Cinderella Story; The Shoes Perspective

Cinderella Story; The Shoes Perspective

A Book by TalaGodinaWrite



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© 2024 TalaGodinaWrite

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Hey, you might not know who I am, but I'm the most well known thing in my girl Cindy’s story, the glass slipper. Ya know, the one that gets lost on the step. Yup, that was me. And imma tell yall my story. Here we go!

Before Mama godmother summoned me and my little sis, we were just floating in limbo, because every creation made by a magical being floats around in limbo, waiting to be called up for our moment to shine, kinda like a giant waiting room. And also like a waiting room, you can hear everything that's going on onstage. It can get pretty annoying at times, but can be very useful, as well.
Right, I'm losing focus, anyway, me and my little sis were just pulled out from our space in the limbo line, and whisked onstage, then with a last weird sucking noise, we were pull-ed out from our place in time and space,- ( get the joke? ) (shhhhh, sis im telling my story!) ( sorry! ) -and dumped right in front of Cindy, as Mama godmother finished telling her about the rules of magic. Now was our moment! Our time to shine! She slipped us onto her feet, then jumped up from her perch on the garden wall, and we got our first experience of carrying everything on our shoulders, . . . literally.
We were holding her feet piggy-back style, and i'm gonna admit, it was kinda uncomfortable, carrying her feet around like that, but that's beside the point. It was every magic-beings dream to be used for the rest of our lives, as the ‘user of what we were created for’ and to bring glory upon our race of magic-beings --( sis, you're ranting ) (I ain’t!) ( you are too! ) (no i ain't) (GIRLS! get on with the story!) ( Sorry Mama Godmother ) Anyway, we carried Cindy into her magic carriage, and waited for her to get there. Long story short, after we got there we helped her bust a move, and that caught the attention of the prince, who asked her to dance. Y'all know this part of the story and yeah at 12:00 she saw she almost missed her curfew and ran her little butt out of there.
That’s when she left me on the steps, and didn't look back. What kind of friend drops you and doesn't look back!?! I mean come on! I was the one who carried her all night! But later I heard her out and she apologized. So the prince was running out of there to find her when he found me on the steps and gently picked me up. He put me on a velvet cushion and talked to his butler about having all the girls in the kingdom put me on until he found who was his ‘princess’ . And I was not happy about it! Not one bit! I didn't wanna hold a bunch of idiots just to find this dummy's crush. But I thought about Cindy and went through with it, but ONLY to get back with my girl.
It was hard work for me to hold all those girls and of course Cindy's step-family was at the bottom of the list. Those fashion disasters were so crazy about the prince they squashed their stinky, chapped up feet on to me and they did not fit one bit! So finally the prince got smart and asked if there were any other girls in the house. The evil step-mother said there was only an ‘ugly maid’ who did all of the chores and that she could never be his princess. I was like, hello! Have you seen your own face? It's so ugly even magic couldn't fix it! Anyway the prince demanded to see her and when he found her and I held her, sparks flew. And to spice things up a little I ‘tripped’ and he caught her. Me and my little sis practically jumped for joy!
Now that's a happily ever after if I ever heard one! Wink wink

Posted 7 Months Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 28, 2024
Last Updated on January 28, 2024
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I'm just here to make friends and get my writing well known, and please note I can't spell very well, so sorry in advance! more..