You - A Friend In Need
I saw a poor girl yesterday
she kept munching on some yellow waste
Hastily making out like a perfect flour paste
as I stood gawping, she kept herself busy.
I look'd Heaven ward... and cried, "How 'fortunate' we are!"
who in time get the best of food
baked in oven and much taken in mood.
My! it's the same world we all share.
So She sleep cosily on the sidewalks
biting dust of every season,
A roof and a dream She can reason
O God! by your side may she never ask.
Someone from the street's dying
and the one inside the roof's on diet
but no one's to blame for this tide.
For ages have long passed thinking and thinking.
And now, you may cross this path sooner or later
or in your haste lives forget to pass by -
But think of these lines under this sky -
"Friend, it's time we make this world a little better".