![]() Shooter Chapter 2A Story by Seth![]() It's just a normal day at Memorial High School, until someone with a gun decides to mess with the days lesson play. Class is now survival 101 untill further notice.![]() Mr.Valentine walked over to his desk and got a pack of matches. He wasn't supposed to have these, as the school board had said they were a fire hazard, but he figured what was going on in the school was a much bigger hazard. Using the matches he lit the candles on his desk, which were meant for show. He could buy new ones when he made it out, and somewhere in the back of his mind he thought, IF I make it out. The candles aroma seemed to soothe the class a bit, but not much. Biology had been the last class of the day, so Mr.Valentine hoped that parents would wonder where their kids were after awhile. For the next 20 minutes the class sat in silence, cringing at every sound. A couple gun shots and screams were heard, but no-one tried to get into Mr.Valentines class again. By now Mr.Valentine had cooled down a bit, and thought he should think of what was best for the kids in his class, after all, he was a married 28 year old man, almost twice the age of these kids, but the thought of his wife extinguished the fire in his belly, the one that was telling him to take charge of his class. His wife, Sara, was out there living a normal day in her normal life, probably reading a novel now. He thought of the baby growing inside her. Finally she had gotten pregnant, and now some crazy guy was threatening to take that all away, and why? Probably because of how depressed he was. Mr. Valentine stood up and walked over to the large windows that took up almost half of the wall opposite the door. Peaking through the blinds he saw the parking lot. It was full of cars, the cars of those who were trapped in the building. Looking out a little farther he could see the road. Cars were riding by the school, and the people driving those cars were going to do what they have planned, and they didn't know that the building they were passing was now the home to murder. He sighed and looked over to the kids. They were in groups of friends, even Jenny, who was never social was sitting with others. No one talked, they were much to scared. "What are you going to do after we make it out of this?" Mr.Valentine asked as he sat down by the kids. Many of them looked at him, thinking he was crazy. "Cmon, just share it, try to get your mind off of this. I'm going to go home, spend some time with my wife, grade some papers, and than eat dinner, watch some TV with her, than go to bed. That's the rest of my day when this is over. Do any of you have plans?" At first no one said a word, but than one girl raised her hand. Mr.Valentine acknowledged her and she began to speak, gasping between words, as she was beginning to cry. "I was planning on going to a basket ball game with my friends." Mr.Valentine nodded and responded "That sounds like fun, I hope you enjoy the game, I'll have to look for you in the stands, be sure to wave." he put on a fake smile. God knows he didn't want to smile, but he had to, for the kids. After she had spoke up others began to share their day. They would continue until a gun shot or scream was heard. They gave a moment of silence, to honor the innocent whose life had been taken, and kept talking. Some would be attending a family or friends birthday, going to a sporting event, or just laying around doing nothing. After just about every one had spoken the rooms mood had lightened up abit, and they began to chat about other things. Mr.Valentine sat at his desk and listened, and talked to a few students who asked him questions, and for once, they weren't about biology. They asked him about his wife, if he had ever been in a situation like this before, they asked him things about his life, as if he were one of them. Than it began to get late, about seven p.m. School was supposed to let out at four, and the bus left at 4:30, but not many students rode it, as many could drive, or had a ride with an older friend. The sun was beginning to set. Mr.Valentine was pleased that his class had been talking, but one thing struck him as odd, the police had still not shown up. He knew that someone had to call them, but they had a problem. The school blocked cell phone signals to stop kids from texting, and the only working phone was in the school office. He looked at the kids, and knew they were still scared, but they felt like they had a chance now, and he knew that was a false hope if help was not coming. He knew he had to do something. Standing up he called for his classes attention. They stopped talking to give him a chance to speak. "The police have still not shown up, and I don't think anyone called them before the shooter got to the office. I'm going to go call them and come back here. Please don't try to stop me because I am doing this for your own good. As soon as I leave lock the door, and don't open it unless I say these words, pigs are on the run. If someone knocks and doesn't say that, do not let them in under any circumstances." The class nodded in unison, no one tried to speak. Mr.Valentine unlocked the door and stepped into the hallway, the door was quickly closed behind him and locked promptly. Looking to the right he saw the boy who had been shot while running. Right in the noggin. Mr.Valentine felt sympathy for him, as the boy had done nothing wrong. He swiftly moved down the hall and down a flight of stairs. He moved as quickly as he could move without making much noise down the next hall. He looked in the classroom windows as he passed, and didnt see many people, as they were away from the door. The ones he did see were dead. It saddened him to think of how their families were going to feel. Than he passed a class room that struck terror in him. Someone was visible from the window, wearing a navy blue hooded sweat shirt, blue jeans, a back pack, and aiming a gun at the corner of the room. He was yelling random things. "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES A DULL BOY!" he screamed, and than fired the gun, presumably hitting someone. More shots were fired, and Mr.Valentine passed by the door quickly. The office was at the end of the hall and he was very close. Than the shots stopped. Mr.Valentines heart was beating rapidly. He turned into the door to the office and nearly threw up. Blood was everywhere, and the office workers were all piled up in the corner. He knew he had to ignore them, and moved the to phone, and dialed 911. It rang exactly two times before someone picked up. © 2008 SethAuthor's Note
Added on July 28, 2008 Author