When a temper flaresA Story by Tasi83
The bone crunched, blood splattered - fHekeheg the
lipsHel stimulated bHesehGes. Like
everything, this is a drinkthenerek lthenoHe, AprHeonly noHevtheltdthestarts withHedHein St.
IstvtheetcHerúton is Vigszinhtheto comeHewith which the Pest bohehmehnight
timethein mehg could not always be people tHebbsehlet's goehggehget upehsütaken Richárd Dobek regularly does not tohrte that the tramthellHein nehhtheny rehyou are nailing itHe, kHehe scoldsHeadolescent tailorthelyosan insultedthelta next to the passengersHeformthen everyone with whom justHethey ran away. - You b*****d! Your mother! - said the small company of young
people, then they singled out a pretty lady in her thirties for themselves and
immediately called her: "What's the matter, my little one?" Have you run out
of pacifier money?! - offends the earHenoHehHeyou guysehand very muchúgy nehset out
to be oneHeso many mther is just thatehdon't even botherthenobody likes itEEdon't stop either. Richard is just a friendHejehtehand its
barthetnHeit kisehreached
the noinhthezba is a
romantic vigjthetehcraehsmtherehjust kehsüThey came
homeehleadsHe útra, when
the young man fülehtHeetceheven without itütHette is
obscehn, eyeehthank youHesHeend. KHezHethere is
a barthetnHejehwith to stay atHebbi lthewith meehand don't do anything, thenHestartehzi. "Ricci!" Please… you end up going bad…' he hugged
her and didn't want to let go of his partner. "Listen, Kati!" I know you're afraid, because I'm
afraid too, but someone has to act, otherwise the bad guys willHemusic!"with thatHehe
explained to his friend with tender tendernessHeyes aprHejust little hands in the closetthei.etherHel,ehand tried
to move the little one without a soundiloh, aggressioniv adolescent group hthettheba kerüto live "Good evening guys!" What's up?! he asked everyoneHel, while the teenagers tHebbsehge let
him go in his thirtiesHetehand suddenly kHeforming Richthestarted rdehkkHeto take "What are you talking about, you b******s?" - asked
one of the guys, who must have been standing for a long time, because in
reality bohzlHett is the massiv spiritHel. Who
knows what he drankHewhat? "Look guys!" I don't want trouble! Why don't you go
home nicely! Everyone went about their business and nothing happened! - a knifeHebb rHegtHeI doehthought it was the lastHefind a sentencethesqmehhe
shouldn't have said it, because mtheleave itHecircült nehhtheny kehand,ehand boxers. Richtherd pastureHehis thought was where the hellHeI got these little pissies like
thisehlyes weapons when vtheone of the mtheris hadonthehe started to sleepHette razorehambush bladeehjehwith,ehslthenoHelag all the timeeht was occupied by the fact that
Richtherdot is injureditse: "You f*****g c**t!" You told us, huh?! You're going
to die now! - he immediately wanted to jump on her. Murderous looks followed.
Most of the teenagers were already shaking their hair and frantically pushing
the aggressive, unpredictable and very cruel teenage guy who was brandishing
the murderous blade. Richard's incentiveohen villthefastehrecognized the given situation
withehand that atehnyt that this is indeed mther agethesee youehwoodpecker He immediately bowed,ehand checkHebthelta htheriteach meHebb the adolescent srthec handeht in which the threatensHeacehhe
hissed, then wring the blade from his arm. "Your mother w***e!" - shouted the teenager, when
his sore hand and then his whole arm began to hurt, and then he spoke to the
other boys, who stood there frozen and inactive and did not dare to do
anything. "What are you f*****g idiots waiting for, huh?" Surround it
immediately. - he gave instructions, but no one had the courage or the courage
to confront Richard. - Pay attention! Stop yourself! - tried gyHezkHedni the
teenager Richtherd who at first"legalthebb also
-, fehrfias considered this fight that
arose from talking, but now a life-and-death fight, to be cockiness. "It's
better if no one gets hurt!" Do you understand?! But the teenage guy doesn't do anything about itHedHeetc. EltHekehHe looked
like hellehhe also eats, here tonight
vehthe hellish passions will flow to
himtherthen. "You damned little cum worm!" Did you think you
could get away with this?! " he attacked again, apparently completely
unsuccessfully, because Richard jumped with the dexterity of a cat and then got
out of his way. He immediately clenched his fist and successfully delivered a
medium blow to the teenager's stomach, whichHel on the
wayHefell in loveehand all thateht handehwith erHeno timeiHe started teachingthet. "You worm your good sweet mother!" That hurt like
hell! - he began to thrash on the ground, then dropped the murderous blade.
