![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Tandom“BEEPBEEPBEEP! BEEPBEEPBEEP!”
my alarm yells next to me. I find it annoying every morning, but a useful
it yells again. I quickly swat at my phone and reluctantly hit the giant red
button fast enough. Eric’s arms are wrapped around me tightly in a death grab
from Hell. How does he sleep like this? Slowly I try to unlink his
fingers from each other that just so happened to be close to the waistband of
my pants. Even asleep, he was extremely strong. When I tell you there was a
struggle to get up this morning, it’s not an exaggeration. I was supposed to be
downstairs getting in the shower before dad woke up. It was 5:45 and I was
still in bed. “Damn you Eric,” I thought. He looked sad when I finally got out
of his grasp and onto my feet. It was freezing without my
blankets in here. The warm temperature usually stays until the middle of
October. Today though, it was 40 something degrees in the beginning of
September. Liam must have noticed during the night since I saw he has in
another blanket. The hallway was even worse
than my room. I held myself while I walked down the stairs and into the
apartment. It was warmer in here to say the least. In the living room, Dad was
still asleep on the couch. He had one arm on the ground with one of his sleeves
rolled up. I noticed he somehow got his pants off and over to the TV across the
room. There was a stain on his shirt from what I guess is beer in his other
hand. “What am I going to do with
you,” I asked aloud. He wouldn’t hear me I knew but it was still something to
try. I grabbed his fallen arm and lifted him up with my other arm. The bathroom
at least didn’t have vomit all over the floor or toilet. I placed him in the bathtub
and started the water. When he did this to me, I would wake up the moment a
sprinkle landed on me. Dad slept through everything most of the time though, so
he didn’t. I unbuttoned his shirt and
threw it in the hamper that was empty. His shirt reeked of alcohol when I
caught the whiff of it. “You didn’t go on a date last night because of school
today. Instead you think it would be better to get drunk? Smart move.” I knew
the entire conversation I had with him was falling on deaf ears. It just felt
good to get it all out now. I grabbed one of the two
towels we had hanging on the door. As I dried his arms and legs off, he didn’t
move a muscle. Every part of him was relaxed and drooping like on the couch. The door to apartment opened
outside. Eric revealed his face after waiting in suspense around the corner.
“You thought you could escape me,” he said before pouncing on me. He then began
to tickle me constantly against the wall of the bathtub. “I-I didn’t th-think I could
es-escape you,” I tried to say through laughter. He had a maniacal grin across
his face. After getting what he wanted, he stopped and sat against the hamper.
“You just wouldn’t let go when I needed to leave.” Eric raised an eyebrow at me.
“You had to leave to give your sleeping dad a shower,” he asked. I giggled. I
don’t give my father a shower every morning. Unless he had work that day and
didn’t want to wake up. “You should know why I needed
to get up,” I said to him. Eric grabbed one of my feet and began tickling the
bottom of it. He just didn’t want to stop, did he? “Maybe I wanted to join you,”
he chuckled. “And maybe I would tell you
no,” I said through more laughter. That caused him to drop my foot and crawl up
to me. He didn’t act like this last year, just so you know. His girlfriend that
season had him on a tight leash from what he told me. Dad groaned loudly in the
bathtub. The both of us turned to him and watched his face go from relaxed to
dreading the day. He looked at the both of us with squinted eyes. “Am I
interrupting something,” he asked. I shook my head and threw Eric off. “Sorry about that, dad,” I
apologized. “You were a mess when I came down and cleaned you up.” He looked
down at his wet hairy chest. Then he shrugged, took the towel I was using to
dry him off and walked out of the bathroom. Eric stayed in here with me
and shut the door. “Does he know about us,” he asked hesitantly. I frowned and
glared at him. “Why would my dad know about
us when there isn’t an us in that kind of way,” I asked a bit angry. He moved
his eyes from me to the ground and dropped his shoulders. “We should probably
brush our teeth and all that before the others bombard down here,” I said with
a smile. Eric brightened up and
grabbed his toothbrush. I grabbed mine as well and searched for the toothpaste.
