Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Twisted Soul

We walked up to the ticket
desk. "We're here to see the concert" I said trying to make eye
contact with the dingbat.

He looked up, "How many"

"It's for the 'call waiting' pile" I said tilting my head slightly
while gently easing into his mind. Not useful, ooh pretty colors! Oh gross. I
refrained from grimacing, and planted the idea of letting us in without
checking anything.

"Yeah, you can go in"

I smiled and released him from my hold, ugh that took a lot of concentration,
"Thank you" I linked my arm with Eugene's and skipped into the stage
area and dragged him to the mosh pit.

"But, my hair" he whined.

"With all the hair spray you used, it ain't comin down soon" I said
as Yami and Mr. Cop took places beside me. The music started off from a local
band. I ran to the middle of the mosh pit and started moshing with two guys
with dreads, and a white boy who was drunk off his a*s. By the time Miss May I
started playing, I was back to hugging the stage and getting crushed by Mr.

"So this is what the kids are listening to these days!" he yelled and
started jumping around. I watched his belly shake in fascination.

"Whoo, shake you jiggly belly!" I shouted.

Man, what a f*****g creep, a boy who Mr. Cop bumped into thought. Then he was
being pulled on stage by Levi. Mr. Cop started dancing. He did the dougie,
stanky leg, and even the jerk. Really fascinating. He takes his shirt off and
throws it to the crowd.

Yami and I looked at each other, eyes wide. "Man b***s" she said and
shuddered. "So...hairy" I said and shuddered. Then Mr. Cop crowd
surfed and about kicked Eugene in the head.

"Told you!" he shouted and proceeded to call me a few choice words
before storming over to the theatre like seats.

"Dude, I wana do that" and grab onto the stage to pull myself up.

"Haha! That's what she said" Yami said as I jumped into the crowd.
Hands were everywhere!

"Ow you stupid f****r!" Dude just grabbed my b**b! Someone grabbed my
hands and I stood up on the crowd. Whoa, I'm tall. I started walking on the
crowd, and boy was it fun, but I'm not looking forward to getting down. Someone
pulled on my foot and I fell and landed on a manly looking woman.

"Hey toots" she said in a gruff voice.

"Hey E-pop!" I said and started maneuvering my way away from her. I
looked back to see her following me. I pushed through faster as she grabbed my
f*cking shirt. Ugh, stupid clothes. I grabbed a guy's suspenders to keep her
from dragging me back. He looked back at me confused. "Help me" I
squeaked when her hand went lower.

He grabbed my arm, "Hey, there you went! Mad crowd surfing skills" he
said then looked at my molester. "Excuse me, you're touching my

"I saw her first" she said and started crying.

My eyes widened as I read her thoughts. Oh god, her head is way worse than
Yami's. "Let her go" the boy said and tried tugging me from her grip.

"But-but" she said and hugged me. Oh god. Her hands got really feely
and I squeaked.

"I know someone who's gay" I shouted as the music stopped.

She looked up at me, "Really? Where?"

"Over there" and pointed to where Eugene stormed off to. She winked
at me, then walked away to the general area that I pointed to.

"Thank you" I said trying to slow my heart beat.

"No problem. That was pretty f*****g weird" he laughed.

"Ah not really," I joked, "Happens all the time"

"Hmm," he said smiling, "I'm Taylor"

"JR" I laughed.

"Looks like our moms planned something against us" he smiled.

"Naw, I like my name" I smirked putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh really?" he smirked back, "Is it cuz JR's your

"Well they're my initials, but I like the name JR"


"Because it makes you ask questions"

"Haha, funny" he rolled his eyes, "So, wanna go out

"Nope" I smiled and turned to walk away.

"What?" he said and grabbed my arm, "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to" I said.

"But, I saved your life" he pouted.

"How bout you go put the moves on Helga over there" I said pointing
to the furious girl who felt me up earlier.

"I don't think she plays for my team" he said glancing at her,
"But I'll help you out real quick"

I read his thoughts before he had a chance to act on them. He leaned closer as
she was within grabbing distance, and kissed me. I wrapped my left arm around
his neck, and flipped off Helga with my right. He pulled away with a smile, and
I turned to her. "Don't steal my man" I warned her and snapped my
fingers in her face like a b***h. Aw man, this was fun.

"I wasn't trying to steal-"

"Up-bup-bup" I said silencing her, "Don't come near him, got

She shook her head. Wow, she's a dumbass blonde.

