![]() Chapter 2: Beasts and BanditsA Chapter by TallCardinalChapter 2: Beasts and
Bandits The sick, constraining smell of smoke woke
him. Xavier sat upright, coughing, his
lungs straining for fresh air, his eyes watering in a desperate fight against
the smoldering blackness that clouded his vision. There were voices shouting,
he could hear them, orders being given, people screaming; soldiers. Leaping to
his feet, Xavier stumbled through the corridor, feeling along the wall as he
searched through the haze for the doors. Who could’ve attacked with such a
force? Xavier thought as he moved past a now useless torch in the heavy smoke
that blanketed the air. Bandits would never have made it inside the barracks;
Wilt was on guard; he has the sharpest eyes. Finding the doors, Xavier moved
into the courtyard, the air becoming slightly clearer and his sight regaining
depth. It was ablaze; he could see the flames
twisting their way towards the black sky, at least twice the height of a man,
spreading quickly, having already engulfed the stack of equipment that lay at
one end. It was impossible; the equipment was all metal; fire should not have
been able to continue once it reached there, yet it was. In fact, as far as
Xavier could see through the haze, the fire was growing on top of the swords,
chest plates, and shields that were both hung against the wall and scattered on
the ground nearby. He watched the flame leap, turning from a dark blue at the
base, to a pure white in the middle, before finally becoming alive and bright
at the tip, the orange and red colors flaring as if the fire reignited with more
energy than it began with there. Looking across the courtyard, Xavier could see
soldiers engaged in combat all around him; Xavier’s eyes darted towards the
wall walkway as he saw Wilt firing arrow after arrow into the darkness,
shouting to the other archers that had taken up position around him. The soldiers themselves were struggling; the
bandits moved with superior grace and fluidity. Their axes swung through the
air at blazing speeds, a blur of arm and iron followed by harsh cries of
unfortunate soldiers. Watching a few soldiers fall across the courtyard, Xavier
saw their bodies go limp and turn slightly as they crumpled, deep cuts running
across their chests. Turning away, Xavier felt fear crawl along his skin,
rippling from the horror his eyes had just seen; he had never seen the death of
a fellow soldier, let alone as brutal a death as the ones the two soldiers had
just suffered. A cry from his right attracted Xavier’s attention and he turned.
His father was in the middle of the courtyard, fending off two bandits that had
him penned between them, their axes turning slowly in their hands as they
closed the gap between them. They were brutes, short but exceptionally built,
their muscles bulging from underneath their worn tunics, and they moved slowly
and deliberately, each step taken with precision, unlike the typical bandits
fighting approach which was to charge and swing relentlessly. With a flash of
sword and armor, Xavier watched his father turn and stab the first bandit, a
horrific cry escaping the man before he collapsed backwards, his axe falling
useless beside him. Xavier began to shout, a battle cry coming up his throat,
when he saw the body of the fallen swordsman begin to move. It was impossible; his father’s sword had
gone clear through the man’s body; nobody could have survived such a blow. Yet
the bandit was not rising, the figure was becoming indistinguishable now, an
absolute blackness overtaking what was once a pale bandit. Looking at the grass
around the body, Xavier saw no blood forming, no ring of dark liquid that
should have covered the area of the dead bandit; there was nothing, as if no
wound had ever been inflicted. Moving forward, Xavier began to approach the
mass on the ground, before his father’s voice rang out to him. “No! Xavier get away from that!” Doreius
shouted, his voice a sense of order mixed with a desperate plea. Surprised at
the tone, Xavier stepped back, and could not hold back a gasp of terror as he
saw the form turn into a new figure, as alive as the previous one had been. The bandit had gone, but in its place now
stood an incredibly large beast. Not like any Xavier had ever seen, this animal
had a huge head, with short fur except for a long trail extending from the top
of its head down to the base of its neck. There were two sets of long canines
extending from either side of the bottom of its mouth, reaching up towards the
eyes of the creature, glistening white even in the smoky air that still covered
the battleground. In between the top fangs Xavier saw teeth sharp as sword tips
lining the roof of the mouth, as the beast roared in anger and faced his
father, whose attention was focused on the one remaining bandit. It was
completely black, the hair on its neck barely distinguishable with a dark red
color to it. He saw the beast flex its legs, the muscles rippling underneath
its skin, as it prepared to attack. “Father, watch out!” Xavier cried as he
lunged forward, grabbing a sword off the ground in front of him and advancing towards
the beast. Before he could reach it however, the beast
leapt, its claws extending like daggers promising death, at his father. Once
more, Xavier saw a flicker of movement come from his father, heard the slight
whoosh of his sword cut through the air as smoothly as it did the beast’s flesh
a half second later, and watched as the beast crumpled on the ground in front
of his father, a dark black blood oozing from the deep cut that ran across its
chest. His father brought his sword above his head, bringing it plunging down
in the head of the beast with a mighty yell that echoed across the barracks.