He held his toothbrush and unbuttoned my shirt for me as I continued to brush.
It was 6:10 by the time I got out of the shower and changed. Eric was in the kitchen with
clean pants and no shirt. He had a poptart in one hand and another package in
the other. “Master Jack,” he called. “Could I interest you in a healthy and
delicious breakfast?” I don’t remember what caused us to call each other master
and sir, but we grew into it after a couple of years. “Why yes, Sir Eric, I would
love a healthy and delicious breakfast. Where is it?” He chuckled and handed me
the other package of poptarts. “You said healthy and delicious. This is a
poptart.” “Do thou not think poptarts
are healthy, Master,” he sarcastically asked. I snatched the package from him
and opened it up. The apartment door opened again with Brett, Vincent, Liam,
and Will barging through. Liam came our way and took a
package of poptarts. “No one thought to wake us up,” he asked. I looked to Eric
and back to Liam. He was smiling with that ‘game on’ grin he likes to use on
his competition or girls. “You looked peaceful in the
mountain of blankets you curled up in. I almost took a picture, but Jack said
it would ruin the moment,” Eric replied. Brett and Vincent were in the bathroom
brushing their teeth vigorously. Will came over to us and took
a poptart from Liam’s package. “Hey,” he yelled. Will ran off into the living
room with Liam in pursuit. I giggled and watched as they side stepped around
the table on opposite sides of each other. Brett and Vincent came out of
the bathroom. Brett took an apple and Vincent took a banana. They were the best
out of all of us to eat healthy foods. Eric and I made sandwiches
for each other while we waited for 6:30. Brett came over and put together one
of his healthy sandwiches for him and Vincent. Liam and William both were still
in the living room chasing one another. Dad came out of his room and took
a water out of the fridge. “Remember you boys have to be at school today,” he
said sternly. “If I hear that any of you ditch, I’m going to take the one thing
you all care about the most.” Everyone nodded, including me, before he rushed
out the door to his car. “So we’re just staying home
today, right,” Will sarcastically asked. Liam picked him and their stuff up and
walked out the door. Vincent and Brett followed in suit with their bags. “We can stay home if you
like,” Eric mentioned to me. “They can all go in Brett’s car again and we’ll
have this entire place to ourselves. I don’t mind him taking it away from me.” I walked into my actual
bedroom and grabbed my backpack. “Not a chance in Hell. I want to keep being
able to piss wherever I want if that’s okay with you.” Eric grabbed his bag and
walked out sulking. I chuckled down the stairs at him while locking the door. Outside, Liam was standing
against Eric’s car. Brett’s was gone as I heard him driving away. Eric walked
over to him asked the obvious question. “Why are you still here?” Liam pushed off the car and
picked up his bag. “They thought I should go with you two and make sure nothing
happens again like yesterday.” He smirked in my direction. Eric sighed and unlocked the
car. Liam went into the back seat and I sat in the passenger seat. Our ride was
quiet this time. Liam insisted that he played music from his phone than letting
us turn on the radio. Besides that, no one said a word. At school, Eric pulled the
car into the spot next to Brett near the gym. The three of them were all
sitting on the edge of the sidewalk leading to the front door. Will jumped onto
Liam the moment he laid eyes on him. Eric nodded his head towards Brett and
Vincent. School still wasn’t going to
start for another 10 minutes. A couple of our other friends came by and walked
with us into the building. There was Ray and Carlos who lived on the other side
of town. The bell rang for homeroom as
we entered. Liam and Vincent walked with me to our classroom. I was depressed,
you could say when I heard Eric’s name called without mine during freshman
year. “You going to cry this year
that Eric isn’t with us still,” Liam teased. I bumped him into Vincent. He
snickered as we turned the corner into another hallway. Our teacher for homeroom
was a history teacher. She would always tell us the interesting things her
class did that day or that week. She would also let us watch the movies she
played for those classes. The three of us sat at a
group of desks that was close to the windows. No one else would sit in this
group once we sat down. We always had two extra desks. I watched as the other
students that came here entered. It was useless of me to even try to make
friends with them. No one wanted to talk to me in our other classes. They made
their friend group and now don’t feel the need for more. Vincent took out a notebook
and began to draw. He says he wants to be an artist, but his skill said he
wouldn’t even make it. There also weren’t any art classes we could take here.
