Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Twisted Soul

“Hurry your a*s up, JR!!” I yell at her while almost tripping over my feet. Yep takes talent to do that. “Why, I don’t even want to blow stupid bubbles in the middle of the street!” she yells from behind me “Who came up with this idea anyways?” I stop running and turn towards her “You’re kidding right? YOU came up with THIS idea! You said, and I quote ‘common guys it’s going to be awesome!’” JR thinks for a minute “oh ya! Now I member ok then let’s go!” she sprints off as I chase after her.

                “Oh hey look, there’s Yami and JR” Eugene says “finally you show up. Where have you guys been?” Blaze asks. “Well JR wouldn’t hurry up until I reminded her that this is her idea.” Blaze laughs and says “yep sounds like something she would do” “ok, ok that’s enough worshiping of me for one day” JR says grabbing a bottle of bubbles “Yay I finally get to see the pretty bubbles!!” Candy shouts running towards the box of bubbles. Brittney grabs a bottle and unscrews the lid. She drops the wand into her bottle. She tries to grab it out but ends up shaking the bottle up and down making the wand come out with all the soap stuff. “Oops” she runs towards the box to get another one “Hey, Their all gone!” “Dude we only brought enough so that everyone got one” JR says “Awww” she stares down at her feet then at me “can I have yours?” “Hell no chick, these are my bubbles!”  I run away from her so she won’t touch them. ??? Jumps out from behind a crate and blows bubbles in some business guys face then runs away. JR and I exchange glances obviously having the same idea.

 I run over to an ally and wait behind a dumpster. JR goes up to some random guy and starts a convo. “Ok do it now” I hear her voice in my head “ok” I focus my energy towards my shadow making it come to life. I point to the random guy JR was still talking to. It turns around and starts sneaks up behind him. JR screams one of her fake scrams that she’s been perfecting for a while, and points behind the guy. He turns around and finds himself face to face to my shadow. He stands their paralyzed in fear as my shadow mimics every move I do. I lift up my hand and blow some bubbles as my shadow does the same.  The shadow bubbles hit the guys face as the guy shrieks in fear and cover up his face then shadow disappears. JR runs to where I was hiding “dude that was awesome!” I hear her voice in my head again “dude get out of my head your standing right in front of me!” “But there’s a lot of interesting stuff in here!” “Some of those ‘interesting’ things you don’t want to know about.” “Whatever- oh, OH MY GOD!!”  She stops reading my mind then yells “dude what the hell?” “Exactly, my head is my hell” “ya ok, Oh crap here comes the guys!”  “Hey what are you guys doing over here?” Eugene asks “nothing just thinking of an awesome way to scare a guy shitless with these bubbles.” “Ya and I got the perfect guy!” Blaze, JR and I follow Candy’s gaze as she sprints off. “Candy NO don’t it’s a cop!” Blaze and I yell at the same time as Candy blows bubbles in the cops face.

We all run over towards Candy and the cop who was rubbing his eyes from the bubbles that got in them. “When I get my sight back whoever did this is in big trouble!” The cop yells “here I’ll keep this warm for ya” JR takes his doughnut then yells “Run for it!”Even though she walks, I run as the others stand there, doing the ‘right thing’ as they like to call it, and help the cop get the stuff out of his eyes. JR and I run towards the park to watch them get into trouble. We sit on top of a bench as JR eats the cop’s doughnut. I command my shadow to steal part of the doughnut. “Hey! I would have given you a piece if you asked!” JR yells at me “no you wouldn’t” “ya your right.” We sit there trying to make out the words that the cop was yelling. “Oh snap! They got the hand cuffs out!” JR yells with her mouth full of doughnut. “Haha dude look their going into the cop car!” I laugh “we have to bail them out don’t we?” I ask “sadly yes” we hop up and start to follow the cop car.

We were walking down to the police station when suddenly JR yells “Hey Yami, look it’s Double B!” I follow her gaze and see a big and buff black guy, aka Double B, walking on the side walk. “Oh ya lets go see if he’ll lend us some ‘money’ to bail them out.” We run over to him “Hey B what’s up?” JR greets him “ok what did you guys do this time?” he asks “what makes you think we did something?” “Well for starters JR only calls me ‘B’ if something happened and you need me to get you out of trouble. So cut to the chase.” “Ok but were not the ones in trouble this time” JR says innocently. He gives her a ‘ya right’ look “No seriously, were not in trouble but we may have done something to get our friends into jail.” “What? How did you guys manage to put four people into jail? No wait I can see that happen” “good ‘cuz it did happen” he sighs then walks off. “You guys are going to have to do this yourself; I don’t have enough money to bail them out.” He says over his shoulder.

We walk into the police station as the person behind the counter asks in a hateful voice “can I help you?” “Uh ya how much is it to bail out four people?” I ask her but she glairs at me. “its 300 dollars per person, which means it would be 1,200” JR and I dig through our pockets “umm let’s see I have two dollars and my lucky blue button.” JR says as I hold up my money “and I got twelve dollars and I think that’s a piece of lint.” She glairs at us “Is this a joke?” “No were 100% serious” JR says as she puts her money back in her pocket. “Get out of here before I call security!” “Fine!” I say as we walk out. “Time for plan B?” JR asks “yep” “yes finally we get some action!” JR says as she runs to the back of the station.

