For the want of a Horse

For the want of a Horse

A Poem by Alan Corbett

A Sestina.





‘Four ounces of meat for all"we’ll take the horse,

no ration ticket required.’"‘It’s too sweet!’

‘Can’t have everything.’ ‘Give the kids dripping

or maybe sugar on bread"a milk sop perhaps.’

‘Wars over no reparations for us, who’d have thought

a quart of coal to cook with ,to enhance our palates.


‘Our taste buds are dormant, nothing savoury has passed our gullets.

There is a different taste to that of shredded horse-

chocolate!"Coupons for f**s and clothes, so highly sought.

Drop the finery Mum, give us something sweet!’

‘Don’t be silly, wait till Christmas and then perhaps

a cornucopia of delights. Meanwhile eat your dripping!’


An announcement. ‘You’ve never had it so good.’ ‘Right- forget the dripping.

Our taste buds are bristling-nonchalant palates.

Too much- brimming over- packed cupboards- no chance of a relapse.’

‘I shan’t forget the green sinews-sickly sweet horse.’

‘Ah! A different time now-plenty for us, bellies popping, how sweet.

 So much food-re-arrange the plenty, Escoffier style, hmm-  that’s a thought.’


‘I’m feeling rather noble-altruistic even-after all- hunger- I’ve been taught.’

‘Don’t blame me, you were weaned on dripping,

and how you cried that Christmas- not one little sweet.’

‘Thanks mum, dancing and prancing depleted our palates.’

‘Yes, but think of all those who may die for the want of a horse-

Richard did.’ ‘Come off it mum"Africa perhaps.’



‘Our leftovers in times of plenty would sate the hunger-perhaps,

social and economic crises-malnutrition, who needs such thoughts,

many a good knight has saved the day on sturdy horse.’

 Africa doesn’t want your logistically impossible tubs of dripping,

it needs rice, maze, and money on highly stacked pallets.’

‘Where was Africa on that Christmas of 48 when you needed a sweet?’


‘Mother that’s pure sophistry"Africa mostly was our sweet.’

‘Well maybe I was hasty and brash to voice such thoughts-perhaps.

If  the West looked east, and south, they could send highly stacked pallets,

or maybe adjust the food to suit their taste"now there’s a thought.

 Those people with money-omnivorous- types, jewellery dripping.’

‘Thank God mum, your not in charge- Africa would be awash with rocking horses.’


‘Now, if you don’t shut up son-I may put you back on horse and dripping,

it’s not of my making that the World, greedy- world, has palates sweet.’

‘No, but thoughts of rations squandered on dresses have sent me mad"perhaps.’

© 2015 Alan Corbett

Author's Note

Alan Corbett
This is a format first used by troubadours in the 12th century. This poem has lots of colloquialisms which are common in England. This poem follows the hardships of rationing after the war in the UK. Which I lived through.

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Interesting work.. I enjoyed reading your story..Is it based on truth?? I have heard of people eating horse during reall hard times..Getting something sweet can be hard in times of poverty for whatever reason the poverty..Sara

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 13, 2015
Last Updated on June 19, 2015


Alan Corbett
Alan Corbett

London, Bermondsey, United Kingdom

His Nibs. His Nibs.

A Story by Alan Corbett