"Oh and I'm albino, thank you very much"

"Oh s**t, I was wondering why your eyes were red, I just figured they were
contacts" Taylor said. This is so f*****g cool. I know an albino! I rolled
my eyes and pulled him to the theatre looking seats. I sat beside Eugene.

"Why on earth would you send me a homosexual female to be acquainted
with?" Eugene asked me with wide eyes.

"Because she was being naughty with her" Taylor answered for me.

Eugene looked over to him and back to me. "Seriously JR? Don't you think
you've tortured enough people today?"

"Mmm, nope" I smiled.

Eugene shook his head and Miss
May I got off the stage. Taylor cleared his throat, "So.."

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Can I have yo numba?" he said like the guy/girl off the mad tv skit.

"Sorry, I don't give my number to crack heads" I laugh.

"Why not?" he whined.

I laughed, "Because"

"Is there any way I can get it?" he said giving me a puppy dog look.

I started to answer when I heard Eugene's thoughts. God, he is soooo hot.
"Kiss Eugene and you can have it" I said motioning to Eugene. He
squealed in his head.

"Okay" Wow, persistent much? He leaned forward in front of me as
Eugene met him halfway. He pecked his lips and pulled back, but Eugene grabbed
a fistful of his hair and wow.

"Now can I have your number?" Taylor asked. Holy sh*t, why didn't I
like kissing him? Eugene screamed in his head. Sh*t, I'm a freak! I'm not gay!
he screamed over and over. Okaaaaay.

"Well, I definitely think you've earned it" I laughed at him. He
blushed and handed his phone to me. I handed it back and we chatted a little
before he left.

"JR?" Eugene asked.

"Mmhmm?" I asked looking over at him. Boy, this dude's gotta lot of

"You won't judge me, right?" he bit his lip.

"No, of course not" I said.

"I-I think..." he trailed off.

"Wow, that's new" I giggled. Could I like girls? No way, that'd be
weird. Eugene thought.

"Uh so, what if hypothetically I wasn't gay, what would you say?"

"Well, I think that'd be super awesome"


"Yes, because no matter which gender you wanna f*ck, it's all good in my

"Cool, but just hypothetically"

"Of course" I mused. "Just because Sam rejected you, doesn't
mean you won't find someone"

"Thanks" he said and squeezed my hand.

"But if you ever decide that your boat flows straight, I heard that
Candy's willing"

He laughed, "Thanks, but no thanks. Thanks for letting me kiss your little
boyfriend though" Liar.

"Hey, you could be bi" I shrugged, "It'd make one h*ll of a

"JR" he said shocked and started giggling like mad.

"Alright, well catch ya later" I said and walked outside. Him
thinking about Candy was really starting to make me uncomfortable. I walked
over to the cop car and sat on the hood. There was a piece of paper under the

I no who u and ur frend r & what u 2
can do. If u 2 dn't watch urselves, I'll turn u 2 n. I'm prtty sure the gvrment
wuld like 2 give me $$ 4 u 2. & dn't think a/b redin my mind 2 c if i no
cuz i no u can red minds so i wn't think a/b it. so nether of u 2 can hurt me.
so watch urselves.


Apparently this guy didn't get a good education because I had to read it four
times to understand what the h*ll he was talking about. I stuck the note in my
back pocket and waited for everyone else to get ready. Ugh, f**k this. I pulled
out my phone and saw two texts from an unknown number. I opened the first one.

Hey, it's Taylor(: Don't forget about the
person who saved your life

I deleted it and opened the other one.

I c u. rember u cn't hurt me.

I deleted that text also and called Halfer. "Yo, sup?" he

"Hey bubby" I said and yawned, "I wanna go home"

"Home one, two, or three?"

"Three, home number two's owner is still in the venue, and one is too far
away" I groaned.

"Alright, tell me where you are, I'll come get you"


~~~~~~~~~~ Jenica wrote this :O

© 2011 Twisted Soul

Author's Note

Twisted Soul
HEY for once one of the chapters that jen wrote is actually normal spaced!!!!! :3 you guys have no idea how happy I am!! (yes im easily amused... what about it?)
PS. for all those people who live in a cave yes there really is a band called Miss May I go look 'em up some time.

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Miss Freakin May I!!!!! "Relentless Chaos is all that has been!" :D Dude, don't hate on muh spacin' :P xD

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 1, 2011
Last Updated on March 1, 2011


Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul

In my head (its nice and cozy :3 ), AR

Well this "About Me" thing changes a lot… mmmm yep... so anywho's this writing stuff is just what I do when im super bored (and I do mean SUPER BORED) and have no idea what to draw.... Oh and t.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Twisted Soul

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Twisted Soul

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Twisted Soul