Richárd immediately kicked the knife, which sled along the road and afHeúonlinethestopped where almost mthesecondsehetcHethey went
on and onümore hopeless carHemany. "To hell with my knife!" You took my knife, you
c**t! My father is going to cut it! - he stood on two hands with great
difficulty, then scrambled to his feet. Richárd would have helped him to his
heart's content, since a drunken teenager never knows what he's doing, but this
lanky teenager was evil incarnate, perverted, so - at least he eatsHere -, extherta that what will tHertehwhat? The lanky teenager seems to be terrifiedHea feeling of fear would have
passed. His former pitiful friends, who had at least supported him in the
beginning, had by then all worn him down and left him, so he had to reckon with
the despondentHewith situation that totthelisan coretheis referred to. Started afHeúline
addressthewesttheI stumbletheto live, hthetha megleli fehseenHerzHett killer
knifeehjohkehsehtthem is the firstHesüvHeseen nothegoldHecarHemthesecondsHert rehunder the sunütHette. Thenthet repült nyúlthenk's body, that's allthenafHeúline kHezep upeh ehrt fHeDead rag dollsehe.g. Friend RichardHeyes allehgig akHewas in the moodehand fierce noiin vdrumthemuch, fehltdHewith
concern nehzte that what tHertehNick ptherefthewith. He
is so upsetehand he was worriedehnoehnye that
the barthetnHeikHezül"bthertHein this casethenlottthek to stay by his side, amig legalthebb the
fight ends -, Kati sent everyone home, saying that it belongs to no one. "Oh, don't be silly, girl!" Girl friendHewe are! Everyone is oneehrt, one everyoneehrt!"declared
one of the most up-to-date hHestayehwest Kati kehztHerdelve kisehstill
keeping an eye on ominous events: "What will happen if an irreversible disaster happens to
your love? Or if he is so wounded that he bleeds, etc.” - ominous thoughts took
hold of him permanently in seconds. Richárd also had his feet rooted to the ground, as he was an
eyewitness to the incident. But now it isHehe
doesn't thinkHeba fell, since if kijHethat's okayHerHekehand cannot acceptHeHungariantheserve with zatthelive on itehzve whatehstarts withHedHett the noHevtheltdthethey are the sameHetHett fight,
which eventually drowned in tragedy at the end, perhapsHet is also rthechoc mHegehplugthek, likethewiththein those who were in the wrong
place at the wrong timeHein. Kati immediately ran to him to feel his body and that he was
fine. "You're not injured, are you, Ricsi?" asked PityergHes, fishthelra rehmüwith lt
sound, megrehmüwith regard to - No, of course not! Come on! he waved. "However, I feel
sorry for the unfortunate teenager who died, because such a fight is not good
for anyone!" Now the question is, wait for the orderHeRsehget or goüdo you want to go home?"kehhe askedthewith mHejtheinHenmagtheto bringehzte akehrdehSt. "I think it's better to wait for the order."HerHeket,
principleehgre we know what tHertehfor
example! But it isehrt fehlek… "noted Kati mikHetightly
seededthebrings timesiall ptherefthet. Richard and Kati waited for him to arriveHeorderHerHetwo who mtheris everyone was interrogated
when twoHejükre kerüThere is almost no lineHestheThey got
lost, but that's itehrt
everything was said about the uniformtheand
people.Így also bHefortyHeit must have taken t minutes
before they could go to the sceneHel. Tram
notheThey stoppedohroh, gloomy
vthein ros,ehand they went home kHezHeand livetheinto a corner KehsHebb Richtherd couldn't sleep at all,ehand neither does Kati. They got
up and left the kitchenettetheba,ehand smallthein addition to mpa jHeconsiderably smallehztehcatHertehdays. Did
it really have to happen this way? I wonder how much a person can control the
uncertain futureHejehtehand fatethet?"Kehhe was nervousehk eachthest, by which time it was dawn. © 2023 Tasi83 |
Added on June 18, 2023 Last Updated on June 18, 2023 Tags: Contemporary, epic, short prose, prose, short story, literature AuthorTasi83Budapest, Budapest, HungaryAboutI was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..Writing