Part I

Part I

A Chapter by Tapher

Part 1 of Flawless


It was 9:30 in the morning. Cindy Freeman was awake and getting herself ready for work. She lived alone in a nice little home. She had just stepped out of the shower to get dressed. She removed her towel and looked in the mirror and saw smooth white skin, long black hair reaching half way down her back, as long hair was in this season, and lushious lips and dark green eyes so deep if you fell in them you would fall forever. She put on black dress pants, a red silk shirt, and ruby heels to match. She began to apply her own personal collection of cosmetics. Red lipstick, black eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and foundation to make it all complete. She put her hair up in a proffesional pony tail. She looked in the mirror and posed.

"Flawless, as usual." she said in satisfaction. She stepped into her bedroom to grab her purse and other accessories. In her room the T.V. was on and so was the local news.


"This is Janet McBeth reporting live from downtown Crausville where a local woman, Sarah Kinsley, 29 years old, was found dead this morning. Local icon, Sarah was walking to her car after shopping at the local Shot Street where an unknown assailant rushed towards her and stabbed her multiple times in the chest with a switch blade. Police have no suspects at the time...."


"My, my." Cindy said. She decided it was time to go and left her home in her SUV. She arrived at the local paper headquarters where she worked as a promising journalist in fashion and design. Once inside Ken, the front office secretary, greeted her.


"Hey Cin, how are  you? Awfully nice day out."


"Yes, it is indeed. I'm doing great Ken, how are you?"


"I'm fine, a little shaken up after hearing Sarah was killed last night, who would want to hurt Sarah? She never did anything to anybody."


"Yes, it is a quite a shame, she was such a sweet, young little thing, but I'm sure everything will be fine Ken, if you need anyone to talk to, you can always stop by." she said with a faint smile.


"Thanks Cin."


"My pleasure, well I better go, see you around." Cindy said with a wink and asmile and walked down the hall to her cubicle.

© 2012 Tapher

Author's Note

First part of my first story.

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this is really good, can't wait to read more!

Posted 12 Years Ago

its was written to inroduce things really, once you start reading part 2 you figure out what exactly is going on, or at least start to ask questions lol. thank you for the read. ^-^

Posted 12 Years Ago was interesting. i had to read it a couple times.. just because.. i was thinking of what to say about this part 1.

I like how your very descriptive on your character and what's going on and all. It captures my attention.. but i feel as if something's missing... and im still not sure what that is. But i like how you draw your reader in. It's a good start.. though i feel as if you could still change a bit of it.. to make it have more action or something...but of course that is just my opinion... you don't need to do anything. =) it is your story. Just wanted to point out what i thought. But i like it anyway. =)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 2, 2012
Last Updated on May 2, 2012
Tags: crazy, kill



Greenfield, IN

Hey there, my name is Chris. I enjoy writing of all kinds and enjoy writing them as well, my favorite styles to write include many dark or deep backgrounds, although I do commonly write about personal.. more..

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