![]() The Girl in the Blue DressA Chapter by NatashaI woke up and left my room. I searched the house, but no one was home. I go to the kitchen and grab some food. Maybe everyone went out and got breakfast without me. When I finish, I shower ad get ready for the day. I walk outside and it’s bright, sunny and really warm. I close my eyes and lay my head back, letting the sun beat down on my face. I wake myself up from my little daydream and start walking down the street. No one is outside on this beautiful day. No one even seems to be home for that matter. I try to call some of my friends to see if they want to come outside with me, but no answers. When I get back to my house, I sit on the edge of the curb and lay back into the grass. I close my eyes and wander back into my daydream. I hear a small chuckle and quickly sit up, startled. There, she sits in front of me in the road. My sister. The last time I saw her was in a dream a week or two ago. A tear falls down my cheek as I grab her and hold her tight. “I missed you,” she whispers in my ear. “I missed you too.” We get up off of the ground. She is wearing a short blue dress. Her hair, dirty blonde colored, is in pigtails. She looks just like me, just like I imagined, even though she’s a year younger than me. She is barefoot too, which is weird because in all of the past dreams that she has visited me in, she wears converse. I take a closer look at her feet and I can see black dust or dirt coming from the bottoms and smeared up the sides. As I’m trying to figure out what she could have been doing to make her feet that dirty, she tries to distract me by asking me to roam the town with her. I try to tell her we should wait until our parents get back, but she refuses and grabs my hand. We walk down the street, talking about what has been going on since the last time I seen her. She tells me she already knows because she watches over me, but she likes to hear me tell it anyways. We laugh and cry a little, until we finally reached downtown. We run around town, taking pictures, swinging on swings at parks, and playing games. We came across a hill that we decided to roll down together. Before I could do so, though, she pushed me. I tripped and fell hard on the ground. I started to roll down the hill and ended up rolling into a tree. I was so dizzy, my vision was in and out. I could make Sydney, my sister, out just standing in front of me. For a second I thought I saw her smiling, but then I blacked out. I woke up in some kind of abandoned house. I could tell because it had barely any furniture, and what was there was stained and falling apart. The floor was rotting wood and the windows were broken. Glass was still everywhere. Graffiti covered the walls with symbols of the devil. I looked around, dazed. I saw Sydney sitting in a ripped up chair with one leg crossed over the other. “Finally, you’ve been out for awhile now,” she says. “Where are we? You pushed me… Why?” I asked her. She tells me that she dragged me to the nearest place indoors because it started raining, which didn’t make sense because it was perfectly sunny outside, no clouds in sight. Then she starts talking about how I told her to give me a push to start off faster, but pushed me a little too hard. I told her I saw her smiling when I hit the tree before I blacked out, but she denied it, passing it off as if I was delusional. I stand up and stumble a bit, grabbing my head. It starts to throb. I walk over to the window and she was right, it was raining. Dark clouds covered the skies. Every few seconds, bright flashes occurred within. This isn’t like any other visit I’ve had with my sister. This time it’s darker, stranger. She’s usually happy and friendly to me, but now it’s almost as if she has a dark sense of humor. Plus, weird things have been happening ever since I saw her in the street. I turn to Sydney, she’s staring at me with this evil smile. “What is going on with you?” I ask, confused and skeptical. “What do you mean?” She chirps. “I’m just happy to see you! I’ve missed you.” “Yeah, you said that earlier. Something isn’t right, though. You’re acting strange this time.” Her smile turns into a frown. She walks up to me, her face only a couple inches from mine. She starts to speak through her gritted teeth, telling me that I should just be happy to see her and to just have fun with her while I can. I didn’t know what to do, she seemed to get angrier and angrier. Her face started turning red. All of a sudden, she started screaming. A blood curdling, high pitched screech. I stepped back, startled by sudden scream of anger. What the hell is wrong with her… I thought. Cracks of thunder hit and huge flashes of lightning struck. It all scared me so bad that I turned as white as a ghost. I couldn’t move, though. I was trying to run, but it was as if my feet were glued to the ground. I knew I was afraid, but I wasn’t too afraid to move. More like I was too afraid not to. Sydney finally stopped screaming and then turned away from me. She walked across the room to the other window, the shattered one. She watched the storm intensely, getting soaked from the rain pouring through. It didn’t seem to bother her, though. I heard a laugh come from her, or more like a devilish chuckle. My eyebrows raised in confusion because this was no laughing matter. This isn’t how it should be. This isn’t how our visits should be. “Why can’t I move, Sydney? Why are you laughing? This isn’t funny,” my voice was shaky. “I don’t want you to move, that’s why. This is MY visit, remember? I am in control now.” Thunder boomed again as if she was controlling when it happened. I started yelling at her, telling her that she was horrible for acting this way and ruining our visit together. I was so mad, I just kept screaming at her. She started crying and fell to her knees. I felt the weight lift off of me and I was able to move again. I felt bad for making her cry, even though she acted the way she did. I walked over behind her and kneeled down. Her hands were covering her face as she wept. I apologized for yelling at her and told her I loved her. As I was telling her, I laid my hand on her shoulder and her face started to turn towards me. She dropped her hands from covering her face and now she was looking at me. I gasped. Her eyes were hollow, black holes. Small dark veins were spreading across her face. Her mouth was open, as if she was screaming, but no sounds were coming out. Her jaw hung lower than normal, revealing the back of her throat, but it was completely black. Her teeth were now sharp like fangs instead of being straight and squared off. Her whole face was turning dark in color. Blood started leaking from the dark holes where her eyes used to be and then from her ears. Her beautiful blue dress was now torn and smeared with mud and streaked with blood. She started twitching uncontrollably, which splattered blood all over me. She wasn’t Sydney anymore. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. Next thing I know, I’m running through the streets in the storm. The thunder was getting louder and the lightning seemed to strike nearer, blinding me with the flash. I dared to look back, and that was a mistake. She was far back, but I could still see her possessed body slowly walking in my direction, coming for me. I skidded down an allyway to hide. I climbed into a dumpster and hid myself under the disgusting trash. I wanted to puke from the smells, but it was my only choice. I tried to calm myself down because I was bawling my eyes out from the horrid sight that took over my sister. I tried to pray to her like I always do, but it didn’t make me feel any better because I heard her coming and I knew it wasn’t actually her. Minutes later, I didn’t hear anything else, so I peaked outside of the dumpster. I didn’t see her yet, so I slid back down. I closed my eyes, trying to wish for everything to go back to normal. But then I heard her… her heavy breathing. She was already here, and not outside of the dumpster. I slowly lifted my head and turned to my right. There she was, on the other side of the dumpster staring at me. She lunges for me, I scream, and everything goes black. . . . I was awake. I was shaking and crying and scared for my life, but I was awake. This dream is one that’s about someone special to me. I always felt close to her, but I’ve never even met her. I used to pray to her every night. I still do quite often. She visits me in my dreams all of the time, but this particular dream turned into a nightmare. One that I started to have more than I wanted to. So there it was, the one that still happens and still hurts. © 2017 NatashaAuthor's Note
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