The reason

The reason

A Poem by Tarik

I watched people going by

I watched sad eyes gazing at the world

They couldn’t find answers

They couldn’t even find the proper questions to ask

But I knew it; I knew the reason why we were all sad

why are we here?

Why do we spend our days walking around

Looking at the world feeling so worried, feeling so relinquished?

It’s because we have no reason

We have no reason to live

No reason to love

No reason to forgive

No reason to understand

No reason to forsake

No reason to smile

Then what should we all do?


Some have taken the choice

Some have locked themselves up

And cut off their throats

And I give them a standing ovation

Because I couldn’t do it

I’m a coward

A coward who couldn’t kill himself

so with every breath, I scream at god

“Kill me, kill me, kill me...”

And he’s listening

He’s killing me slowly

So slowly that I can’t feel it

I see someone I love walking away from me because I was different

and I cry.


This is how unfair life can be; this is how futile life can be

This is how empty we all can feel


It’s just a simple word.


© 2011 Tarik

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Very sad and seemingly write about how fruitless life can seemingly be.

Posted 13 Years Ago

the sorrow drips deep and the current of melancholy floods the senses~ I've been there so I understand intimately this stroll through the mind~the days of nothing~powerful

Posted 14 Years Ago

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it is full of sadness..but life is a gift..a precious gift with every reason to experience those emotions because we can. What a waste to see your existence as nothing..this is a mockery of the blessing you have been given..listen to you soul, for it seeks joy, peace, truth and love - your listening to your head..this stirred me..thanks for writing..made me appreciate even more what I have..

Posted 14 Years Ago

My friend,
I can read and feel your lonliness in your work. Yes, I think we have all felt the emptiness of rejection at one time or another. I have many times. Let me assure you that YOU DO HAVE A WONDERFUL PURPOSE HERE ON EARTH AND THAT THERE IS GOD...WHO IS WATCHING OUT FOR YOU. Have you ever considered that He is protecting you from something bad? Have you ever considered that the most WONDERFUL PERSON FOR YOU TO LOVE IS ON THE WAY TO YOU RIGHT THIS MINUTE? I chose to think this way when I was lonely. I felt that God intervened in relationships that would turn out badly for me because He knew that the right and most wonderful person was on their own path making their way towards me. Thank you for writing from your very soul Tarik.

Posted 14 Years Ago

My goodness...this is heart-wrenchingly painful...This is exactly what I begin to feel like when I believe my life has lost its purpose. I could not agree with you more. Life without purpose isn't living; it's dying slowly. Only knowing exactly what and who I was made for, gives me the strength to face the ruthless world each day...You are brave to write this. Many think these things and never have the courage to say it aloud. or on paper. We are a broken people...I am thankful that a Love worth living has found me. I hope the same for you.
This was beautiful, thank you...

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thankyou Tarik, I love the line... I see someone I love walking away from me because I was different and I cry. Although this is a melancholic poem it expresses so well for me how I can be lonely even in a crowd, with that feeling of not fitting in. I especially identified with the..feeling so worried line... Your poem is courageously vulnerable...and that is a rare be willing to stay open.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on March 11, 2011
Last Updated on March 11, 2011



cairo, maadi , Egypt

A writer trying to write something worth reading. more..


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