Its about the space
I need it
I am it
Its mine
And yet the finger lickin' good times laughin' and kickin' with joy come from
the lack of it
And yet the screamin' hatin' f**k yous and get outs come from
the lack of it
the hurt stems with it
with the need of it
the ignoring
the "I just need my space"
its mental physical emotional verbal
And we cant do it anymore
this space thing
I cant do it anymore
Too much and were crying, lonely for a friend we have
Too little and were crying, screaming at a friend we have
Such a delicate balance
And dont even get me started on balance
teetering and totering till were on the brink of manipulation
hating one day at a time
leaning towards" its all about me"
"and i dont give a s**t about what you want"
"need to feel or hear"
compromise- the lost art
its not about winning
or losing
its about making it work
and if its worth giving something amazing up
for a risky chance
The space needs a balance
and when the balance is thrown off- compromise is compromised.
And everything just goes to s**t.
So raise your glasses in a big F**k You to the space
'Cuz im just f****n' sick of it.