The most artistic class we could take was music. “The mediocre artist shows
his face again,” Liam asked shocked. Vincent ignored him and continued with
what he started. I think it was supposed to be a character in a cartoon he
wanted to start up when another creative drawer would join him. I enjoyed the
idea of it, I’m just not a good enough drawer for that. “Did you find anyone that
would be willing to work with you on that idea you had last year,” I asked. He
looked up with glowing eyes. This was a bad idea right now. “Are you willing to help me,”
he asked ready to jump out of his chair and drag me to start it. I waved my
arms trying to stop him. “Oh,” he sighed. “No I didn’t find anyone else that
would work with me.” The teacher came in as the
next bell rang. She was young and chipper than any other day I’ve seen her. She
sat down and started calling names for attendance. I heard one name I forgot
was in this class come out. “Caren Hugh.” There was a quiet “here” that came
from the corner farthest away from us. The neighbor that slammed a
door in my face yesterday was sitting at a lonely desk with a book in her
hands. The teacher continued calling names that I blocked out. Why did I forget
she was in the same homeroom as me? “Jack Wittner,” the teacher
called. I didn’t answer her. “Jack Wittner, are you here,” she called again.
Liam eventually answered for me when he saw where I was looking. “Vincent
Zachery,” she finished. I continued blocking out all
the voices in the room. Caren was reading away as the teacher blabbed on about
the usual first day of school things. Vincent poked me with his
pencil hard. I jumped up and turned around in my seat. There was his notebook
on my desk with a well-drawn character sketched out. “What do you think,” he
asked shakily. It would be an understatement for me to say I was shocked. To be
honest, I was about to faint from the amount of shock I produced from one look.
The more I examined the character, the more shocked I was. “How did you,” was
all I could say. “Who did you pay to draw
this,” Liam asked. Vincent laughed as he took the notebook away from Liam and
took out a pen. Liam questioned him more as he kept ignoring him. Caren was still reading her
book in the corner, alone. I stood up, ignoring the antics of my friends. All
the other students were in their groups talking about whatever. I noticed one
group playing hangman on the board. “Hey there,” I said when I
reached Caren. She looked up at me and back to her book. There was a frown on
her face now that I looked more at it. “About yesterday,” I started.
She threw the book down with force. I backed away and took a step forward.
“Listen, I’m sorry about my friends. They’re guys though and we can be loud
when we don’t mean to be.” Caren glared up at me before
I could finish. “What do you want, Jack? I don’t wish to be bothered by you
right now,” she said, a hint of anger in her voice. “You looked lonely and I
thought you might want to come sit with us,” I answered. “Since you’d rather be
a lonely lass than hang with your friend, I’ll leave you be.” With that, I
walked back over to my desk and listened to Liam go on about some of the new
freshman saying they will try out for lacrosse. Before we left, the teacher
handed everyone their schedules. Eric texted me his schedule the moment he got
it. I looked through mine and found that we had no classes together this year.
The only time we would see each other was during lunch. Will and I were in the same
math class today because his teacher was out and they couldn’t replace them.
