![]() " The Dream "A Poem by Talks To TreesI was floating high in the sky, above the ground, Seeing a body of people all scurrying around. Thinking out loud this is all but a dream. For in my flesh, things aren't always what they seem. What now Lord... I ask of thee, Is there a message here that we should heed?
thence came thy name ... " Ru'ach Elohim "
I then was with a Great Horse that beamed the color of white, For we were standing by a road in the darkness of night. As we crossed to the other side, There came a Giant Bull, Black as the color of his eyes, the likeness of coal. Reminding me of a body emptied of its soul.
He charged us, hooves pounding loudly upon the earth, As thunder in the heavens, Rearing his massive head. Feeling the heat from his breath, his nostrils flaring... I felt an uncertain dread.
So real it was, nipping, biting, leaving scars as he attacked, I watched in fearful awe of being entrapped. Bondage looming, being bound, forever strapped. The Bull was snorting, laughing, believing I had doubt, Groaning rose, coming from within, I fell upon my knees, Praying to Father, Release me from this dream...let me out.
thence again came thy name... "Ru'ach Elohim "
Suddenly on my right, the Great White Horse looked up, Gazing towards the left. Turn then... he went... up a hill... to an opening, Disappearing into the cleft.
Once more i found myself high above in clouds of light, Seeking, Searching, moving forward in my plight. For as I so desired the softness of thy touch, I wished more for the Freedom that ye hath promised unto us. The flight was no longer hindered nor bound, As I heard prayers from thine people lifted up from the ground.
again came thy name... " Ru'ach Elohim "
I then came upon a woman with child in a room, Lain upon a bed, my hand reached out, touching the child within the womb. Suddenly a peace came upon my being as a flower bursting in bloom, And as I turned, My journey resumed.
I then was at the top of this place, windows clear as glass, I tried to move about, could not, believing this to shall pass. I was caught behind a wall that only thee can see, Humbly understanding that only thru you and prayer shall we become free. And all thy people were gathering, looking up from the crowd, They to were Seeking, Searching, repeating thy name in prayers out loud.
speaking thy name... " Ru'ach Elohim "
Let us break these curses that bind, They started upon the first of mankind. Set us free the captives say, Bow thy head, on thy knees, lift thy hands, " Pray "
a holy name... " Ru'ach Elohim "
As was the name within the dream. The unfaithful will press down, Hands grabbing at the hem of his Holy Gown,Trying to tear apart the protecting cloak of prayer, They shall perish in the pit of fire for ye shall give them no favor.
Evil dances, mocks, and sings in wicked ways, Such a struggle it is for the wickedness to stay. For thy faithful ones in humbleness pray. I ask of thee Lord, bless us in this new day of rapture, For we as a body shall not be captured.
Mine eyes now in flesh are wide awake, Once again thy words would not wait. I do thy bidding once more Never to know what is in store. Dear Father... what gift is this, That I am called to write in such a feverish pitch?
I cry deep within for it scares me so, I lift my hands to you, this I show, The offering I have is neither silver nor gold, Only the beating of my heart for ye unfolds. All I hear now is thy name as a pure light that continuously beams...
" Ru'ach Elohim "
Talks To Trees ~ Paula E. Powers © 2012 Talks To TreesReviews
1 Review Added on August 11, 2012 Last Updated on August 11, 2012 Author