This falls under the category of "I have no clue what my muse was" :-)
I think I wrote it before the "Asylum" poems, so it may have been the muse for those...
The changes in tempo were intentional.
My Review
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This shouts uncontrollable helplessness at the hands of 'others'...
I have not read your other poems, however, this makes me reflect on many other ways people feel the same sense of helplessness..without escape....
Old Age...the elderly...being trapped in a body so very old and incapable of doing what his 'mind', so vital and youthful still, is screaming for it to do; yet the reality of being held captive in the shell he now occupies is a journey to insanity in one way...there is not escape...until death...
diseases that take the mind, like Alzheimer's...
I am sorry...I am too sad to continue this discussion....
Your writing has gripped my heart ever so deeply...I am being crushed as I write this...that is what poetry is supposed to do...reach and connect to the reader....
Well, you certainly have....
I pray your future writing reveals a hint that you have found or glimpsed into the sunlight again and have touched beauty in all its innocence, and it has in return embraced you in its arms.
This is so lighthearted and cheerful and serious at the same time. I have written this type of poems. i have noticed that I may be slightly angry, and also feeling mischievious at the time. Where ever this type poem comes from I have always loved them since they raise the reader's spirit and leave them feeling happy.
I love this one.
Great work, where ever it came from.
Interesting to say the least- it feels like the ups and downs of a roller coaster. I like the flow throughout especially with the change of tempo- it denotes that up feeling almost manic mood that gives way to calm for a while before dipping into depression. Well done here i think you captured it perfectly.
I really liked this and thought it was very creative. You have pushed the lines of normality and knocked the dust off the formal style with this. I love to see a writer work within their own ideas of what is abd should be and not fall victim to trying to force the flow of thoughts into something that has no life of its own. You have written something different and wonderful here.
What can I say miss Tania but you're simply awesome! I'm feeling this gurl and I can feel the emotion in your words whatever your muse was! :) Great write sweetie and you certainly catch tghe reader's ear and that is a true poet! :) One luv gurl! Holla at ya boy!
When my "Phobia" contest is completed April 18th, and winners have been chosen and notified, I'll be leaving the cafe indefinitely to focus on my family, as well as my first book and website. .. more..