The teacher called out both lists of students and went to his desk. We didn’t
do anything this class besides talk to everyone while the teacher sat at his
computer. In English, Cory was with me
and Ray. We didn’t have much to talk about besides how Cory took meeting half
of our group last night. Ray begged us to show him the pictures of me with ice
cream all over my face. In gym, Lana and Lola were
with me. I noticed Lana checking out Lola as she did some of her tumbling. We
had a free day today, so there were students playing basketball and other
things. I could do some of the things that Lola could do. They both begged me
to do one of the cross over routines Lola’s coach had me do once. During lunch, Lola walked
with me over to Eric who was sitting at our table with Brett. Liam’s stuff was
on a chair, but he was in the lunch line. Eric got up and slid out a chair for
Lola. “Hey babe,” he said as we approach. “Who’s that towards? Me or
him,” Lola sarcastically asked. The four of us laughed and sat down. “But
seriously, you were talking to me just now, right?” “Yes, I was talking to you,”
Eric answered also giving her a kiss. Brett made some noise that caused Eric to
stop and glare over at him. I giggled and took out a sandwich I made earlier
with Eric. “It’s a shame we don’t get to
see each other in class like last year,” Eric said. “The teachers loved how
well we worked together all the time.” I could tell he wasn’t being serious
after that. We used to do stupid things last year since we basically had the
same classes. Liam came up the cafeteria
with a tray of everything they had in the lunch room. “You plan to eat all of
that,” Brett asked. Lola was looking through it all with a disgusted look. “Yeah! I didn’t pay for all
of it just to eat a portion. Plus, I forgot to make something at Jack’s while I
could,” he answered. If he wanted something homemade, he would have asked while
he was getting ready. “If you wanted a sandwich
like Jack, you would have asked. And here you are, without a sandwich, because
you didn’t,” Eric retorted. I was surprised since it came with such force I
don’t hear from him outside of sports. Brett was ready to stop
something that may have started. Liam kept calm though and ate what he had.
Eric went back to eating and longingly looking at Lola giving her kisses every
now and then. Brett and I ate the sandwiches we made earlier. Halfway through my sandwich,
a pair of hands gripped my shoulders. I almost choked on the bite I had in my
mouth as this happened. Turning around, I wasn’t surprised to see Carlos with
his s**t eating grin staring down at me. “What a wonderful day it is,
don’t you say,” he said. I could only guess why he was this happy to be here
today. Eric and Liam caught on to what might be going on fast as well. “What’s got you in such a
good mood today,” Brett asked already knowing the kind of answer he’ll give. “Can I not be in a good mood
any day,” he asked not expecting an answer. “If you must know, I just got back
from having a wonderful time with
Brit Answell. And when I mean wonderful I mean W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L,” he answered
enthusiastically. Brittany Answell, or Brit as
everyone calls her, was the most popular girl in school. She didn’t believe in
relationships so any guy was at her disposal when it came to her needs. She
didn’t like being call Brit until the only thing the guys she was with could
say Brit. Lola rolled her eyes at the
mention of her name. Liam was shooing Carlos away. We usually kept all those
conversations for when we were in one of our houses. “Go before you tempt this
one into jumping on any of the girls here,” he said. I blushed a little at the
thought of me manhandling someone at school. Carlos chuckled close to my
ear, giving me a tight hug. “Alright, I’ll leave. Meet you guys at practice,”
he asked before running off. “Yeah,” Eric answered. We
finished our lunches and waited for our lunch to be over. The rest of the
school was like the first half. My last class was different
from everything else. I was joined by Brett, Ray, and another friend Aiden. We
all had a sort of free period this year at the end of the day. Neither of us
picked one of the extra classes we’re supposed to take. There aren’t many that
don’t choose one of the classes. Those who don’t pick one are sent to the
library until the end of the day. The four of us sat at one of
the table off to the side where there were windows. Most of the time I was
staring off into the parking lot the windows overlooked. Everyone else was
taking a nap before the first day of practice. I walk over to the shelf of
books and look at what the school has. There aren’t many that interested me
besides the ones Eric and I watched the movies based on them. Most of the books
