![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Tala SilvaI wake up in my bed, the day like any normal day. My dream was weird but I’m used to weird dreams. I throw the covers off and get up, picking out my outfit for the day, dark skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt, I don’t really care what I wear, I must be the only girl who thinks that. I head to the shower and after washing and brushing my mid-back length curly hair get out and head back to my room. Once I get dressed I look in the full length mirror hanging on the back of my door. Long curly dark hair tied in a high ponytail. Deep brown eyes peeking out from under full lashes. Light olive skin without a blemish. I sigh, why do I look like this? Did Venus mean to bless me with this beauty? I sigh again, time to face my family. I walk down to the breakfast nook where I sit in front of my mother, Calista, who, standing, serves me eggs, and next to me sits my older sisters who are staying with us while their husbands are away. Lotta the oldest sits next to me, Lynnea the second oldest, next to her. “Tsk tsk, Psy, why dressing so plain? You, my dear, are beautiful, show it off!” Lotta scolds me. It slides right off and I respond as I always do. “I am not as beautiful as you are dearest sister.” Stoking her ego always makes her forget... everything. “Well that I can’t say, you have youth on your side. We dearest sister, are getting old, though our beauty is not affected yet.” Lynnea tells me, a hand on her stomach. She is 5 months pregnant with her first child. And that reminds me.... “Where’s Calix?” I ask looking around for the toddler that has my eldest sister’s blood in his veins. “Still sleeping thank the Gods. Though not for much longer I expect.” Just then our father comes down decently dressed in a dark suit with a navy blue tie. My father, Irving, holds a position in the Roman senate. He also thinks that girls should get married and not worry about having a career. Needless to say we don’t get along. Though he and my sisters get along swimmingly. They want nothing more in the world than a husband that will admire their beauty, each has found just that. I finish my eggs without further conversation and give my plate to my mother, telling her how wonderful they were. Then I grab my bag from the foyer and walk out of my house. Well, I say house. It’s more of a manor. I walk down the street to the bus station studying my notes from the day before. I am attending college at the local university, majoring in writing. I feel the eyes of passersby on me. People have stared at me for all of my life and you would think I’d be used to it, but alas I am not. Luckily no one approachs me. At the bus stop and on the bus I read, don’t lift my head, don’t make eye contact, yet I can feel the eyes on me. People have come up to me before, even showed up at my house! Proclaiming me to be the Goddess Venus incarnate. People have tried to worship me, and although I try not to let them my father often encourages the praise. Everyone is afraid to come close to me, lest they inflict my goddess’ wrath. I often find myself longing for the easy friendship I see others enjoying. Instead I read. Notes, books, lectures, anything I can get my hands on. The bus pulls into the parking lot of my school and I grab my bag and hop down the stairs ready for another alienating day. © 2012 Tala Silva |
Added on July 27, 2012 Last Updated on July 30, 2012 Author