![]() Chapter 5 Max's POV 2A Chapter by Tandom I
was sure now that Matt was trying to do the opposite of whatever I said.
Telling him to leave you alone makes him do things with you. Don’t wait up
translates to slow down and stay with me apparently. What could possibly happen
if I told him something welcoming? We
got back to the gym with the girls who didn’t do much at practice yesterday.
That boy Matt looked intimidated by was also part of that group. He wasn’t the
friendliest of people during class which made me question why he was here.
Brendely was sitting on the floor with Christy and her gang. No one was truly
happy to be together there and I couldn’t stand it. “Are
you sure this is something you want to be doing this year, Max? I think we do
this at the beginning of every practice.” Matt nicely asked. He always tries to
show the best of things and looks out for people. Today he saw a kid who was
being chased by an upper class man and fought him off. Would he do that for me? “I’m
sure of it. You can’t tell me what is right for me and what isn’t.” I answered
rudely. This was my own experiment. If my parents don’t like it then that would
prove science isn’t my sort of job. Amanda
was smiling my way when I looked. Matt got dragged over to Brendely by the
heated hand of anger. I soon followed the two and the day went by like
yesterday. We did more jumping, stunting, progressions and learned more of this
dance thing. Matt was having fun from what anyone could tell. At
home was quiet like any other night in this house. No one but me was inside and
the monkey we kept was asleep. Mom wouldn’t be home until 9:00 and dad wasn’t
going to come back while I am conscious. It seems like the only time I see him
is when I enter his office after school. If I got on the team though, it will
only restrict me to seeing him on the weekends when there is no practice. I
heated up the pizza ordered by me the other day. Until the time I get tired of
this and teach myself how to cook, nothing will ever be made. My
television was left on when I came into my room. Everything my parents got me
was confined into this room. Dad said nothing only I used was allowed to leave.
They make every other space in the house used for their at home experiments.
What I wouldn’t do for parents with normal jobs. Omega
Man was on and it wasn’t an interesting episode. It was about the past,
original man that soon became Omega with replacing his body for robotic
enhancements. As I said before, not that interesting. The
clock buzzed when it turned 9:00. Mom should be home by now and I can go to
sleep. She doesn’t tell me to stay awake while I’m home alone, but I don’t feel
safe unconscious in this house by myself. “Max! I’m home!” The door slams shut
as she enters. “How
was the lab today? Anything exciting actually work for once?” I stalked my way
into the family room where she fell asleep on the couch. Every night was like
this. Mom would come home, announce her arrival and pass out somewhere that
wasn’t her bed. One time I found her against the door to the bathroom and
carried her through the door to her bed. The monkey snuggled up against her and
went back to sleep. Back
in my room was quiet again. I spent the rest of my conscious night playing
video games with someone in Paris. He didn’t speak much English, but we managed
communication with some words of both languages. During
lunch, Christy and Emma came up to me. They both dropped their stuff and sat
across the table. I continued to eat in silence. They both had their trays and
didn’t touch the food. “We need to talk about something.” Christy started. Her
sleeve rolled up to reveal it bandaged up. Whatever happened to her after
practice must have hurt. Stop
hinting stuff to Amanda!” Emma demanded. She didn’t talk much on either days I
saw her at practice. What was different about today? I
swallowed the sandwich I had in my mouth and composed myself. They think I’m
hinting something to Amanda, time to make that change. “I am not hinting
ANYTHING to Amanda. If she thinks I am trying to make something happen, she
just mistook me.” I noticed Brendely by herself across the cafeteria. No one
made eye contact with her as they passed. “What
happened between you three and Brendely?” I began. Emma dropped her burger and
Christy widened her eyes. “Why does she hate you three so much?” Five
minutes of silence passed as I waited. Guys were looking our way with those
weird eyes of love. I couldn’t stand how they looked at girls like that. Finally,
Emma slammed her fists onto the table. Nearby teachers scowled and went back to
their conversations. “She’s a liar! Don’t believe her lies!” I jumped a little
from the sudden energy. “We
don’t have a good history between our families. Let’s just say religion isn’t a
simple matter in our town.” Christy explained. I grabbed my bag and left as the
bell rang. They don’t seem like sadists though. Does Brendely actually live
near the three? At
the library, Matt was telling us about a boy he watched over in the summer. I
was surprised to hear some of the things they did. Matt apparently could cook
which shocked both Brendely and I. When I asked how he learned he said, “If you
have a laptop and wireless internet access with YouTube free to roam, anyone
can find videos to explain the steps. Or you could watch the food channel for hours
and learn the controls of everything that way.” I chuckled when Brendely frowned. They also spent time with things preschoolers needed to learn. This boy was able to tie his own shoelaces by the first week they met. It must be fun to hang out with someone that young and just do childish things. “Why
does your family get into arguments with Amanda and her family, Brendely? Does religion
matter to your home?” I blurted out the worst sentence at the worst time. She nearly
snapped my arm in half with her quick reflex towards it. Matt’s eyes bulged out
when it happened. “We
don’t talk about that household regularly. Everyone wants them to leave for believing
in our opposite. No more questions, understand?” I slowly nodded my head. Her eyes
were the same red they changed to. I can’t ask her about that now because of the
fear she implanted. Matt must notice this too, right? “You
live in a town full of sadists?” Matt asked. She turned her glance to him and snarled
like an animal. My life felt like it was at stake around her. “Why would Christians
move to a town known for a satanic religion?” She
got up and walked over to him. I noticed her legs didn’t move which was strange.
How could anyone… Never mind, I’m not suppose to question. “They
are all full of their religion. Each one of them acts like angels when walking around
town.” So it seems to be their actions that bother them. Brendely grabbed Matt’s
shoulder and closed her eyes. “I shouldn’t get too into this conversation. I don’t
want to hurt anyone that doesn’t need to be.” She was honestly being sincere. The
final bell rang and we walked to the gym. Our final full try out practice was going
to happen. © 2016 Tandom |
StatsAuthor![]() TandomMAAboutI'm sort of bouncing off different ideas that just suddenly come to mind. I don't know what I'll be able to write once college starts up, but I'll try to finish what I start more..Writing