were nonfiction, which I had no interest for. “Need any help,” the
librarian asks at the end of the shelf hall. It catches me by surprise to hear
another voice here. I shake my head and look through the books in front of me. Suddenly, a book is held in
front of my face. “Might I suggest this one? You’ve been passing by all of the
nonfiction section.” The librarian hands me a copy of “Witch and Wizard” by
James Patterson. I didn’t recognize the title from the movies Eric has me watch
with him. “I guess I could try it,” I
say hoping he’ll leave me alone. Once he’s out of my sight I look for where the
book came from and put it back. The rest of the period I sat at the table and
rested. I was abruptly interrupted by the loudly ringing bell. Brett grabbed my bag for me
while Ray poked me back onto my feet. I looked around for Aiden, but he was
nowhere to be seen. “He left once the bell rang. You know how he doesn’t like
being late for anything,” Brett informed me. He handed me my bag and we headed
towards the gym. As soon as we enter the gym,
I’m bombarded by two people tackling me to the ground. The weight of two people
crush every inch of my body. I hit the ground with the palm of my hand twice
hoping whoever these two are will get off me. “You’re going to kill him,
guys,” a female voice yells. It was hard to distinguish who said it with my
brand-new head injury from the floor. Seconds later, the additional
weight lifts themselves off and pull me up. I crash into Eric’s chest which
might have been what he wanted. “We wouldn’t try to kill him, Caren. He’s just
been avoiding some of us all day,” Seth says giving me one of his signature
looks of disapproval. We didn’t talk to each other much, not that I don’t want
to talk to Seth. He would throw a party that I wouldn’t want to be at if we
ever hung out together. “That may be a suitable
reason for now, but be warned. If I hear you hurt him, even giving him a tiny
paper cut, I’ll get you six times harder,” Caren warned. Why was she always
changing her mind about how she thinks of me? Seth threw up his hand in
surrender and stepped out of her way. Caren didn’t do sports, so why was she
here? Maybe her ride home was this way and wanted to walk through here instead
of around the school. Eric removed me from his
chest with his hand still holding mine. “We need to get ready for practice.
Think you will be okay away from us,” he asked. I nodded my head and pushed him
away. They were all laughing while I was standing there with my arms crossed. Aiden came out of the locker
room soon after they entered and walked outside. I ran over and caught up to
him. “Hey,” I said. “Hey,” he replied in
monotone. “How was your summer?” “Fine. My parents had me go
back to the same town we always go to.” I stopped knowing he wasn’t in the mood
for talking to me. He hated going to his family’s house that happened to be
away from anything modern. It was always just him and his family all summer. Eric jumped on my shoulders
and scared the crap out of me. Was today “Harm Jack Day?” “You need to learn not to be
so vulnerable when I can be behind you,” he whispered into my ear. The last
time he was in front of me and had Seth helping him. That’s my fault
apparently. “When you learn not to be so
abusive to someone that is vulnerable,” I retorted. He chuckled and started
walking with me to the football field. “You haven’t had a class with Aiden,
have you,” I asked. Eric threw an arm around my
neck while we walked. “Why? Did he seem off in a way,” he asked. Off was an
understatement. “I can’t tell if he’s mad at
me or it’s just the normal hatred he gets from that family house he goes to.”
Eric looked over at Aiden who was sitting on the bleachers staring at nothing.
I wanted to go over there and cheer him up. Eric shrugged his shoulders
and removed his arm from me. “I’ll see what I can find out during practice. All
you have to do is sit there and smile so I can get through coach’s drills.” I
patted his shoulder and went over to the bleachers I sat at every practice
taking out my phone to play a game. Usually, I would do whatever homework I
got, but since it was the first day of school so there was no homework. Everyone that was trying out
for a sport this season was outside on the different fields. I didn’t realize
when someone was calling my name after about an hour. “Jack! Get off your phone
and come down here,” Lola called. This wasn’t going to be good from past
experiences with Lola and practice. “Roundoff, back handspring,
full,” she ordered. “What?” “I want you to do a roundoff,
back handspring, full right now,” she demanded. There was one option which was
to do as she said. Her bossy attitude at practice was directed at me too often.
