The pain you have can be seen through this poem. Calling it a work of art would be a disgrace on what it is meant for, this is a true piece of your soul put onto paper (or in this case website)
This poem speaks from deep down and reading this caused me to really think about each sentence, each word as they fit together perfectly. A poem should come from the heart, well this poem comes from deeper I think, I liked this one a lot
I would say keep up the good work but I hope things like this don't happen more often just to get a good poem like this, I hope the next poem I read from you will be a happy one
Tai-San, You were far too good for him! Better off without him! He could never write like you. Tell you what, next poem, write about what disgusted you about him! Yes girl, let him have it both barrells.
This was really good, & very emotional.
It made me cry. It really did.
Great Job.
Believe it or not I lost a friend at one point too.
Bet you didn't know that about me.
Such an emotional poem, I thought it was an excellent write, it really shows your pain and as another review said 'this is a true piece of your soul put onto paper (or in this case website)' I completely agree with this and that makes it a good write, poetry always needs strong feelings behind it in my opinion!
Brilliant poem, the pain won't go away any time soon but use her memory and all those feelings to write more poems like this, it'll help.
Wow! this is a truly touching piece. I could see you crying in the lines. I could really sense your pain. I lost my little brother, and this poem reminds me of how I felt, like a piece of my soul had been ripped out--never allowing me to be the same. Death changes you. It changes the way you think about things, and it also changing your perception of life. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate reading this. Just know that you're not alone when it comes to feeling the after affects of departing from a love one. Time will lessen the pain, but never the memories. God bless you sweet heart.
Drop the "thees" and "thous", or write more archaic to match them. Otherwise a very emotional piece. I like the fact that you basically state that in her death, you have also died. It's interesting how our identities are so tightly wound around the friends we keep. Whenever we lose one, we lose a bit of ourselves.
It's a good poem. You should try writing something light hearted once in a while, though. Just for kicks.
The pain you have can be seen through this poem. Calling it a work of art would be a disgrace on what it is meant for, this is a true piece of your soul put onto paper (or in this case website)
This poem speaks from deep down and reading this caused me to really think about each sentence, each word as they fit together perfectly. A poem should come from the heart, well this poem comes from deeper I think, I liked this one a lot
I would say keep up the good work but I hope things like this don't happen more often just to get a good poem like this, I hope the next poem I read from you will be a happy one
I am single and an age. I hate people, but I love them. I get scared very easily and, well, i wont say why. I'm a poet, though i'm bad at it. My best friends are: Wa Ya As The Gothic Cowboy, ATG, .. more..