The skull split, a loud crack sounding out, and the beast convulsed briefly
before becoming perfectly still. At the same time, Xavier heard an arrow whiz
through the air and the scream of a bandit that followed as Wilt killed the axe
man that Doreius had previously been engaged with. Turning quickly, his father
repeated the movement he had just performed on the beast, his sword digging
deep into the bandit’s head, who had yet to form into a beast like the previous
one. What are these things? Xavier thought as he
saw dozens of beasts and bandits engaging his comrades, screams of terror
erupting from his fellow soldiers as many of them failed to notice the bandits
resurrecting as the immense creatures that then attacked them from behind. “NO!” Xavier heard his father shout to his
right. Turning, Xavier watched as his father sprinted, sword held ready to
strike, towards two beasts bent over the body of a soldier they had just
murdered. One beast raised its head, its muzzle red, matted with wet blood, its
jaws gripping the neck of the fallen soldier. As Xavier ran after his father,
he saw the dead, quickly becoming pale face of Murtello, his father’s second in
command. Murtello had been the closest to Doreius,
and Xavier would hear stories from the other soldiers about the days when his
father and Murtello served together in the Aldonyan Army. He had been the first
soldier to join with Doreius at the barracks, serving with unflagging loyalty
and support, regardless of his personal feelings and opinions; he was the
perfect soldier. Smashing his shield against the one leaping
cat-like creature, Doreius advanced on the beast holding Murtello in its death
grip. His sword arced in the air as he split the head of the beast straight
down the middle, turning to the other, his eyes now beginning to water at the
loss of his long-time friend. Cutting horizontally, Doreius sliced open the
second creature, its body shuddering as it slumped sideways, a large pool of
blood forming quickly in a circle around its body. Dropping to his knees and
shaking violently, Xavier watched as his father dropped his sword and shield on
the ground and bent over the body of his former comrade, his former soldier,
his former friend. Scanning the courtyard, Xavier saw the
fighting was subsiding, but not in a way beneficial to the soldiers; the bodies
of his comrades littered the courtyard. Wilt remained as the lone archer,
although Xavier could see his quiver rapidly depleting as he tirelessly fired
at the enemy, now more beast than bandit. Grabbing his father by the shoulder,
Xavier spoke urgently in his ear. “Father, we must flee. All the men are dead and
dying, we cannot continue to fight; we will perish alongside them”. A long
silence went by as his father stopped his cries, released the body of Murtello,
placing it gently back on the grass before rising and turning to face Xavier. “Help Wilt escape Xavier,” His father
commanded, the sharpness returning to his voice, the traces of grief still
apparent but disappearing with each word. “Tell him I will meet him in Rivweld,
near the eastern mill, three days from now.” Without another word Doreius ran,
fighting his way towards the open gates, attempting to flee, whilst shouting at
Wilt and beckoning back towards Xavier. Moving towards a ladder, Xavier climbed
to the wall walkway. However, he discovered bitterly, that he was on the
opposite side of Wilt, who was now gazing at him across the courtyard,
indicating with his hands for Xavier to move until he stood above the gate.