“Here hold this” I hand JR the air vent door. She takes it and throws it onto the ground “Damn it JR, I wanted you to put it down gently. I could have done that.” “Then why didn’t you?” she smarts back. I just roll my eyes and crawl through the air duct with JR following behind.  “So where are they located at?” I ask JR when ran into a fork in the vents. She stops and does her little psychic thing and says “To the left” we craw a little further till JR says “Their right below us just open that air vent door” I try to lift it up but it was screwed shut. “What’s taking you so long Yami?” “Get off my back woman its screwed shut! Just give me a minute” I take part of a shadow and shape it into a screw driver and start to unscrew the door. Finally I get it unscrew and put it up against the air duct wall. I silently swing down from the ceiling making sure the fat guard won’t hear me. I give JR the signal to come down. She nosily jumps from the ceiling making me flinch. “Damn it I thought we agreed to be quiet so they won’t hear us!” I whisper, she shrugs “it was a whole lot easier just to jump down.” I sigh as she says “look there, they are but how are we going to get past those guards?” “Well I have an idea” I say with an evil grin “You can walk out their make all kinds of noise so that their distracted, then I can go and ‘bail’ out the guys” she glairs at me “hey it was a thought. I don’t see you coming up with anything” she looks around and then points to a cop “look he has a tazer” “ya so what about it? You want to get tazed?” “No idiot! I have an idea. Get your shadow to bring the tazer over here” “ok” I reply still not completely understanding her plan.  My shadow sneaks over and grabs the tazer without the cop even noticing and hands it to JR. she examines it for a minute then jumps out from the corner “what the hell are you doing JR?” I yell. 

She runs over to the cop who turns around, and instinctively reaches to where his tazer gun would be but suddenly drops to the ground unconscious. JR runs to the next cop and tazes him “JR look out!” I yell as a second cop sneaks up from behind her. My shadow punches the guy in the face making him fall unconscious. “Thanks dude, I so didn’t want to be tazed today” “no problem” I say as we stand back to back as an army of cops’ charge at us from both sides. I charge at my side with my shadow both of us punching the cops. A cop sneaks up from behind me and grabs me by the neck “you’re in big trouble missy” I laugh “not as much as you’re going to be” he looks at me confused right when my shadow hits him in the back of the head making him drop me. I charge at some other guy and kick him in the nuts. I hear a ding sound as I yell “F**k! It feels like I broke my foot!!” the cop laughs “Balls of steal baby!” He comes at me with a tazer which I doge just in time while managing to trip him making him tazes his face.

Finally the wave of cops stop and we run towards our friends jail cell, I see Candy in the corner rocking back and forth probly going through pink with draw, she’s addicted to that color and the black and white stripes they had to wear wasn’t helping her. Britney was hanging upside down from one of the bunk beds laughing like an idiot which was normal for her.  “Hey guy’s whut’s up?” JR greets them. Candy and Britney run up to the bars as I try to pick the lock. “Are you guys bailing us out?” Britney asks. JR and I exchange glances “ya lets go with that.” “Pink, pink where’s the pink?” “Hold on I got your fix” I hand her a stuffed pink bunny that she snatches out of my hand and yells “PINK!!!” the chick has issues. “Hey where’s Blaze and Eugene?” Britney asks looking around “We haven’t got that far yet” I say finally opening the jail door. We walk down the hall way looking for the guy’s jail cell.

It wasn’t hard finding their jail cell since Blaze kept yelling “let me out of here!” “Hey what are you yelling about?” I ask him as we walk up to the door. He runs up to the bars and says “I don’t want to get raped up the butt man!” “I wouldn’t mind it” Eugene says walking up to the bars while Blaze gets far away from him as possible. “What are you guys talking about it only you two in here and. I’m sure Eugene won’t do it” “I’m not worried about him I can break his little neck if he tried anything, I’m talking about that guy in the corner over their!” We all look to the corner he was talking about to see a naked guy masturbating. I threw up a little in my mouth as JR says “Hey I haven’t seen him in like forever!” “How do you know him I thought they separated the guys from the girls here?” Candy asks “ya they do, he was going through the change last time I was here” RJ says making Blaze freak out even more “Let me the f**k out of here!!” “Hold on Blaze I almost got it unlocked” I open the door as Blaze runs over Eugene to get out. The guy in the corner gets up and tries to get out but Blaze slams the door in his face “Oh hell no you’re staying here!”

We walk out the front entrance as the lady behind the counter gives us a dirty look and stops us. “What do you think you’re doing?” “Um bailing out our friends what does it look like?” JR says walking out the door. Once we get outside candy bursts out “what the hell were you guys thinking when you ditched us so we could go to jail??!!!” “Hey were the ones who saved your sorry asses!” I yell back “ya we had to pay 1,200 dollars for you idiots!” JR says trying to hold back a laugh. “Yes and I love you guys for that! I don’t know how long I could have lasted in that cell with that guy!” Blaze says hugging the crap out of me. “Ya your welcome now stop crushing my insides! Internal bleeding is so not on my to-do list.”

© 2011 Twisted Soul

Author's Note

Twisted Soul
Please don't comment grammar and spelling!! And DO NOT ask me to change the font size because this is how big it gets!!!!!
Thank Jennifer for this horrible... um... i mean AMAZING idea! Lol no actually this is what happens when Jen and I are bored in the same class. xD

My Review

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This is increably confusing im kind of scared to read the rest.... but its good i think :) i love you though

Posted 13 Years Ago

Lol, like the idea, but I dont exactly like the 50,000 cuss words in it. Anyways, great job!!! Love ya!!!And God bless. . .

Posted 13 Years Ago

If I remember correctly, you were the one who was all like "Oh my Jinxx, I got an idear, I got an idear!!!!" xD

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 17, 2011
Last Updated on February 23, 2011


Twisted Soul
Twisted Soul

In my head (its nice and cozy :3 ), AR

Well this "About Me" thing changes a lot… mmmm yep... so anywho's this writing stuff is just what I do when im super bored (and I do mean SUPER BORED) and have no idea what to draw.... Oh and t.. more..

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A Chapter by Twisted Soul

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A Chapter by Twisted Soul

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