A Poem by Tasi83

It was the hardest: 
to see and discover soul-continents
 in the eyes of the stars!
 To fall in love with a lost delusion
 with the usual frivolity,
 free of rice-talk and sincere telepathy:
 we could have been happy somewhere!

 Well-fenced prison walls,
 masked smiles concealed,
 masking on my face the ancient rejection!
 Wounds longing to heal,
 despite balmy words,
 they never heal!

That was the hardest:
 To stand before a class with outspread,
 armour-clad ideals,
 To make Truth confess while
 you were laughingly scolded
 in the name of moral judgment!

 Then on the vaults of eyes
 the sympathetic pearl-curtains
 of forgiveness seemed to gleam;
 Tears fell in ditches,
 the shores of mouth-crevices
 were now hard to usurp 

laughter, and sad resignation,
 in its pain, was cracked,
 and through the soul's amber veil,
 in pain, it began to sprawl! 

It was the hardest:
 To press on with a determination
 the hopeless love we knew rightly,
 while we both knew for certain:
 we did not yet know enough
 of each other's weaknesses,
 hidden secrets, and faults!
 A half-crazed child cheered
 my daily tearful face:
 the dreams of a prodigal fool!
 Weaving from the heart
 the affection that could only be his own! 

It was hardest of all:
 to stare with dumb cow-eyes
 At unfulfilled kisses,
 secret deceptions, twilight-eyes
 kiss-judgments In one heartbeat,
 as if he who had revealed
 her truths to you Had only lied for ever:
 each word of his was a sinful heart-break!
 - To backslide from platonic
 relations that never were,
 And begin again every blunder
 miscarried In immature youth!
 Yet to know that in thy self-clinging
 severity Thou hast
 surely redeemed by love!

© 2023 Tasi83

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Added on April 26, 2023
Last Updated on April 26, 2023
Tags: contemporary, lyric, poetry, poem, free verse, prose verse



Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

I was born on November 30, 1983 in Budapest! I studied Hungarian history at ELTE-TFK, BTK; history teacher. I'm editing ebooks! So far, I have published my volumes on Publió and Publishdrive as.. more..
