfway through. "By the way, I'm Fruzsi!" What can I call you?


"Wow!" You have a very serious name! How about a cool nickname?

Aladár nodded abruptly, as if he had no idea.

- Let's see! Let's say be a Teddy bear! What do you think? I think it's a very nice name. It's so cute! �" he tenderly kissed her chubby, ruddy cheek, whichHel Aladtheroomthewith risHesthehe diedehltd.

"Oh, you're expensive!" This is a rare quality in a manHehow he blushes! You are veryHeyou are almost humanehand that's fine with meHeno! You know so far such an eyeehtltheda butthead, muscle brainúwith guys jthertam, who only take advantagetheLive or notthethey wanted to lay it down! But it's wrong with you, right?HeNo. lHeneither?!�"nehhe claimedHen partner eyesehin.

Aladár shook his head no several times.

- It's OK then! Have a nice evening! - she bent her girlish, bun head on the man's big shoulders, as if she was looking for protection and reassurance. "I'm so glad that I could meet someone like you, who isn't superficial, who doesn't want to act, for onceughI onlyHenmagthegives t,ehand ateHewith lthen is egehNo. viltheg a little better placeehvthelike Not true?!�"beansthezHe,HewestHerugheyes at the same timethethey got wet, like when bHelcs, true, words to consider are uttered.

Aladár didn't notice, but his macho good friend was in their corner the whole time. Of course, from a decent distance, since no matter how much the man playedHe, cuttheny, tHekHeand it's a guyehrt fehHe was a childhood friendHeseht too, to avoid bad luckehend the matter with However, Fruzsi quickly spotted that someone was lurking behind them, and sure enough, he kept the small bottle of paprika handy - just in case.

That evening, Fruzsi told countless things about his current lifeHel. Starting with the fact that he wanted to be a total trash figure, and then they broke up with him in a row, knifeHebb checkHebtheasked the fashion designerehssel, but due to the great competition incthebbúgy dHee.gHewhat a pitythet tries out yourselfehpito do mtherktheand imagethetehand whatthen some work uttheIn the end, he had to look for an assistant job at a commercial radio station, and he is currently doing this. He told me that he really wouldHerüla childrenehrtehand it isthebirdsehrt. Legsiwith a kidneyHesthegosh minithewould set up a zooehny sixtyehgy in his small square meter apartment, but his neighbors would not be happy about that. But he promised himself that he would put together his savings and buy a neat little family house, which he would furnish with everything to his liking.

The truth was that Aladár was naive and gullibleughwedge,Hentrustthethey are inexperiencedthegthethere was no kehpes eldHeto find out how much the first would be allowedHebowltheit's happeningtheand occasionthewith awaytherulnia magtherHel,ehand how much not? Thisehhair is everythingHetHerHettehand bad luckehs, oppositethegood childhoodthetHestory from lehlt in detail, and Fruzsi was extremely grateful for the trust, on the one handHelevelehgehrt, mtheupHel�"mehgha consciously tried to hide it - a bitehAlad was also scaredtheit can be doneHeit's not trueHertehnet. Mehlysehges rehNoehtehand oneüetcehrzehand it burned in his heart that he wishedHek two awayHewith bbthethey could have met, then yesehszen must be mtheskehnt turns into twoükehoff

Finally, they walked to Fruzsi's apartment, which was in a newly renovated Rococo building. The whole thing was still given a special atmosphereHe, deadthenew ivythen.stherga sunset, which mtherehjust vehbegins to tremble on the horizon. The catHejHebarthet unfortunately turned up,ehand that's allthethat's all he wanted to knowehrdezni that childhood barthewell jHeWhat's going on with the girl?theetcehsa becerkehsehetc., when Fruzsi suddenly leftHeFindHegot the paprika spehrtehsjHeinjected a large dose of noehthat catHefehrfi eyes kHezeh, whichehI got ittheratüit's hell.Eand of course hell csipetehsfthejt, butúhow about Aladther bartheyes noughkHeltehand winitot pthefor r minutes.

Fruzsi took advantage of the opportunityHeminute; he peeedehSan AladtheNo. rthejtheuntil, since keht was smaller than nthelaehand gyHengehden, as if only a lehdúand Mediterraneanthen gyümHeetcHet wanted to seeHeto solveHecolt, mig Aladthein heavenehhe could tremblethet.

© 2023 Tasi83

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Added on June 21, 2023
Last Updated on June 21, 2023
Tags: Contemporary, epic, short prose, prose, short story, literature



Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..