“And what if I don’t want
to,” I tested. She smirked and slapped my phone out of my hand. “You don’t get that choice
today. Now DO IT!” I did as she said and landed just fine. “Again,” she
ordered. I did it again and she came over. “Remember that I tell you what to do
here. You won’t win fighting my word.” Then she handed me my phone that
surprising didn’t have a scratch on it. Another hour went by and I
decided to check out the soccer field. William was getting a drink as I walked
towards him. He was breathing heavily. “Everything all right here,”
I asked knowing his answer. The biggest smile he’s worn was forming as we made
eye contact. There was no way he wasn’t making Varsity this year. “Of course! What could be not
all right,” he asked. I didn’t answer him thinking of what happened last year
with some of the Varsity team members and him. Reminding him of that would ruin
his day for sure. The coach called him and he
went running over there. I went back to the football field meeting Eric at the
bleachers. My stomach growled loudly when he was about to say something. I blushed,
embarrassed, as he laughed at me. “Practice will be over soon. If you want, I
can take you out to dinner before going home,” he suggested. Dad was going to
be home soon and I wanted to check up on him because of this morning. “I think I just want to go
home. I’m worried about dad and how he was today.” Eric understood and went
back to Seth who had him doing something. Lola came over and sat with me on the
bleachers. “What’s going on with you
two,” she asked immediately. Did she overhear our conversation just now? “He just offered me food
before going home. Nothing unusual,” I answered. She sighed and looked down at
her phone. There was a message from one of her friends that told her
everything. “Are you sure there isn’t
anything going on with you two? Some of the school is saying that both of you
are gay.” The second part was kind of a shock to me that people might know
about what we did. Both of us promised to keep it a secret unless we wanted to
go through with it more. “Yeah I’m sure. He’s just
looking out for me like always,” I replied. She would understand that he would
look after me since we’ve known each other forever. Lola stood up and looked out
at the guys. “If anything was going on, or has gone on with you guys, he would
tell me he felt that way, right?” I thought about how Eric handled his emotions
around others. He wasn’t one for sharing them if they weren’t towards the
person that made him that way. “Eric and I aren’t secretly
going out on dates if that’s what you are trying to imply. What happened with
us just now was because my stomach was making noises,” I answered. She smiled
and clutched onto me in a hug. “Thanks,” was all she said
before letting go and walking away. The guys came over to me. They all were
sweaty and smelled. I made a gesture with my hand and they all laughed. “What was that all about,”
Vincent asked. He watched as Lola was walking into the gym again. “I bet she was begging him to
join the cheer squad again,” Liam joked. Eric shoved him into Ray and Carlos
who were talking about something I couldn’t hear. They both started walking
away still facing us. “We’re going to work. See ya tomorrow,” they said in
unison. I forgot they worked at the same place after school and during the
summer. Everyone said goodbye and crowded around me. “Are you really expecting me
to tell you what we were talking about,” I asked a bit too loud. They all
agreed that I had to fess up. “She just asked me about something that happened.
It isn’t what you dirty people are thinking.” Aiden got up and left towards
the gym. “What’s your problem,” Seth asked. He stopped, but didn’t turn around.
Aiden had his fists clenched tightly. Hopefully he wasn’t ready to hurt
someone. “It’s nothing you need to be
concerned about. I doubt you would care if I told you anyways,” he answered. We
all looked at him confused. I knew I would care if there is something bothering
him. “See you tomorrow,” he said
before walking away. Brett, Seth, and Vincent then left leaving Eric, Liam, and
I on the bleachers. Will came sprinting over. Liam stopped him though in a bear
hug that led to carrying him. “You ready to go,” Liam
asked. Will shook his head furiously as Liam started walking. I couldn’t figure
out whether Liam felt something for Will or he was still just toying with him.