Sprinting along the stone wall until he was between the towers, Xavier recalled
randomly how Wilt had, only a few hours prior, peered over this area of the
wall and rescued him from the inevitable punishment of his father. Thinking of
this, Xavier became aware of the wound he had suffered yesterday, and once he
reached the area and awaited for Wilt, who was running down his side of the
barrack towards Xavier, he placed his hand against his side, feeling his
bandages. They were still there, although now damp, and inspecting them
quickly, Xavier saw they were stained a deep red from his blood; the wound had
clearly not healed and likely gotten worse. He would address it later he
thought, the concern now being to escape with his life. Wilt arrived next to Xavier, his footsteps
unusually heavy and he heaved, catching his breath and casting a look over the
inner side of the walkway, scanning the courtyard for the beasts, which now
prowled along the grass, sniffing the fallen bodies eagerly, looking for those
still breathing. “We have to jump.” Wilt finally spoke
softly, tilting his head slightly in the direction over the wall, his eyes
unblinking as they locked onto Xavier’s frightened gaze. “Jump?! We’ll die if we jump Wilt.” Xavier
responded, his voice rising. Wilt jumped at him, his hand rising to block
Xavier’s mouth, a short “shhh!” escaping his lips as his eyes flashed back to
the courtyard briefly. Nodding, Xavier felt Wilt’s hand release from his mouth,
before turning and peering over the exterior edge, seeing nothing but blackness
on the other side; the sun was still hours from rising, there were no torches
lining the outside of the barracks, and the smoke was still settled around the
walls, lingering like a misty darkness that casted a permanent shadow across
the great stone structure. Following Wilt’s finger, which now pointed
downward towards what Xavier at first assumed to be the hardened ground, and
for a moment he prepared to speak up again about the danger. Before he could
however, Wilt reached down and grabbed some loose pebbles that lay against the
wall, dropping them over the side. For a few moments Xavier heard nothing, and
then, the faint splashes of water as the rocks penetrated the surface of what
must’ve been a deep hole. “It’s deep, but only wide enough for one at
a time,” Wilt whispered. “I’ll go first, wait a minute afterwards, then jump in
front of the lit arrow.” Xavier nodded and watched as Wilt climbed
up, bunching himself on top of the wall, looking once over his shoulder before
dropping. A silence hung in the air before a splash split the air, relatively
quiet for the size of Wilt and Xavier could not help smiling; even when he
dropped from forty feet, Wilt was silent. A few seconds later a small flame cut
through the blackness, its flickering light moving slightly before remaining
perfectly still. Climbing on top of the wall and settling for a moment, Xavier
positioned himself right in front of the flame that lay below. Jump in front of
the arrow, Xavier thought, repeating Wilt’s directions. Without a second
thought, Xavier pushed himself off the wall, his feet aimed at the spot a few
inches in front of the lit arrow. He felt the wind rush, his body plummeting
for a brief period before the icy chill took over as he plunged into the water.
His knees bent in slight shock as his feet hit the bottom much faster than he
expected, and Xavier saw air bubbles escape from his lips and dance upwards
past his eyes as he fought against the pain. Kicking off the ground, he flailed
his arms towards the surface, breaking through and sucking in sweet air, much
cleaner than the smog he had been breathing inside the barracks. Xavier felt
strong, lean arms grasp him and heave as Wilt pulled him from the water and
dragged him into a nearby thicket, backpedaling rapidly. He felt Wilt lean him
gently against the base of a tree before collapsing to his own knees, water
droplets shaking off the tips of his hair as he rocked forward. His eyes quickly growing heavy, Xavier
leaned his head back, unable to fight off the sleep that was coming onto him,
his mind now giving in to his exhausted body which pleaded for rest. Just as
his eyelids shut however, Xavier was abruptly shaken, and opened his eyes to
meet Wilt’s shaking head, his finger pointed outwards, away from the barracks.
Remembering the beasts that still prowled only a long stone throw away, Xavier
nodded and gathered himself, rising to his feet slowly and quietly. Wilt did
the same, turning and moving through the thick brush as the two moved quickly
and silently away from the barracks, the only survivors outside of Doreius of
the terrible bloodshed that had begun only an hour before. © 2015 TallCardinal |