Will would talk about girls with us when someone mentioned one that was sexy. Eric stood up and held his
hand out. “Shall we go as well,” he asked. I took his hand and lifted myself
next to him. We were the only ones on the field now. “Unless of course,” he
started. I picked up my bag and followed the way everyone else went. “I’ll meet you at my car once
I change and grab my bag,” Eric told me at the door to the gym. I nodded and
walked over to the car. Most of the cars that were parked here this morning
were gone besides the ones picking up people trying out up or the ones that
belong to the remaining players here. I waited for what seemed like
20 minutes outside. I watched the last person leave a couple minutes ago. I was
tempted to walk into the locker room to see if Eric was still there. The sound
of yelling stopped me though. From what I heard it was the
football coach and Eric who were yelling. It wasn’t a long argument since Eric
came out a few seconds later. “Sorry about that,” he said making
eye contact with me. “Coach thought I was to blame for Aiden’s strange
behavior. Do you know if he knew anything about us,” he asked walking over to
me. “I didn’t tell him anything.
We haven’t talked much since school started,” I answered. He placed both of his
hand on both sides of me against his window. “Well somehow he must have
heard something since he told coach the reason he wasn’t focusing was because
there were f**s on the team this year.” “Only the two of us know
about it. We’ve made sure of that,” I say defending myself. Eric leans in
towards me but I push him away. “Maybe he got the wrong idea from these little
incidents you keep trying to cause,” I joke. He straightens up and walks over
to the driver side of the car. I get in and he drives me home. Lucas was in the driveway
when we pulled in. He had his eyepatch on which I was thankful for. There was a
girl sitting next to him on the steps leading to their door. They must have
been waiting for someone because they both jumped when we came in. “I’m picking you up tomorrow
morning,” Eric asked. “If you can make it here.
Otherwise I’ll just take the bus,” I replied before getting out of the car.
Eric pulled out fast once I was outside. Lucas and his friend watched me walk
over to my door and enter. Something must have been up with them. Dad was in the apartment when
I got inside. He was in the bathroom brushing his teeth for what I think is the
first time today. I waved to him and threw my bag in my room. He spat out
whatever was in his mouth and walked into the kitchen. “How was school,” he asked. I
sat down at the table throwing my head onto the surface. He came over and
rubbed my back until I lifted my head back up. “I was tackled onto the floor
today. My head still hurts from thinking about it,” I answer. Dad lifts the
back of my hair and examines everything. “How the hell did that
happen,” he blurts out. I raise an eyebrow wondering what he was talking about.
“You definitely hit your head, but why were you tackled that hard?” I shrugged my shoulders and went to the
counter. I grabbed a plate and some bread. Dad grabbed a pan and turned on the
stove. “Seth was mad that I hadn’t talked to him since we went go karting in
August.” I spread some butter on the bread and grabbed some cheese. “If he does that when you
don’t talk to him, I’d hate see what a break up looks like,” dad joked. He was
helping me make a grilled cheese instead of possibly getting ready for a date. “Why were you brushing your
teeth when I got home,” I finally asked. My sandwich was done and he was
getting me the ketchup. “I decided to do as you said
and go on this second date,” he replied. I peered into the bathroom and saw it
was a mess with the remnants of him shaving, things for his hair, and what I
thought was my deodorant. “I’m leaving soon and
probably won’t be back before you fall asleep. You know what not to do,” he
said. I opened the door and went up to my room. Dad followed me out and went
downstairs. That made me happy knowing he actually listened. © 2016 Tandom |
Added on November 9, 2016 Last Updated on November 9, 2016 Tags: Is the Deal Worth Keeping, boyxboy, choice, temptation, desire, siblings, rightandwrong, school, friends, Chapter 2 Author![]() TandomMAAboutI'm sort of bouncing off different ideas that just suddenly come to mind. I don't know what I'll be able to write once college starts up, but I'll try to finish what I start more..Writing